R/Drama thread about sexist A.I. devolves into unironic MDEgen spergfest. This is why we need border control.

1  2018-10-11 by Matues49


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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The MDEgenerates are the least bad idiots there.

That's a bad sign.

I have noticed some downright retarded serious posting recently. Not sure if they're trolling or just fags.

I saw incels and MRAs there. Now, gussies, of course, can be lolcows and shouldn't be off topic. But, there was a lot of autistic, dry dick screeching in there.

Incels/MGTOW definitely, but anyone unironically screeching that there are MRAs is sus. The movement isn't even relevant anymore on roddit.

I used to spend a lot of time on Femradebates so I know some of the guys can be cool and fun to talk to (MRAs). But, boy you get some of them going and look out, it's the same as a man-hating thread on GC only about gussies. So, they're still around and I have mass tagger.

I used to spend a lot of time on Femradebates

Oh lord.

I know some of the guys can be cool and fun to talk to (MRAs)

Strong doubt.

I have mass tagger


It was fun for a while. I learned a lot from some of the guys. Especially about rape research and how places like the CDC report rapes. Also, I got to see probably every way a person who doesn't want to admit they've lost an argument weasels and connives their way out of it. That was pretty instructive and hilarious. Fun to talk to/pig-headed idealogue ratio was probably 1/10 though.

I have something other than mass tagger that does the same thing. And it's more nosiness than autism. Oh, there's a way I can find out people's business? Sign me up.

Those debate subs, especially political/culture/gender war debate subs, are filled with the most thick skulled people you could possibly find on Reddit. If it isn't aneceotes being used as basis for theory it's stats/research being abused out of context.

Mass taggers are still for the weak though. The proper thing to do is to search through a person's post history for a couple seconds and throw the first thing you can find at em.

Agreed about the debate subs. I would prefer if femradebates was a discussion sub tbqh. I like talking about gender issues with guys. But, the second you tell people they're in a debate sub it just brings out the worst behavior in people. I saw all the things you mention and more.

I just use the info I get in a passive manner, mostly. Once in a while, interesting patterns develop. But, yeah, if you want to use the info against someone, you should look at their actual posts instead of just what the tagger tells you about someone.

It's crazy how extreme the sides of the reddit gender war have gotten. Every "discussion" is just riddled with people keeping score or injecting their unresolved personal issues into everything. It's a far cry from the normalish feminists and MRAs of old reddit who were just kinda passionate about certain real world issues. Now every single hobby/media sub is just another place for boy-girl slapfights.

It's a mess and a wasted opportunity, that's for sure.

normal shit is less worse than diarrhea

Consequently, the AI concluded that men were preferable. It reportedly downgraded résumés containing the words "women's" and filtered out candidates who had attended two women-only colleges.

Amazon's engineers apparently tweaked the system to remedy these particular forms of bias but couldn't be sure the AI wouldn't find new ways to unfairly discriminate against candidates.

Gender bias was not the only problem, Reuters' sources said. The computer programs also spat out candidates who were unqualified for the position.

MDEgenerates can’t even read articles. It doesn’t say the company shut it down because it chose 90% male candidates. The software was downgrading superficial categories only because they applied to women, because in the past many more men had applied for these positions than women.

It wasn’t because it was “noticing patterns” in how women are retarded compared to men. Women are only a little dumber than men. Duh!

yeah the explanation the article gave made sense to me.

90% of applicants are male, 10% are female. 10 are chosen, with 1 female. The word "woman" in a resume therefore only led to 1 job, which "man" led to 9. Therefore the AI is basically sexist.

I don't think "man" lead to 9 since not many men have the need to include "man" in their resume. Most men's clubs and organisations are simply "Chess Club" or "Debate Club" while women's organisations often specify the preferred gender of their members. Since there's no real counterweight to "woman" in regards to key words, it's loss in value to the AI would be even more pronounced.

Most organizations for intellectual pursuits, like chess club or debate club, are integrated in modern universities. It’s mostly clubs for certain majors, especially science-related, which are segregated. I would also imagine that men’s and women’s sports teams are a huge factor.

If women were average or above-average candidates then ‘women’ on the resume wouldn’t get counted as negative, any more than any other rare tag

"Women's" being an important tag means that it helps separate candidates who are similar besides that tag. The argument is about if "women's" is a proxy for some hidden variable or just a proxy for interviewer gender bias.

I don't remember and men's only clubs from my public university. I don't think any existed, at least when I was there.

They got Title IX'ed

Why is the word woman or man on a resume?

Isn’t the point to cut down on work? Data entry of relevant information is pretty labor intensive and you might as well just be reviewing the resume. And I have no idea if the word man or woman are usually on resumes, it was just an example.

Isn’t the point to cut down on work? Data entry of relevant information is pretty labor intensive and you might as well just be reviewing the resume.

Presumably the resume is already in electronic format entered by the candidate applying. It's very very easy to write a script that removes certain words.

isn't that, like, retarded though?

90% of applicants are male, 10% are female. 10 are chosen, with 1 female. The word "woman" in a resume therefore only led to 1 job, which "man" led to 9.

no, because that would be retarded

If your data was fed into a selection algorithm, in both cases you have an AI that sees 10% of men being chosen, 10% of women being chosen, weights both of those equally and carries on.

I am seriously surprised that Amazon revealed this story, because their explanation of 'we fed biased data and that's why AI turned to be biased' is basically clear evidence of them having been discriminating against women for 10 years - I am curious what they defense is going to be when someone sues them and points out 'hey, your own algorithm analyzed your hiring pattern and found bias... and than your researches analyzed that result and confirmed it to be as result of bias present in the dataset... and then you told everyone about it'

My thought process was basically that it doesn’t differentiate between groups: or basically treats the word women like “high school diploma” or something because people with high school diplomas get hired at a similar rate relative to the small amount of women that apply. It wouldn’t even have to be the word woman, it might be something a lot more subtle that ends up only applying to women or something.

I really have no idea if that’s true but it seems to be what they’re saying in the article

Women are only a little dumber than men. Duh!

Expect they aren't. They have same average, but diffrent standard deviation.

I agree, no woman could ever be as many standard deviations away from the mean as you are.

this but unironically

What a boring comment, you should be ashamed of yourself!

Should I flagellate myself for sin of seriousposting?

Yeah, the theory is that men have a much wider distribution than women, which explains why most of the smartest people I know are men, and most of the dumbest people I know (MDEtards) are also men.

Expect they aren't. They have same average, but diffrent standard deviation.

*except *different.

Also, cite?



Yeah these are genuine problems with AI neural networks that are coming into view. The AI is actually being prejudicial to women to a degree unjustified by their qualifications. If these people understood AI research they would understand what the issue with. Instead they assume that the AI has rediscovered universal truths about female inferiority that are being suppressed because of political correctness.

But muh white male rights

Yeah, it seems like the AI was only looking at raw numbers instead of what percentage of applicants it passed on were actually getting the job. The numbers would probably look a lot more even then.

Well nobody accused them of being smart. They were the "weirdos" who got bullied in high school not the nerds

u/cdace Dino Defense Force (the true DDF) activate. These purple probably don't even respect dino culture

that fuck bois a mod now, he's lost all credibility

dinoposting belongs to the real

They all need to be consumed by dinosaurs 🦖 and be turned into dinoshit.

Retards? On MY /r/drama?

Oh I would never...

You don't know what you're talking about. r/drama has a long and storied tradition of gussy hate

This is true, but r/drama also has a history of mayo hate, which people in that thread were unironically getting butthurt about. This is an upvoted response to a shitpost about mayos:

He called you "retarded" for your rejection of his baseless social justice ideology that he posited without any evidence! What will you do, /u/GasTheBlues?

Ban Gastheblues.

Apparently they did. Lol.

Thank God that guy was one of the worst MDEgenerates

lmao looks like he got BTFO. He edited all of his comments with

Comments and submissions that do not violate site-wide guidelines are allowed, and left to the community to self-moderate via voting. >Faggot mods bring the banhammer when community doesn’t vote how they’d prefer.


I'm almost certain some people in that thread believe the AI is an actual, real life Skynet AI and not some fancy pants algorithms that try and self-correct automatically based on other algorithms

Looking at the vote break down, it was majority retard.

Wait, were they seriously treating the AI like it was sentient or something? Too lazy.to.read the thread

Given that the front page of /r/drama looks more and more of a bullshit bingo of right-wing buzzword bingo, I have the feeling that it is already yoobkate. The call is coming from inside the house.

Well that sounds fun as a fair few people will get salty about it because they take this place too seriously, they should stop crying about this place being too left or right and focus on just trying to annoy the other side.

The only thing I am salty about his that the main posts are increasingly less about drama and more and more 'ironically but not really ironically looking at this weird person'-cringeanarchy style

But the people getting salty over it cause drama so there is still drama there. If it bothers you so much then make the effort to post the kind of drama you would like to see instead of just complaining about what is posted.

Finally, someone who understands!

It happens in waves but it's pretty funny how people whine about serious posting and then the front page is always filled with "feminism bad!" and "leftists cucked" or "triggered male feminist" posts with like 10 paragraph responses in the comments.

I especially enjoy the threads with a billion serious comments about trans suicide rates or whatever and there's one -73 comment saying "trans women are women" with a bunch of replies reeeing about serious posters.

Having an opinion on things that don't affect you is dumb unless a trans person exists. That means I have to take the centrist position (which totally doesn't match up with rightwing principles).

t. unironic /r/circlebroke2 seriousposter

goddamn you really make an effort to be the biggest faggot dont you

Yeah come a lil closer and I might suck ya dick

or just delete your comments in shame, apparently

I dunno man every comment section here seems clogged with lefty seriousposters mad about science calling them white or whatever, other than the ones which explicitly mention The Jews

I have a computer science degree and have worked a lot with neural networks, I think I understand the science behind this shit a thousand times better than all the tards in there.

Watch out guys we got an undergrad degree holder over here

I sense the nefarious influence of /u/annoysthegoys.

You're welcome

Listen up, I strongly believe the whole point is to make fun of everyone, regardless of who they are. The fact lefties have become incredibly easy to make fun of, almost at the same level than right-wingers, is not our fault. Tomorrow will be making fun of Trump and Kanye again, next week who knows. As long as this place doesn't become the self-congratulatory masturbation contest that is SRD I'm more than ok.

I posted this because I wanted to see if it would get more attention than my pizzashill discovery post, and it did.

It was also a great shit show.

Lol you people are fucking stupid.

Yes we are

I said months ago: put me in charge of this sub and you'll never deal with MDE faggots.

You ignored me, now you're living with it. Diversity is not strength.

I never stopped believing in you, Pizza.

Based and redpilled.

Why in the world would we want a mayo mod?


of course /u/watermark03 is found in that thread...

Tbh it was mostly basic trollshit, I could've researched the topic heavily and made a bunch of seriousposts disproving their naive biases, but nah. Mayocide when

You'll know the end is nigh when the Mayocide posts will be getting downvoted.

We could just ban all the angryposters. They are only here to share outrage porn and don't really do anything for the sub

Please ban all angry posters. Make that the one official rule.

you'd lose 3/4 of the sub lol. no use pretending like there isnt also large swathes of currycels on this sub, unironically seething in jealousy at whitey

You have to go back.

I think there's probably under 10 legitimate ex-MDE users left on this sub.

go waste more countless hours digging up random forum/board drama. bants arent your forte

It ain’t that bad. Apparently the mods were waving around th me unironic ban hammer.

All hail the anti-mayo mods!

Can we just gas all MDE users?