Furry Defense Force lolcow EXPOSED as poop slurper

1  2018-10-11 by Momruepari


womp womp


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shit the bot stole my post before I could post it

Furries get the rope.

Wrap the rope around a bad dragon dildo and use it to forcefully pull out the flared Chance from my ass, honey

I'm actually incredibly disappointed by the knowledge that you're not mayo. Fucking furry.

When you're dumb enough to assume that only Mayos can be furries and get disappointed when you're proven wrong


I thought the mayocide would eradicate this disease.

He doesn't know there's thousands of furfags in asian countries that even have their own genre of furshit

I blame colonialism. Curse those wh*tes.

chinkcels blaming whites for their faggotry

Get rekt rice boy

Acksually it mainly has to do with the fact that like 3/4s of their folklore involves animal people, and 1/2 of that involves them fucking humans

85% of furries are mayos per their own surveys

Shit must only go in a toilet,

thats exactly what someone not shitting in a toilet would say

Yeahhhh, absolutely fucking not. No no no no. FUCK no. Lmao.

and someone protests too much I think