STOP πŸ›‘ BULLYING MELANIA!!πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ™

1  2018-10-11 by Strictlybutters


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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You and your little "drama" buddies are too busy staring at men's bussies to know an attractive woman if she swam up to you in anthropomorphic-shark form and let you fuck her on a cold, windy cape cod beach.


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"We need to educate the children of social, emotional behavior so when they grow up, they know how to deal with those issues."

But I wanna grow up just be like daddy... daddy loves to use social media to bully people.

Mommy πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€

I literally cannot imagine this lady and Trump are husband and wife.

She can’t even speak non-immigrant English.

I don't think he cares about anything beyond having nice arm-candy. I almost feel like they have an open relationship, no fucking way a hottie like her wouldn't just go find a better looking millionaire to bang otherwise.

She's not even particularly good arm candy. She's got a lovely figure obviously, but her face is a plastic horror show.

She looks good in picture. In motion you can see the plastic surgery uncanny valley effect.

She USE to be good arm candy, but now Trump is too old to really start again and she has a kid... she also is good arm candy for her age.

I dunno, I have some attractive female friends in the late 40s, and while they're not as svelte as Melanie, their faces are not something where the first word that leaps to mind is "rictus."

Well yeah and even then, there are touch ups that can be done. I know one who got one of those chemical face peels in their 30s, looked bad for a couple years, but now they are in their 50s it looks natural and like she just has great genes. Still has a few wrinkles from the 20 years so it all looks really good. It was best in her late 40s.

Basically all women should go to Julia Louis Dreyfus's doctor.

Billionaire's mail in brides are the kind of immigrants we want to encourage in this country.

I bet theyve said less than 100 words directly to each other in person.


OUT OUT OUT πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰

She really should be deported.

This but immediately

I don't really care, do you?

privileged white woman discovers world has limited tolerance for her bullshit.


I have it on good authority that Melania is in fact a man.

You seen those bolt-ons? 😷


"I could say I'm the most bullied person in the world β€” one of them, if you really see what people are saying about me," Trump said.

Plot twist - her husband is her bully

Funny thing is that you can read that statement as if it was said by Donnie himself. Daddy must have finally rubbed off on Melania.

He can't trust her to speak for himself.

She has a penis.

It's nice to have a pretty lady in the Whitehouse after 8 years of that beast Michelle

The best arms.

The virgin victimized bullied Melania vs the CHAD unfazed strongarmed Michelle.

unsure if irony tbh

I think Michelle could unironically solo the entire Trump clan in a gauntlet.

jfc rich and privileged people don’t exist in the same reality as the rest of us, absolutely no shame, no irony. they should be thankful their subjects are too stupid to overthrow them.

Right up there with "being rich is just like being a jew in nazi germany" guy

Again, wealthy white gussy is not an oppressed group.

"most bussied person in the world".

She is just as delusional as her husband

She's not wrong.

There is a place in the world, this small country in between Croatia and Austria. I'm sure they'd love to see you Melania. Go back there.

Melania is one letter away from Melanin.


As a man I admire Melania for what she does. Her duties are many. Among a few: Wife, Mother (of Barron} and she shares her love with the world not only as First Lady but as ambassador of kindness ,meekness, humility, strong example of love for babies and children with visits of mercy and care. She strives to get children & those older to be better or "best",She shows the example of character & the best in womanhood. I see her as a "Psalms 31 woman. Read it