DDF confirmed for glue eating children

1  2018-10-11 by loli_esports


That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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Please stop sexually assaulting me!!

i think miller sincerely scares a lot of democrats. he knows all the jewish tricks... and he's not impressed.

Out out out

why do canadianpolitics posters want to silence me? scared whati have to say? heh... the weak fear the strong, as always.


Dude I thought I told you last time; walking dipspit cans aren't wanted here. That's why people tell you to leave

keep remembering my username.... because i wont remember yours

It's hard to miss you with all the streaks of shit you are leaking from your adult diaper lmao

i turn all my biggest haters into my biggest cheerleaders. ill make a fan out of you yet

Woops too bad. It's almost as if you would want a wall and some borders. What a novel concept.

We do. It's to keep MDEgenerates out. And Boomer Qanon zealots like the guy above

I mean it's either that, or you know, because you actually say shit like "Same with Michelle Obama because she's trans."


ive never said anything like that in my life. not even close. that's barbaric and transphobic

Literally 1 month ago. You know there are reddit addons that find the racism for us now right?

i was hacked

Lmao how is this news.


everyone I don't like is a srdine REEEEEEEEEEE

t. every single rightard on this sub

Lmao at this cumskin thinking only righties make fun of srd here.

The only cumskin here is your face when I visit you at night you colossal two-day account faggot.

Of course everyone makes fun of srdines here, and deservedly so. But only rightoids sperg out about imaginary srdines because they can't stand people attacking their precious troglodyte """opinions""".

I only see one person sperging out here and it’s you.

and how is this drama

Its drama bait.

OP is Orange Man Bad person and degenerate weeb

The drama is in reading the seriousposters who reply to threads like this here.

The drama was in the comments the whole time

Post article and watch this sub scream about. Homemade drama

It's giggle worthy.

Do we know if he’s stopped? Maybe he’s moved onto harder drugs. The point is there’s a credible witness and something to investigate.

>Stephen Miller's 3rd Grade Teacher Calls Him 'A Strange Dude' Who Ate Glue
>Donald Trump's senior political adviser once shared a lot of similarities with Pig Pen from "Peanuts," his former teacher said.


The best thing is that the left is so delusional that they think that getting a teacher to talk shit about an 8-year-old makes them look good. The only people reading this and not seeing the insanity are people so far gone that they don't need this propaganda.


>Although Fiske said Miller never had any academic problems other than sloppy handwriting, she was worried about him socially because “he had such strange personal habits” and was “isolated and off by himself all the time.”

>“Of course, Stephen wasn’t political then — it wasn’t until later that he started to make waves,” she said.


He wasn't political when he was eight-years old, but fortunately his teacher is a leftist scumbag who memorised every weird thing he did as a child so that they could give it to the press when he grew up.


Fox exclusive: Obama's former teacher has confirmed that he did a doodoo in his pants in 1st grade.

Don't delete your comment, bitch

Oh shit

Stephen Miller's 3rd Grade Teacher Calls Him 'A Strange Dude' Who Ate Glue>Donald Trump's senior political adviser once shared a lot of similarities with Pig Pen from "Peanuts," his former teacher said.

The best thing is that the left is so delusional that they think that getting a teacher to talk shit about an 8-year-old makes the kid look bad as an adult. The only people reading this and not seeing the insanity are people so far gone that they don't need this propaganda, it just pushes normal people to the right.

​>Although Fiske said Miller never had any academic problems other than sloppy handwriting, she was worried about him socially because “he had such strange personal habits” and was “isolated and off by himself all the time.”

“Of course, Stephen wasn’t political then — it wasn’t until later that he started to make waves,” she said.

​He wasn't political when he was literally eight-years old, but fortunately his teacher is a leftist scumbag who memorised every weird thing he did as a child so that they could give it to the press when he grew up.

Why did you delete this

I didn't realize the mods unbanned me and posted it on an alt, then deleted that when I realized.

Lol looks like you're mad, maybe you should've considered what your actions would bring before you ate paste like a dumb head. I wouldn't be surprised if other similar reports arise showing you and your ilk don't know what is and isn't food. No wonder you vote against your own, and the common interests.

Nice serious posting you faggot. Keep yourself safe.

With antifa finally taking the streets of portland from the facist pigs and giving them back to the people, I'll easily stay safe. Just don't suicide when trump loses the midterm.

Lmao imagine being such a delusional ideologue that everyone who calls you a faggot must be DDF.

Hope you find happiness someday.

This is why we'll win. Love trumps hate, bigot.

Nobody will ever accept your sick fetishization of children.

I'm reporting you to the LGBTQIAAP+ community, enjoy saying goodbye to your reddit account fucko


I've been had

Like watching a cat chase a red laser dot.

now that its gone I can pretend it never existed

Just like my childhood...

   and parents.

Kill yourself.

user reports:

1: It threatens violence or physical harm at someone else

yeah don't do that buddy

"Nice seriousposting" is just autist-speak for "stop bringing up things that make my political leanings seem retarded"

No it's plain English for "go back to SRD"

Go back to /r/greatawakening

Oh wait

24 results for SubRedditDrama in your submissions. Strange!

Any poster that isn't retarded enough to get banned so often that they need to create a new account every year will have posting history in SRD.

You on the other hand, how do you justify all kind of conservautist posts in your history?

I would appreciate it if you kept ableist slurs like conserv**tist out of drama 😤

how do you justify

I don't because I'm not ashamed of anything I do

You should be

ok you changed my mind

mad boy.


I was here first newfag


Why is a supposedly British CringeAutist so concerned about ethics in gaming journalism and anti-Mayocide?

His teacher singled him out for calling out his future school shooter behavior because she knew he would be an evil fascist scum in the future cause she's fuckin psychic or something I dunno

Really hope you're being ironic bro

Hello leftist alt account.

"Literally everything is a conspiracy against me."


I'd say about 65%

It's just literal shit throwing. I can't believe you're taking this seriously.

No one needs to make Muller look bad. He came up with the concept of forcibly separating families.

Everyone reasonable thinks he's trash already. His rabbi talked shit about him in public and his family did too.

No one needs to make Muller look bad. He came up with the concept of forcibly separating families.

Everyone reasonable thinks he's trash already. His rabbi talked shit about him in public and his family did too.

One shekel has been deposited in your account.

it's poor shit-throwing though, it makes the insulter look worse than the insulted

Maybe it's really meta. He imprisoned children so they found his primary school teacher to indicate he behaved poorly with other children. That's real 4d chess.

You ate glue, didn't you?

No, that's pretty much an American delicacy.

Why do you care so much about American politics if you don't live there?

Memorised? Maybe keep you comments to Commonwealth threads and leave us to enjoy our grilled cheese and automatic weapons.

It’s hard to say how much a kid’s behavior in third grade can really tell you about the inner workings of his soul.

The fact that people can be so bitter about him decades later tells you something

That they're mentally unstable, yes.

I agree. What third grader eats glue? Really?

That they're mentally unstable, yes.

Guess you proved how this is drama. I need more, defend it more!

I never said it wasn't.

I never said you said it wasn't, I simply said you proved how this is.

The left is getting desperate, and it's insane what some of these old liberal will dig up for attention.

T_D IS THAT WAY ------->


The jewish media is getting desperate as hell

The Absolute State of Amerimutt Media

user reports:

1: <no reason>

Is there a reason you don't name and shame the snowflakes?

Reporting is anonymous.

Unless the report was by a mod the mods can't see who reported a post.

What was his position on booger eating? And has it changed?

Eating your own boogers is just a show of self respect to ones own artisinal craft

This just reads like grown adults mocking an 8-year-old from the enemy tribe

They deserve it. Wrong tribe.

Yeah, it's honestly pretty petty and mean-spirited that a teacher would go to the media with something like this.

That’s because that is exactly what they’re doing

We didn't have glue sticks in those days

Wut. He's only 33, glue sticks were absolutely a thing in 1993

Fuck you glue is delicious

have you moved on from paint chips?

your flair

You're doing gods work sir keep it up

Cheers m8 😎

hard hitting stuff thanks for sharing

No surprise here, he looks like Buster from arrested development.

He is also a fucking cunt.