Chad Presidential Hopeful Bolsonaro tells a woman she is not worthy of rape.

1  2018-10-11 by StephenKingIsADrunk


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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For a second I thought you meant the country CHAD


The virgin Chad versus the chad Brazil

He seems like an obnoxious.

He's an actual fascist. The Wall Street Journal outed itself as a bunch of r/neoliberal incels that love Pinochet.

I am grateful for existence of mayo people. Literally no other race delivers this amount of drama. The diversity is just too amazing.



I am a pajeet. Everything mayoer than me is mayo to me.

Even in a brown country the mayo gussy causes trouble.

Absolutely based

I hope Bolsonaro wins, he is the right man for Brazil! He hates gays and blacks. I wish the US could be more like Latin America where gays and blacks are less tolerated and people are less PC. Also, Latin America values traditional gender roles. Bolsonaro can make Brazil great again!

And above all, Bolsonaro is just the way every man should be: charming, strong, attractive European features, and great with women. It would truly be an honor to shake his strong, masculine, imposing hands.