Man thought gussy cheated on him, turns out she was raped.

1  2018-10-11 by Ghdust2


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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Twist : All mayo sex is rape.

Could you imagine those gross white sticky white cocks inside you?🤮 No thanks!!✋✋ only black dicks for this cowboy!🤠🤠


He consented. She consented. But did Yakub consent?


All penis in vagina sex is rape

A feminist literally claimed this. Andrea Dworkin.

Might get downvotes for this

we got a psychic over here

Smarter than ur average redditoir


Hi. Reminder here that actual roofie-ing is incredibly rare and 90% of women that think they were drugged actually just had more alcohol than they thought and then had regret-sex.

You gotta source or are you just screeching?

1999 study of 1,179 urine specimens from victims of suspected DFSAs in 49 American states found six (0.5%) positive for Rohypnol, 97 (8%) positive for other benzodiazepines, 48 (4.1%) positive for GHB, 451 (38%) positive for alcohol and 468 (40%) negative for any of the drugs searched for.

Screech that ponce

Hey I found where you quoted that from! Why did you cut out what the paragraph above it said though?

There is currently no comprehensive data on how frequently DFSA occurs with the use of surreptitious drug administration. The lack of data is due to the low report rate of assaults, and because rape victims who do report are often either never tested for these drugs, are tested for the wrong ones, or the tests are administered after the drug has been metabolized and left their body.

Why would you leave that part out? That whole paragraph is their to explain that the statistics you through up are in all likelihood not close at all to the actual average.

If i didn’t know any better I’d say you’re trying to omit important disclaimers just so you can push an agenda

I'm sorry for quoting actual research instead of pearl-clutching fluff. I'll do better next time. You don't understand everyone it on seems like women are sluts with victim complexes because of insufficient data

An MDEcel, I shoulda known it was one of you smh that stench only follows your kind around

oh hold up sorry.

You don't understand everyone it only seems like foids are sluts with victim complexes because of insufficient data

there am I a drama-er now. Dude MDE lmao.

You realize most of the people talking about mayoesses, foids, and wom*n, are being satirical right. That’s why they hate MDE users like you because where they’re just having a joke you’re actually a lunatic

everyone being a homosexual though, that's real right?

Are you a fucking robot? What are you malfunctioning about? Why do you keep bringing up “everyone” at weird intervals?

i've had enough. youre not on my level

Yea, you're not allowed to dig that far down in most countries.

everyone being a homosexual though

Yes, now post bussy.

your kind

Fucking your pets doesn't make you not an incel, chief

I'm sorry for quoting actual research instead of pearl-clutching fluff.

I'm sorry but

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

That whole paragraph is their to explain that the statistics you through up are in all likelihood not close at all to the actual average

Uh, that's going pretty far. There's no reason to assume that the data is completely off base. It may not be right, but it's the best we got. Even in the listed 2009 study only 30% were spiked. The lack of comprehensive data just tells us that we shouldn't fully accept it, but to act like this means that it's completely off base is also just pushing an agenda.

Absolutely none of what was in the linked post happened anyway, so why would you focus on that?

I'm 75% sure that statistic is made up

Or maybe i was speaking colloquially you fucking spaz.

Or were you 🤔🤔?

A total of 144 subjects were enrolled and the drugs analyzed for were found in 61.8% of the subjects with 4.9% positive for the classic “date-rape” drugs

Im pretty sure there was a study in the UK backing that up, also showing coke more often than anything, if you dont count booze

DFSA was evaluated for each subject based on criteria developed for this work. In this study, 4.2% of the subjects were evaluated as to have been victims of DFSA through surreptitious drugging. When voluntary drug use by the subject is included, 35.4% of our subjects were estimated to have been victims of DFS

From the same fucking article. Your 61.8% includes people who willingly took drugs or weren't even raped you mongoloid.

post data and comment backing you up

call *ME a mongoloid

shutup poser i didnt understand your comment cus you wrote it wrong

CMV getting raped isnt an excuse 😄😄😄

Stone the harlot. Inshallah.

Lmao what's the difference good women don't put themselves in the kind of situation to be raped. That's why Islam is so smart the women don't even approach men because they don't want to take the risk

You are not wrong.

  1. No contact with women outside of family until marriage.

  2. No guarantee that you ever will be married because of polygynous marriage.

  3. Take out frustration of incel life by blowing up yourself and innocent people.

  4. Take out frustration of incel life by joining ISIS/Al-Qaeda/Taliban and taking sex slaves for yourself.

  5. Take out frustration of incel life by fucking goats, camels, and children.

Cool 😎 religion, Ahmed 👍👍👍🕋🕋🕋

You forgot the best part,

  1. Since the only women you meet are from family, start fucking them.

Well, if you are lucky enough to get a wife, she’s probably your first cousin, so

Nice. How can I convert my family?

Hey, its me ur sister!

Okay, but where does the family goat come in to all this?

Slaughtered and eaten on Bakr-Eid.

Another reason bussy is better

My girlfriend goes to parties without me all the time, and I go to parties without her too. If we declined every party invite unless we could go together then we’d be going to a third as many parties.

There’s literally 0% chance she isn’t cheating on him

This, especially if she is mayo.

I don't understand how retards like this function in society. What fucking idiot just screws over their girlfriend without directly talking to them first. Mayocide when

Fug dat mayne. Hoe go out wit sum hoes n bros she lookin fur da cock. Even if she got drugged. she woulda got cocked by some stud lata. Roasties gun roast.

Roastie got roasted. Whoa.