Is calling Kanye a dumb "negro" racist?

1  2018-10-11 by HotAlfalfa



Daily reminder that Dems enslaved the niggers, republicans freed them and dems founded the KKK


Get off the plantation like kanye!!1!1


BOOM BITCH!! That's the sound of you getting dabbed on republican style!! 😎😎😎

Kanye made TayTay famous

Blasphemous bullshit.


I appreciate your posts Ed. Even if no one else does.

kiss ass.


How big is ur dic

You know you're right when Special Ed personally spazzes out at you.

You are the perfect amount of sperg ❀️️

Nonono, they said negro, not nigger. TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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Wow. This is like right on snappy.


Get dabbed on, nerd


Ofc the bot has the best take

This is actually completely correct

Snappy is like an earlier prototype of an AI or something.

When it's done to denigrate him because of his race yes it is. Bussy lmao

Yup. He a crazy fuck but amazing how quickly people go after his skin color. He's a rich narcissist and people are surprised he likes Trump?

people are surprised

Inbreds hate political celebrities only when they are not on their side.

Recent E.g 🐍 Tay Tay 🐍

Do we have any of his crazy quotes for snappy bot?

But here's the thing, he's dumb as shit either way πŸ˜‚




Oh absolutely, but call him a retarded popstar, not an uncle Tom.

Kanye West is What Happens When Negroes Don't Read

This is one black guy to another right? Just asking cause i ain't clicking on that YouToob link.

Yup and using a Chris Rock reference at that. Chris used a different word, though.

I wonder if Paul Mooney is writing for Don Lemon.

They should just let Paul Mooney host a show on CNN.

Thank god you added the laughing emoji, it looked like you were shaking with impotent rage for a second there friendo.

Here's a good rule my mom taught me:the first guy to use the word impotent in a conversation has a small dick.

Well, your mother would know I guess.

As a whore she had a large sample size.

More like she had a large size lol

What happened to zoz?

Which the didn't tbh

CNN telling blacks kids they shouldn't bother reading so they can be rich and famous, unlike the dumb negro haters on CNN.

CNN telling blacks kids they shouldn't bother reading so they can be rich and famous, unlike the dumb negro haters on CNN.

Make fun of Kanye for being retarded

Mistype his name as CNN

The tolerant left put too much stock into reading. In the end of days when giant climate change monster destroys the planet, would I rather know how to read or would I rather know how to build fires, hunt animals, and purify water????

The planet would be destroyed, so no chance to build fires, hunt, or purify water.

This is probably the most retarded comment I've read this whole week

He's an inbred TD autist. What did you expect lmao

MOTHERjoad who’s the autist now

who's the autism now

Still you.

Lmao I’ve made 3 comments I think on the Donald in my 6 year Reddit career. The rest of my retarded comments on teen mom are totally fair play though

Stop LARPing. It's embarrassing lmao

It's embarrassing.

Says Ed lmao.

>6 year Reddit career

Imagine referring to shitposting on social media as a career. Are you he-who-must-not-be-named-lest-the-admins-get-mad's alt or something?

redditor for 7 months

Where's the rest of your resume?

I was just pretending to be retarded

You're an /r/conservative poster, you don't need to pretend sweaty 😘

You can do both, Cleetus.

Only if you get fit enough to hop off that Walmart rascal and learn how to actually do those things

Is this ironically retarded or are you just speaking your mind?

Ironically retarded, I actually love to read and don’t hunt, or know how to build a fire without a lighter or matches. I’m in the middle of brothers Karamazov. It’s quite a slog.

You have to go back

I agree, primary school classes should consist only of Primitive Technology videos.

I bet you'd get offended if I said "Eminem is what happens when goblins don't read" tho.

Trump is what you get when cumskins don't read tho

A president? Shit, mayos really are superior πŸ€”

only because tyler’s the goblin

Trump is what happens when whites aren't educated 😏😏😏

Or when you use too much spray tan.


Maybe its just me but that Bakari Sellers guy looks like a white guy who has been painted black.

I was thinking that too!

His real name is Jeff.

69 karma

17 hr old newfag

Damn! And here we thought the rapefugee epidemic was worse before the wall. Tbh, it has gotten really bad after the incel SocJus confirmation shitfest. Either way, i have my popcorn ready

🍿🍿 🍿🍿

I really hate that popcorn imgur btw. Every time I see it I know what that link will take me to but I click it anyway. I click it in the vain hope that maybe just maybe something that’ll make me giggle or bring a smile to my face will pop up. But it doesn’t. And it never will.

-yours truly u/dogcheese- πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

You just explained me why i do it in the first place. Thanks.

  • yours truly, BUSSY LMAO

Why would you do that?



ecks dee

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

ecks dee


The cure is euthanasia

Is it sexist to want to see that smiling face under my b*lls?

All the black people laugh and the white guy is sitting there like "WTF?!"...amazing.

The white guy is thinking "yeah okay if I said that shit my career would be fucking over you wouldn't be laughing."

he has the inferior non-negro intelect therefore he can't understand the genius behind this insightful political commentary

Underrated comment.

Where is the lie

MDEs need to die

Then go kill them, why are you telling me this I'm not your dad

I’m just spreading the word you autistic cuck. Fucking kill yourself

Why are you acting this autistic, calm down and eat your tendies dude

Facts can't be racist.

Calling someone a token negro is not a fact. A fact would be more objective and less emotional.

Calling Kanye a dumb negro is a fact.

They called him a token negro. It's a term. Not just 2 unrelated words.

I'm answering the title question you serious posting faggot.

Yup it is racist. OHHH but liberals can say whatever the fuck they want right? Liberals are ruining and segregating this country so bad it's not even funny. And mindless idiots are following. Think for yourself people look at ALLL sources of news. So god damn hypocritical its ridiculous.

user reports:
1: immigration policy violation

True. Gotta deport.

Lol. The GOP is running actual segregationist as candidates. Project harder.

How is it racist? Martin L. King and Malcolm X used it and you'd be hard pressed to argue they were white supremacists. Don't conservatives chastise the "left" (centre-right for the rest of the world) for restricting the vocabulary one can use to a list of words approved by the bien-pensants? It's funny how you do the exact same thing when the shoe is in the other foot.

Fuck, how is this controversial? This was clearly racist.

No it’s not

lmao, how can you be this stupid? the rules are simple, homeboy:

You do it: Rabcism

We do it: Fumny

You are: Retarded

Thank: you

The right: WTF I love calling out racists now.

Of all people's opinions about politics, the opinions of celebrities probably matter least.

But what does Ja Rule think of this?

Ive seen people on HHH call

Fuck me i died halfway through this comment

The language bakari uses can be considered inflamatory, but the content of what he tried to convey is in no way racist. It's funny how daddy posters are all about the free expression of ideas in ways that can be considered offensive only when they are the ones expressing them. Also, as I understand it, "negro" is an outdated term but not necessarily a racist one. Didn't Malcolm X and Marthin L. King used it regularly?

No, it's ableist.

Even worse it is AGEIST

No bigotry toward old people pls

They just have trouble using different words u kno

Uncle Rush played Cain Wests stuff unfiltered in the AM rahdio today.

I heard a 'Bullshit' or two clear as day. Aunt Milly turned whiter. Where's the FCC?


I don't think Kanye's wrong just for being uneducated.

"He's not wrong, he just doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about."

Getting tired of you honkeys 😴😴

lmao this is like the most racist thing i've seen outside of old disney cartoons

"what happens when negroes don't read" lmfao

how up your own ass you gotta be to think that ain't racist?