Let's play a game

1  2018-10-11 by The_DHC


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Where’s the all of the above option?

I just photoshopped it on myself

There's three objectively correct choices, the last one is just to let go of our agendaposting urges.

Can I eliminate the same subspecies 4 times?

There's some overlap in population with these choices so it's possible to kill certain people 4 times

Sounds good to me

No ricecels?

not competitive enough. anyone that can be blindfolded with dental floss, isn't a concern to anybody

But hapas though...

I just assumed their species is heading to genetic oblivion so it would have been a wasted choice.


OP, I want to vote for that 4X

Several of these are just overlaps of the same group.

These are some of the hardest choices I've ever had to make.

dude bussy

Real spill.

I settled on

  • Journalists (because they have a disproportionate effect on our political climate, but they choose to abuse the fuck outta their position).
  • Boomers (because they're addicted to voting like retards, despite the fact they have MAYBE ~10-15 more years on the planet)
  • Blue checkmarks (you know why)
  • MAGAtards (because in the absence of blue checkmarks and journos, the power-vacuum within culture would most likely be filled by these retards, and that's unacceptable).

Truly enlightened.

Hot take: if boomers don’t get to vote because they’ve got one foot out the door, young people don’t get to vote because they’ve contributed literally nothing to the country. Sufferage begins at 30 and ends at 40.

How about just making voting dependent on employment? Easy.

Income based representation and being a politician is an unpaid position. I see no flaws in this system.

One citizen, one share, one vote. You can freely buy more shares from the government in the form of bonds for more votes, but selling your last one gives up citizenship. Shares pay dividends based on tax surplus.

how do i call if this capitalism boner doesn't go away?

Sorry, but I'm afraid you just masturbated to what is also socialism.

my dick bi ideological famo

Peak mayo nonsense right here.

This disbars more mayos from voting proportionately than other ethnicities.


Says the guy that understands nothing about anything, with a smirk on his face.


no u level rebuttal

why even try to sound smart if your banter is this weak

It's not banter, it's the truth

Yeah, I must be poor because I disagree with the most retarded political proposal I have ever heard on this website (and 90% of what gets posted here is pure unaltered autism).

Please never stop being this smug. It’ll prevent you from understanding anything and provide us with mild entertainment.

You seem oddly mad over my libertarian tier meme proposal designed to disenfranchise people I don't like as a middle-class Asian immigrant.

Oh ok, my bad.

Carry on.

Let's let millionaires make all the decision! No way they'll fuck over the poor.

You do realize that's the whole point right?

also implying the current situation is any different

Land owning whites

Sadly they exist, and we need to step up and fentanyl production to reduce that number.

It's actually really easy as long as you cheat and tick a few extra.

Just select all

Anyone who didn't vote SRDines, pls go

The Epsilon Minus Minus race.

tbf theyre pretty well covered by male feminists and npcs

Yeah, but SRDines are the Shelbyville to our Springfield

Same reason I said Leafs.

I voted here so I won't have to in November.

Match me!

Mayos and internet mods are not the top two? Wow. Just yikes, ya'll. Yikes.

Srsly. This place is fucked. We need to nuke it and start from the ashes.

Can we kill the gender of peace 4 times ?

Sadly, we cannot even one time.

Mayos only at 3% of the overall vote.

proof you degenerates aren't serious about the mayocide.

I voted MAGAtards, roasties, capeshitters, and SRDines

you'll have mayocided most of the white race at that point, leaving mostly just some hot white daddies to keep as sex slaves

Priorities. Many of the other categories include mostly mayo options, but are far worse than even the average mayo.

I'm looking at you, MAGAtards, #resisters, and boomers!

Literally every category I voted for elimination is dominated by mayo assholes. If my votes came to fruition, it would further the mayocide super effectively, while retaining the mayos who are actually down for the cause (or totally indifferent, which is cool too).

The objective isn't that ALL mayos are cleansed; the annoying ones have to go, and it just so happens most mayos are cancer.

Ya dig?

This game is more fun: http://npcsimulator.com/

No furries or vegans?

Mistakes were made

Or weebs

The fact you didn’t put the Jew on here is how I can tell you are an Israeli psyop.

Yeah seriously it really felt missing.

you can knock out half of all Juden by selecting twitter blue ticks and journos

where the fuck are the furries? I'd vote for them 1000x before any of these.

But here's my picks anyway:

  • Journalists
  • Mayos
  • Capeshitters
  • SRDines

eliminating lolcows

What the fuck is wrong with y'all nowadays? This is not MY /r/drama.

Gamers, mods, and Mayos only at mid

I'm even more disappointed in r/drama than usual.

Who else here is woke on the Leaf question?

I'm surprised they're not higher. The leaf question must have a final solution.

Day of the Rake when?

Pajeets Master race apparently

Pajeets provide more humor with their poor grasp of the English language when speaking to women online than most of those options combined

4 is genuinely not enough

Really, the best take away from all of this.

Gender of peace and roasties.

Don't even need the other 2.

I did NPCs, journalists, incels and

/>The Gamer that low

Disgusting. 🤮

Boomers, Pajeets, Basketball-Americans, Religion of Peace.

Any other answers are not serious

Male feminists should be on top but why the hell isn't mayo higher?

Really hars to pick just 4

Hey, I got the top 4! What do I win?