laughing stock of /r/drama, Ed, gets embarrassed by some literal who

1  2018-10-11 by 1537569458


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Hi noodles!

I remember noodles asking me to unban him once. Didn't do it. Do you think he's holding a grudge over that? Lololol

Being so desperate to defend your fellow incel, Ed, that you pull out this tired-ass meme.

That is noodles tho. He's already copped to it

When did noodles accounts stop being banned on sight?


Which one is noodles ?


Wait, what did he do in the first place to become notorious? I know he has tons of alts, but was he like a regular who got banned or something

dae remember when noodles challenged me to a fight irl in Chicago?

RIP /u/rickythesticky

IIRC he was the resident retard for a while who went full internet warrior against certain regulars who kept making fun of him and starting trying to dox them and whatnot until his account got banned. There might've been a stalking accusation as well, I don't recall.

Like most of /r/drama's village idiots, he didn't take it well and is probably still lurking this sub, seething 24/7.

So tick tock but earlier?

Is Ed the laughing stock, or the flood of seriousposting 'fugees who keep falling for his bait?


The village bike, if the bike was also an idiot.


Just because you got seriously buttravaged about it doesn't mean it was seriousposting, homeskillet

I'm not buttravaged at all, if anything I'm more likely to agree with the guy posting against Ed.

I just recognize drama isn't the place for endless political spergery and that seriously trying to argue politics with Ed is missing the point entirely.

does nothing but whine about "sjws posting in /r/drama"


Half the sub is nonstop bitching about "MDEfugees"

One guy makes fun of people doing that

got em!


Nice one Ed.

Fucking lol


Out out out

Go shave those pubes off your face.

Go wash your balls

If you wanted to lick them clean for me you just had to ask, faggot.

Interesting how once you scroll past the constant whining in /r/drama his comments get pretty old really quick.

Almost like most of his recent posts were purged from the site or something...

Yes, 'bait'

Ed is the angriest agenda poster on here

Hi! A "person" from this sub has a message for you.

The message is as follows:

"dude bussy lmao" -headasplodes

This person found your comment funny and wanted to let you know. Have a nice day! 😊

i know im an Ed alt, but im with Ed on this one

imagine being such a lonely republicel that u ship b-kav with ratchet Yale gussy in ur mind

COPE πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

As Ed’s alt DRAtaMArd2, it’s great you support your main πŸ’―. Hopefully, one day I’ll find alts just as loyal.

did u just highlight the DRAMA in my name πŸ•΅πŸ•΅πŸ•΅

and not realize its "drama tard" flipped ??

lmao @ uuuuu 🀣🀣🀣

Lol. Typed it as I’ve read it all along! πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ 🐝have an don’t upset me 😀 I’m trying 2b nice 2u 😀


You’re still a favourite 😘

You’re still a favourite 😘

You’re still a favourite 😘

ooof, how embarrassing for you OP

This 'fugee behavior is blatant enough I'm agreeing with kippot!


i'm not sure i want your endorsement tbh

Obviously the feeling's mutual, bud.

well in that case, good on ya m8

Buttery_Nips Defense Force

