SRD replies in a nutshell

1  2018-10-12 by OnionBits


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  1. This Post - Outline

I am a bot for posting links. github / Contact for info or issues

Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. This Post -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)


How does snappy do this?

To break the magic for you people repost until they hit a choixe quote.

I refuse to believe this

Unironically, the bot is more self aware than you average SRDine. Fucking lmao. Those replies are some 2014 /pol/ shit though.

The replies there are some concentrated boomer autism.

The perfect stand in when I can't find a Liberal debate partner. Needs high-profanity mode so you know it's super serious, guys!

Kek <------- We are here

Kek Kek

Kek Kek Kek

Kek Kek Kek Kek

Here's the response I got. Typed like a TRUE SJW/NPC:

"Has anyone told you that your a Basement Dweller.We all know that you are a xenophobicI hope loon's like you just die.Just remember, people like you will cause technological advances to stop.extremist."

Shall we see how many typos/mistakes there are in it?

tfw he literally sounds like a KiA 'npc'

This new NPC meme is pretty retarded for using gaymer terms

How dare u insult gamers...



Also ironic because the people who use it constantly talk in meme.


It's basement dwelling virgins calling normal people out for not doing anything with their lives. It's the dumbest thing on Reddit

You offended?

No, we just think you're a retard.

Why would I be?

dude, its a shitty /v/ meme about people buying ubisoft games forced by one guy, that never stuck and was being told to fuck off, until some kotaku(?) roastie that browses 4chan (either for material, or to get her outrage lulz going), took it seriously and wrote an article about how its meant to dehumanize SJWs.

the people outraged about this shitty meme, literally made their beds themselves. they're the ones who made it popular, and they're the ones who made it about them. now its on autopilot and they only have themselves to blame for this headache

I thought it had something to do with a study which suggested that a somewhat startling percentage of people don't have an inner monologue?

yah thats true, but it was just one dude being butthurt about people liking what he doesn't like. and he prompty got called out for it, since the archives showed that it really is always the same image hash being used. people made those "inner monolgue" threads without the npc meme initially. then that guy and his meme showed up and the rest is history

So... /u/a_cute_grill is it? Don't be flattered I know your name, one of my students has been fawning over you and won't shut up.

Hmm... if you'd like to impress him, why don't you do something for me? There's an azure phial at the bottom of the pond behind me. Dive in, retrieve it, and bring it here.

Don't be flattered I know your name,

too late ;3 i'm flattered by every (you)

Now that you've learned a little lesson, I'll offer you something more substantial. It concerns your ability to defend yourself in close combat. Of course, you should only resort to melee in the most dire of circumstances, but that is no excuse to be unprepared.

I can assist you in creating a staff befitting a mage of your learning. Simply take the phial you retrieved for me and fill it at the base of Elrendar Falls. Just follow the river southeast from here.

Here's the phial Instructor Watermark03. I totally went all the fucking way to the southeast of Farstrider Retread just to get some dirty water, and didn't just pee in the phial 'round the corner of your bloody shack

Let's see what you've brought me...

<He holds the phial up to the light and examines it closely.>

Yes, this will do. Well done, <name>.

yay, 450 XP!

i feel like a new person!

I'm unclear as to why I should care about these kotaku people and how this makes the shitty meme less shitty.

It is shitty you nerd. thats my point. only an idiot would take it seriously or believe that people actually made it to call "normal people out for not doing anything with their lives". ya know? the kind of meme loving fuck above

Right, but the link you seem to be missing is how that's relevant to us. All we're seeing is a shitty meme and going 'it's shitty', and then you're going 'no you don't understand, it's kotaku's fault!'

no, the part i was focusing on was the "nerds calling people out" nonsense, not that the meme is shitty. nobody called anyone out with this shitty meme

no, the part i was focusing on was the "nerds calling people out" nonsense

No you weren't.

the people outraged about this shitty meme, literally made their beds themselves. they're the ones who made it popular, and they're the ones who made it about them. now its on autopilot and they only have themselves to blame for this headache

That was the shit you were focusing on, and it was retarded.

reading comprehension: zero(0)

Imagine caring this much about being called a lame nerd on /r/drama

i'm not lame i'm very cool

if you think NPC is too much of an 'obscure faggy gayyymer reference' then you're likely over the age of 35 and should probably stfu and go basket weave or something.

I never said it was obscure. Using gaming metaphors in real life is profoundly autistic. Gamercide when?

As always, NOW.

who's using them irl? we're talking about on the internet. do you talk like this much of a retard irl too? obviously not

Calm down, gaymer

It's pretty good because the retards using it unironically think they're a heroic videogame protagonist.

It's "woke" and "red pilled" but more amusing.

LOL whatever Deplorable.Both you and Trump are a islamophobic.I have no problem physically harming bot's.Just remember, people like you will cause the end of the world.shill.

I can already tell you are a Deplorable.Your mother must be so proud to raise a bigot.You being a loon causes deaths everyday.Just remember, people like you will cause global warming to destory earth.crony.

Needs more sweetie, K., and

Surprisingly accurate

Kek <------- We are here

Kek Kek

Kek Kek Kek

Kek Kek Kek Kek

Isn't this how /u/Ed_ButteredToast works but with more emojis?



bu but butt guyzzz this person posts like SRD like I'm one of you guys Hahaa bussy amirite?


lol, why is this guy so easy to trigger?



This is some pretty stale toast. Butter isn't helping.

Notice it didn't use it's emojis this time, lol. Good boy.

why is he living in your head so rent free tho🤭

Lmao this guy posts in /r/eminem

LOL. YES! I LOVE DADDY TOO! MAGA! Stupid Libtard NPCs! No projection here fellas.

Youre a retard and will die a virgin

Talk down to me, Daddy

This meme is cringy as fuck

Found the NPC

Go back to Africa.

I'd like to think I'm at least a boss.

My god, the NPCs are coming from inside this very thread!

hurr durr leftists are npc bots who spout the same pre-programmed drivel

also please upvote my regurgitated boomer memes

I bet you also try to explain that ingesting soy does not increase estrogen levels.

Literally I am buying more soylent as we speak my dude.

implying estrogen is bad

Femboys uprising NOW

Trying to argue about soy on the internet shows the libs you are alpha as fuck.

literally everything i say is autistic memespeak

haha everyone i disagree with has no self-awareness

Yes, fuck the neckbeards fascists on /pol/ for having created it. Not a good look, do better!

People who disagree with you politically are literally not human beings

I'm aware

Yes. Normally. Why? Are you one of these subhumans?

Forced meme 😴

The repleis there are some concentrated boomer autism.

The perfect stand in when I can't find a Liberal debate partner. Needs high-profanity mode so you know it's super serious, guys!

Kek <------- We are here

Kek Kek

Kek Kek Kek

Kek Kek Kek Kek

Here's the response I got. Typed like a TRUE SJW/NPC:

"Has anyone told you that your a Basement Dweller.We all know that you are a xenophobicI hope loon's like you just die.Just remember, people like you will cause technological advances to stop.extremist."

Shall we see how many typos/mistakes there are in it?

Both sides tho

the npc meme is the best one in years its so effective and simple

theres already a bunch of dumb articles about it saying how it "dehumanizes" sjws lol

Normally I would not even talk to a Basement Dweller.We all know that you are a Re-thug-licanI hope idiot's like you just die.Just remember, people like you will cause the destorying of social progress.crony.