SRDines are now strong advocates for personal responsibility

1  2018-10-12 by Throwawayforthis27


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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There is something seriously wrong with your right (our left) ear dawg

*cringes at your comment*

I was raised in a racist and xenophobic culture. The N word was both common and encouraged, for instance.

Jealous tbh

It was great. I never knew what kind of racist term Nanny and Poppy were going to say.

Dumb sandnigger coon is one of my all time favs. There weren't a lot of Mexicans in town but when one made the mistake of crossing into town, their taco breathing donkey fucking asses got chased out right away.

The MDEtards are not even trying to fit in anymore. YIKES!!

As a fellow Rick and Morty connoisseur I applaud you on this based and wokepilled comment. Wubalubub to you, good sir.

Million dollar extreme would have been the most redpilled show ever if not for the pesky (((globalists))) 😭😭

It would have been pretty good if Charls were able to rein in Sam and his sociopathy.

Those skits were fucking garbage wtf

What skits?


Dumb sandnigger coon is one of my all time favs

Isn't sandnigger aimed at Ar*boids while coon is aimed at actual negroes?

This one was a mix, so Poppy threw a few phrases together.

You think dudes like him can tell brown people apart?

I haven't cast a ballot since '98

We're getting boomered

its our fault for being complacent

Be careful, saying the n-slur might upset one of r/drama's many and sensitive moderators and you could get your post deleted / account banned

This is true. Drama mods can now delete your account. Best behave yourself, mdegenerate πŸ˜‰

Drama mods can now delete your account.

I'm not sure where I said this, unless by "delete" you mean "ban" which is, you know, a thing that mods can actually do, you fucking mouthbreather (please don't have a sensitivity fit and ban me mr. important internet morderator sir)

nigger nigger nigger

You can say it as much as you want as long as you aren't an MDEtard. If you are an MDEtard, prepare for reeducation.

Imagine crying like a bitch on /r/drama

I don't have to imagine it, I just watch the srdines RADICAL SENTRISTS do it non-stop!

no u

The absolute state of MDE bantz right now.

I call moderators sensitive

You say i'm crying like a bitch

I'm the one No Uing

Oof, I knew you were retarded, but I didn't think you were this retarded

I call moderators sensitive

You say i'm crying like a bitch

I'm the one No Uing

Oof, I knew you were retarded, but I didn't think you were this retarded

> Complain about not being able to call people niggers

> Cry about being called a whiny shitwaffle

>Can't even use comedy chevrons properly

Pls keep yourself safe.

Who are you quoting?

I'm quoting Qanon, praise be his name

Who are you quoting?

ur mum lmao 😏

Again your fucking bantz are horrific. Please do better

Who are you quoting?


Assimilate or consider suicide, fugee

Too late. Sending you v/cβ€”town, byeee~~


The other day I was intending to mow the lawn and it started raining. I was thinking "man I can't get that over with now" and then I thought "but wait, I see the Hispanics do that all the time".

Then I had to catch and berate myself because obviously that's a horrifically racist statement.

I'm so mad I can't ping this guy and tell him that "Hispanics" mow in the rain because they don't care about the quality of the lawn compared to the superior White Man's way of using a Edger, Lawnscissors and a Level.

that the culture he's been brought up in discriminates against women and gays

good thing you never saw any of that happening in

checks mcgregor's wikipedia

dublin, ireland

Holy fuck Ireland treating gays and Women in a way comparable to Dagestan is one of the hottest takes i've ever seen.

Doesnt Dublin treat everyone like shit?

Mostly black & tans


implying the english are human

They only like horses.

And dags

Especially since Ireland passed equal marriage by public referendum and the Taoiseach is gay (although unrelatedly he is a piece of shit).

On the flip side Ireland only decriminalised homosexuality in 1993, and the last Magdalene Laundry closed in 1996, so Ireland has only recently (and incredibly rapidly) become progressive.

Ireland is one thing, scummy north Dubliners like McGregor is another.

On the flip flip side, you have the coolest ceremonial head of state ever, so that cancels out the PM being a piece of shit.

Is that a "politics is downstream from culture" type thing? Like the population was more prog than the political structure and it took a while for the law/politics to catch up?

Nope, the population just liberalised rapidly

It isn't Irish culture making the changes. Ireland has been flooded with people from other places while Irish have been leaving.

ex. If you did a genetic survey of South Eastern Massachusetts v. certain counties in Ireland the people in Mass would be more "Irish".

I am dual national (USA/Ireland) and some of the stuff Ireland is pushing is stupid. Pretty soon I think I will be able to vote in Irish elections(despite not living in Ireland). Which is stupid because you end up with a scenario like Turkey's elections.

Ireland is still overwhelmingly ethnic Irish, more than 90% so.

Ah yes, total white is 92.5%.

You are mayoing with a broad brush.

sorry for generalizing

how can it possibly be 92.5% white if its 82% irish??

Hmm, rly makes u think πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

how can it possibly be 92.5% white if its 82% irish??

There are a lot of Poles here.

Nearly your entire post history is r/conspiracy...unironically.

Get the fuck out.

Southeast Massachusetts is like 80% Portuguese though?

I should have been more specific and said South Shore(which is actually East of "South Eastern Mass" in general). The commonwealth has big populations of both.

Massachusetts is the most Irish state in the country in percentage of total population. Irish Americans are most concentrated in the eastern and southeastern parts of the state; the South Shore region has an Irish population above 40% (giving it the nickname of the "Irish Riviera")

Massachusetts has the largest Portuguese and Cape Verdean populations in the United States, and one of the largest lusophone populations in North America. Fall River and New Bedford on the south coast have large populations of Portuguese, Brazilian, and Cape Verdean heritage, all of which are also prevalent in the Brockton area.

if you dont stop and berate yourself for your internalized racism at least twice a day, you dont qualify as a human being to me tbh

That is like literally Nazi levels of indifference about racism.

We need a bot that PMs users? Perhaps we could call it "hatesubawernessbot". People will think it's trying to warn them?

That guy thinks that no "Hispanics" have a house and a lawn they mow themselves

I know an old white man who does lawn care professionally and he will mow in the rain because he has no choice.

I like how SRD has suddenly appalled that a devout Muslim may not be fond of gay people because it's an MMA fighter. But if a politician said the same thing about Muslims in general, they'd declare it the arrival of the 4th reich.

I wonder if it might be the generalizing.

Generalising wouldn't make it inaccurate. Most Muslims would not do anything against gay people but majority would probably have worse opinions on it than Khabib.

"Most Asians" worldwide probably are not so hot on gays either. The majority of American Muslims support gay marriage, they're significantly more progressive as a group than Muslims worldwide.

Then aren't they bad at being Muslim?

Afaik it's a very clear thing in the Quran/according to some "askmuslims" site I saw on the topic.


Could you, on a whim, become Muslim right now? By "become", I don't mean just going through the motions, but actually believing in Islam.

This obviously happens to millions of people, not everyone is born into it.

It absolutely is voluntary. Just because cults and religions are really convincing doesn't mean you don't make a choice to stay in them.

And it's less of a "real choice" if you're a kid who can't say "frick you Dad, I'm gonna rebel and go fuck dudes and eat a Baconator," but for literally everyone else it's an active, conscious choice that they have to live with.

I say that if you want to just toss half the things in you're religion because they're icky, and the things you're tossing are supposed to be the absolute 100% not BS word of God/Allah, you should probably just quit the religion and/or start your own if you just really want to have one in your life.

It's like saying "I'm a devout weeabo. But I fucking hate anime, I literally cannot sit through a single episode without cringing my nuts off. Also, I don't much care for Japs in general. I'm going to reform weeabooism to be about worshipping American country songs and sports dramas." Maybe it's time to admit you're not a true weeb/Muslim and find something better.

The majority of American Muslims support gay marriage

There is no way that is true. Where are you getting that? 100% of British Muslims polled said they found homosexuality unacceptable.


It's not inconsistent to be against generalizing gays and generalizing muslims. Whether its accurate or not.

Hey, don't generalize rapists. Some rapists may not actually rape people, you don't know for sure! 😀😀😀

There's literally no inconsistency. Killing is against all abrahamic religions yet they all believe homosexuals sin. Each abrahamic religion has numerous exceptions to "thou shalt not kill".

Generalizing would be imparting traits that are not explained by definition.

"There's literally no inconsistency because other religions are also retarded."


Not following the holy words of the bible to the letter doesn't make you a bad Christian you mongrel.

Great. Then a person who doesn't go to church or believe in God is now a good Christian, and a person who doesn't believe in Allah is now a good Muslim.

Going from one extreme to the other is a sign of autism.

t. person who has read none of the religious texts he is pretending to be well versed in.

lmao this is self evident to anyone with a functioning brain.

How are nuanced religious positions self evident?

I'm sure you have an MDE tier nuanced take on Islam.

The original poster was correct. Anyone who does not engage in jihad, conversion by the sword, killing or enslaving dissidents is by definition a "bad muslim".

A Christian is not a bad Christian for not doing these things.

LmΓ o making a value judgement for a group you don't belong to. Truly mde

Generalise everyone because it's funny.

Probably not. Khabib strikes me as fairly hardline. The fucker lost his shit over some women dancing at a concert.

He’s literally a salafist.


Yet still a better human being than McGregor.

Please, we prefer "potato Americans"

100% of british Muslims polled said they found homosexuality unacceptable.

"Devout religious Muslim doesn't like gays."


"SRD users conflicted when forced to have opinion about actual minority"

Why do so many boomers think this is some kind of gotcha?

Progressives have always been aware that Muslim cultures are ridiculously bigoted and socially conservative. If the right hadn't spent so much time hysterically screaming about how they're all terrorists, we might have been able to sit down and have a reasonable talk about how social conservatism like that doesn't work in modern society. But instead we have to spend our time and effort explaining to mayos that no, it's actually not okay to call them sand niggers and shoot up their mosques.

So incapable of criticizing muslims that he can't make it to the end of a sentence without attacking American conservatives instead

It's amazing you can type so well with Mohammed's bussyloving dick in your throat.

Literally so incapable of criticizing muslims that he can't post about them without attacking American conservatives instead

Hey, remember when liberal atheist Richard Dawkins tepidly pointed out some of the ridiculous bigotry of muslim cultures, only for the left to completely shit its pants and try to run him out of public life?

Lolz, that was a good one!

What are you talking about, I literally just said that Muslims have a socially conservative culture. How much farther below the belt you want me to go?

gives a clear example, discounts it becuz lul amerikkka XDXD

yuropoors are scum of the fucking earth

i cant wait for them to get shit on by asia

posts almost exclusively in r/4chan and r/CringeAnarchy before recently starting to post almost exclusively in r/Drama

Ah, so you're what they mean when they talk about the refugees polluting our lovely subreddit... I did wonder...

checking post history


>actually using the NPC meme and not immediately being so ashamed you off yourself

>not using green arrows of great humor when you clearly mean to

Y I K E S but unironically 😬😬😬

Yeah, it is tough. When I moved to a predominantly African American neighborhood I told my friend "it is safe." The subtext of that statement is super racist, but I had no such intentions. It permeates you; they pour it over you to make you one of them and it affects you forever. I will not let my children be poisoned by this.


personal safety is racist

just let them mug you

No, this person needs to practice more personal safety πŸ—‘πŸ˜ŽπŸ’£

If you don't roll with a dead-man switch suicide vest your a big puss puss. πŸ’₯😡πŸ’₯


It’s important to keep ourselves safe.

lmao I love white people.

You could just tell your kids to stay away from "scary or dangerous" looking people or neighborhoods and your kids would still put two-and-two together and say something like "home come all the scary looking people are black mommy". Oops, racist.

Yeah all the scary people are black

Good guidepost there bro

Good thing all races kill equal amounts of people otherwise statistics would be racist too

Nah, all bad people are white except you, you're the special one who's better than anybody else

I bet if you met a black person and showed them your reddit posting they'd make you an honorary black person, just because of how special you are.

Have you seen Deliverance?

It's much harder to access those areas, assuming that you're living in a large city.

The majority of white people are that way. If you live in a city it's because you're wealthy enough To afford that lifestyle. Remember at least half the country don't live in cities.

Yeah, what I mean't was that, distance-wise for your average SRDine, the housing projects are closer than a rural meth town.

Have you seen Twilight? Better watch out for sexy vampires.

The thing is vampires aren't scary compared to inbred meth and opiate fiends.

Thankfully kids are smarter than you, and will note that sketchy motherfuckers come in all colors.

They do, I'm just saying everyone's racist, even kids. Original racism.

But gee there are a sure lot more of sketchy black ones than others.

Sure thing Cletus, kids have nothing to fear from your weird Uncle with his van and candy.

Say, fun fact: did you know the vast majority of sexual predators in America are mayo? Especially those that target children!

But I'm sure that's just a coincidence, right? 😏

Fun fact: did you know the vast majority of sexual predators in America are mayo? Especially those that target children!

Is that because the vast majority of everyone in America is mayo, or some other reason?

That's actually a good question. From what I understand, it's not just that the majority of Americans are white, as the percentage of sex pests who are white is higher than the percentage of white people in America. That would indicate there's something else at play.

Like maybe white people are all super rapists, lmao

it's not just that the majority of Americans are white, as the percentage of sex pests who are white is higher than the percentage of white people in America

At that point you're maybe beginning to say something worth listening to. Otherwise it would be completely unsurprising for whites to be the majority offenders. I'll let someone else pick the ball up here.

I seriously doubt this. Whites commit less rape than most other groups and anecdotally child molestation is a huge problem in the ghetto.

I question where you are getting your information from, besides perhaps media, where every creep has to be white.

CDC and FBI crime stats, compared with census stats, show that white people commit more sexual crimes than any other race, and at a higher percentile rate than their percentage of the US would suggest.

Whites commit less rape than most other groups


anecdotally child molestation is a huge problem in the ghetto.

also anecdotally a huge problem in the trailer parks.

Give me something else.

I'm not seeing where those links support your assertions. Fyi crime stats has blacks committing close to half of rapes, and Hispanics disproportionate amounts as well, by necessity meaning whites are disproportionately low.

I can find no evidence that would support that half of all rapes are committed by black people. In fact, the FBI says literally the opposite: black people commit on average less than a fifth of the rapes that white people do.

Here a report examining 5 major cities. In only one is the number of black rapists higher than the number of white rapists, and that's in a massively majority black city. In every other city they reported on, whites did over 80% of the rapes total.

Same story here

same story here

same story here

In fact, I couldn't even find a non-credible source that said black people commit 50% of the rapes.

You just pulled that one out of your ass, didn't you?

Seriously, please source me up on where you're finding that. Because I cannot find it in any major crime database.

30% of rapes by blacks on this particular year, over twice their population rate.

The FBI counts Hispanics as white, which distorts the numbers, but Hispanics have higher crime rate so of the 70 remaining percent of rapes, if Hispanics only account for their population rate, around 20 percent, although likely much higher, whites would account for 50 percent, well below their population rate.

I am not seeing anything that shows whites commit sex offenses at above average rates, everything says below average.


So a few things to establish:

you did in fact say that blacks commit close 50% of rapes. I asked you to show a source for that. You found one that said 30% of rapes. Even if that's true, that's nowhere near half. I'd like you to find a source that says 50% or close to it, please.

Second, while I do like that you are using actual stats, I would like it if you can find those stats from the actual FBI wesbite instead of from... The I looked that up and not only could not find where they used that statistic anywhere on their site, but the site itself is highly questionable.

The reason I say this is because it's pretty easy to fake statistics in a screenshot. Just want to be sure those are the real ones.


if Hispanics only account for their population rate, around 20 percent, although likely much higher

why is that likely? Can you show me something that would back up the idea that Hispanics are more prone to rape?

whites would account for 50 percent, well below their population rate.

I've already shown you examples that have the rate of rape for white people at 70-80%. Why are you coming up with hypotheticals based on supposition that, since black and Hispanic people must rape more, that means white people rape less than average?

I am not seeing anything that shows whites commit sex offenses at above average rates, everything says below average.

I literally linked you multiple sources showing you higher than average rape stats for whites. Non-hispanic whites make up 60% of America. Non-hispanic white rapists make up 70% of rapists. It's pretty cut and dry, my guy.

still unemployed then?

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I recalled se wing in the 40s before, I am on mobile so sourcing is not working well, the info I posted is a table of fbi data.

Hispanic represent more prisoners and criminals so assuming that when Hispanics and whites are limped into one category, that tends to overstate the rate of white criminality, which is what we are seeing in your data. Also Hispanics plus whites are around 85 percent y of the population, so committing 70 percent of rapes is still low.

The trend is consistent with other years if you wish to look into those as well.

i love it when people link shit without reading it and then end up countering their own arguments. Happens way more often than you'd think.

I sure love it when idiots take other idiots at their word that something isn't there and don't actually read the source themselves.

Can you show me on any of these where it says black people commit 50% of all rapes? Because I can show you where it says white people commit 70-80% of all rapes.

All of these came from the resource aggregation sites I posted btw. I expected you to do some bare minimum reading before commenting.


Not gonna bite on your strawman argument, but the table you're looking for is 55A from the first FBI link you provided. Here, I'll make the table nice and small so you can understand it

Race|Percentage of Rape Arrests|Percentage of Population




The other guy made the claim of black people committing around half of all rapes. That's why I brought that particular number up.

Anyway, that data clashes somewhat with the census data:

Non-hispanic whites are only 60% of the population. "White" by the FBI's calculations clearly includes hispanic whites. Therefore I assume the rape numbers are also lumped together.

I'd have to do more research into the breakdown of that before I can pass judgement on it.

the fbi doesn't distinguish between nonhispanic whites and whites so I didn't do that on the census data either

but you're right, the half of all rapes claim is clearly wrong

So you do agree that black people are over-represented in violent crimes then.

Do you agree that white people are over-represented as pedos and rapists?

Yeah, I'm not even mayo lol.

You are protected

The worst neighborhoods are blacks. The white ones not so much unless you see trailers then get out.

Not exactly, it's a bit more nuanced. Clean double-wides are probably safe. It's the trailers with junk stacked up twenty feet high that you want to stay away from.

It's not so much a race thing as it is areas that have an abundance of poverty. I'm white so I'd rather have to walk through trailersville MI than Camden NJ, but if I were black it'd be the direct opposite. Shitty areas breed a real us vs them mentality.

but if I were black it'd be the direct opposite

Nah I think they'd rather walk through trailersville MI too.

Tbh even "white trash" neighborhoods are not dangerous places. They don't have much predation on innocents type crime, mostly just poverty and domestic issues.

They literally use the opposite argument for any minority all the time. Imagine them saying it's personal responsibility for a black man who killed someone or for the poor to bring themselves up out of poverty.

did u read the thread bro

sort of the point

Stating the obvious for easy karma is kind of my thing, don't kink shame me.

It's your responsibility to have normal kinks.

Poors aren't a minority in any sense of the word. They are more like a virus that infests the world and clutter up the beautiful skylines god built for the rich to enjoy.

Poors aren't a minority in any sense of the word.

A minority group refers to a category of people who experience relative disadvantage as compared to members of a dominant social group.

That sounds retarded and counter productive.

No you

Does that make me a minority?

Utilizing the framework of intersectionality, it is important to recognize that an individual may simultaneously hold membership in multiple minority groups (e.g. both a racial and retarded minority). Likewise, individuals may also be part of a minority group in regard to some characteristics, but part of a dominant group in regard to others.

Similarly, some of these minority groups may actually include a majority of the population (such as the non-wealthy or "poors").

A minority group refers to a category of people who experience relative disadvantage as compared to members of a dominant social group.

You are literally raping the word "minority" and I find it very triggering.

Pull the trigger.

you can pull my trigger big gender-neutral-person

( Ν‘Β° ΝœΚ– Ν‘Β°)

Nice humanities department definition.

So I guess Jews aren't a minority? How about ethnic groups who receive considerable preferential legal and social treatment?

Pretty sure "minority" is just a relative size descriptor.

Pretty sure "minority" is just a relative size descriptor.

And you would be wrong.

That's perfect example of how Wikipedia has been converted to a bulwark of pure cultural Marxism.

So answer my question then. Are Jews a minority? Are blacks who receive affirmative action, preferential university admission, hiring quotas, and made up positions being created for their benefits "minorities"? That definition would indicate "no", since they receive advantageous rather than discriminatory treatment.

Utilizing the framework of intersectionality, it is important to recognize that an individual may simultaneously hold membership in multiple minority groups (e.g. both a racial and religious minority). Likewise, individuals may also be part of a minority group in regard to some characteristics, but part of a dominant group in regard to others.

Sounds retarded.

That's pure retardation.

Your feels over reals

There's been some really shitty cultures over the years: cannibals, Stalinists, Jacobins, Nazis...

But there's something about a self-hating white liberal that makes me want to punch a wall.

When have they ever said it's not someone's fault if they killed someone?

Fucking seriously. You can make literally that exact argument to claim that racist/sexist/homophobic US southerns aren't responsible for their bigotry (#NotAllSoutherners etc.) because they're raised in a culture that discriminates against them. Just because someone lives in a foreign country doesn't mean they're absolved of wrongdoing.

This mayo was on board, until he realized he wouldn't be allowed to hate southern mayos anymore.

The ironic thing is he's acting like this because he was raised in a culture where this kind of hatred is acceptable, if he'd been born in the south he'd be the guy leading the lynch mobs.

Of course it's a load, it's well established now that modern 'anti-racist' culture is based on bogus and outright wrong academic papers.

Social science degrees are about to devalue because most of them probably should've had their papers rejected.

academic papers.

In general we'd be better off if more people would, when it came to the grievance studies, read "academic paper" as "some asshole with an opinion" because that's what most of these things actually are.

They are supposed to be researched, and reviewed for authenticity β€” you're supposed to be able to trust them.

Or at least I had to research mine, and I wasn't even getting a degree for it.

Most of this is philosophy and literary critiscism, they don't need hard proof. A lot of these journals they submit to don't even have a peer review process, they are targetted by hoaxers because of that. But never in the first place was presence in some postmodernist academic journal supposed to mean "this is absolute truth". Especially when we're talking philosophy and not even natural science at all.

Plenty of bogus race science for instance gets published in scientific journals all the time, plenty of rebuttals also get published in scientific journals. People pick and choose what they want from these to support their arguments, because of the modern myth on the internet that if you can cite an academic paper your opinion is absolute truth. Science is a conversation, publication is the start of it not the end of it.

Similar issues have appeared in scientific journals. A cuted case that is known of was that very popular research paper on the wage gap.

A research paper based on statistical anyalsis using averages to mislead people. That was entirely to push it through peer review with popularism as its driving force.

Look at what the results were, clearly letting people pick and choose what they want to be true doesn't work.

It's funny how you insist that

Most of this is philosophy and literary critiscism, they don't need hard proof.

But end with this:

Science is a conversation, publication is the start of it not the end of it.

Grievance studies aren't science but they often use scientific language and statistics to create a veneer of legitimacy.

Addendum, when they say "science" has similar issues it's predominantly social science, psych, and medical research.

People like to use shittiness in soft sciences/medicine to paint the rest of the fields in the same light but it doesn't work.

Peer review doesn't work when all your peers are hacks.

Peer review is literally anti scientific. It is taking science behind closed doors to be judged for ideological correctness. "We're sorry, your problematic paper did not pass "Peer review," and your grant application has been denied."

Peer review is for publishing in major journals. If your paper is being judged primarily on idealogical consensus then your field is probably just larping as a science.

researched, and reviewed for authenticity

So "find people with hot opinions that match your own to quote" and "a bunch of assholes with hot opinions make sure your opinions compliment theirs"

Who fucking cares?

That's precisely what it is supposed to not be, but for some reason has ended up as.

It isn't just grievance studies, well accepted social science findings are failing to replicate including the Implicit Association Test, Stereotype Threat, Analytic Thinking Promotes Religious Disbelief, et al. Even studies that do replicate tend to have significantly smaller effect sizes.

The issues are numerous, methodological errors, sociologists misunderstanding statistics, p-hacking, publication bias, over-generalizing results etc.

Social science is bad science but it's still at least attempting to do, or at least look like science.

Grievance studies shit is literally just "hot opinions, but let's pretend our hot opinions are better than anyone else's because we found a way to avoid getting real jobs"

I completely agree, hopefully with pre-registration of studies, better statistics training for sociologists, greater vigilance around p-hacking, and even prediction markets for replicability the science will improve. Going to be very difficult to break out of the 'all our test subjects are upper middle class undergraduates' though.

Grievance studies should not receive funding.

yeah nobody thought to not be racist before postmodernist philosophers delved into the subject

Broken clock right here

Those papers weren't even social science, those were papers for people in fields that end in "studies." Econ, Psych, political science, anthropology, and sociology (in that order) still have plenty of rigorously reviewed journals that require legit methods.

I am just guessing because social science can be anything.

I learnt my drone operation skills through courses in social science.

Not even. It was a spoof paper on the rape culture of dog parks. The same folks did like 5 or 6 great ones.

Does that make it better or worse?

How dogs fuck could have at least been related to biology or something.

Still, fuck those hicks.

Congrats to everybdoy in that thread jerking themselves off for not saying nigger, real proud of them

Be careful, saying the n-slur can get your posts deleted or your account banned now that r/drama is a safe space


A nigger slur?

The mods who actually give a shit (not me clearly) delete it because thanks to he who cannot be named the madmins are just looking for a excuse.

It's honestly the best excuse. Chucking and auto-bans of subreddits with similar names were created just to get rid of coontown.

pretending this hard that the r/drama mod staff isn't a shithive of leftoids who love having this as an excuse

lmao, now tell me how all the "mdefugees" shit is the admins' fault

No thats because MDEFUGEES violate our immigration laws

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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(((N WORD)))

burgers lmao