Tits and phedre try to make everyone's skin crawl with their witty "banter"

1  2018-10-12 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


Jews did this


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Even Jews are not that depraved. That probably wer, may Allah forgive me for uttering that word, Albanians.

Damnit, I'd gone at least a month without being reminded of Albanians. Thanks dude.

That was harder to watch than dagestan massacre

Worse than watching the beheading by ISIS with a blunt knoife

This is why we need the mayocide.

daring to insult these two hilarious and brave Radical Centrists

MDEfugee! Out out out!

fuck phedre

Hey now faggot (I said faggot, so you know I'm max edgy), stop disrespecting my fellow srdines RADICAL CENTRISTS. Don't you even respect women, the way RADICAL CENTERISTS are supposed to do?


Ur a faggot


Imagine having your mind broken over /r/drama memes.

Imagine being this assblasted that your shitty memes got made fun of.

Can you show me where I said they were good in the first place? Or are you gonna keep going thread to thread crying about said memes?

Are you going to follow me from thread to thread crying when I make fun of them?

EDIT: banned because the faggots running r/drama can’t handle the bantz. SAD!

Bwuaha. Male an alt you pussy.

Do it, you won’t.

this tbh


Nice false flag, mdegenerate.

I'm on to you 😎

false flag

Uh, sweaty, did you not see where I screeched "out" three times in a row because someone had a non-srdineRADICALLY CENTrIST opinion??

It doesn't get any more radically centerist than that!

Emptyposting seems like what an MDEfugee would do. You're one of those MDEfugees, aren't you?!

Out out out!

Nobody likes you. Out.


being this much of an mdefugee


You aren't cute or funny

He made fun of my shitty, faggy meme

I'll tell him he WASN'T FUNNY, that'll totally prove how butthurt I'm not

Nice shitty attempt at parodying a heroic RADIKAL SENTRIST!

OUT, mdefugee!

You are so retarded that you make me want to beat my kid so it doesn't ever fall into the pit of faggotry that you find yourself. I wish I could your mother in the cunt hard enough to give her a post naval miscarriage.

I've seen butthurt MDEers complain about getting shut down on admin ArabScarab's 11&13 thread, incessantly whining about how theadmins were hypocritical for opposing censorship but still banned MDE - and whenever called on their obnoxious autistic behavior, they made "cute" slippery jokes and then continued whining.

Now the same again, you're trying to wear an anti-MDE meme as a badge, deflection, or trying to play along and hopefuilly ingratiate yourself a bit, or you're trying to "mock" the sub that doesn't like or respect you - whatever it is you're trying to pull here, it's just gay and pathetic and that's exactly what he was telling you: you come off gay and pathetic, your humor sucks.

Of course an autist like yourself wouldn't catch any of that, so you just assumed he was "butthurt" about you "mocking his meme" - no.

imagine typing all of this out. delete your account

imagine typing all of this out.

I just did.

Consider becoming a completely different person, you worthless waste of life

lmao you of all people saying this, you're easily one of the top 5 r/drama spergs

rent free is nice, but your head is such a shitty place.

Pls evict me

using t_d memes

good god you are retarded

Solid banter there but still, I've moved out now. Get over it and don't @me, nerd

don't tell me what to do you meth head.

How adorable 😋

Don't @me tho. I told you once, I won't tell you twice.

quit trying to be ed

you are not even half as cool as he is, and he's a retard.

i said dont @me you worthless wannabe


you're on the list now, bucko ;)

It's rare to see posts that look this low effort but also like they are trying so hard. It's like when an elephant paints.

MDEfags remind me of the kid in school who was still doing the degeneration x "suck it" thing 10 years after it had any relevancy. Your culling can't come soon enough.

Who are you quoting?

Whether you're a high IQ billionaire or the lowliest mongloid who laughs at "bussy" we can all look at P-P-P-Powermods and feel a little better about our lives.

But I done been played before, I played it safe before
Gave it up to somebody who didn't deserve my bussy

this but unironically

tho some of them are alright. Don't come to r/Drama tomorrow, u/shitpost953

high IQ billionaire or the lowliest mongloid

These are both Notch though.

I expected tits but all I got was this lousy male feminist

He probably does have man tits tho

this is by far the best thing you have ever said, this is like snappy quote level

How do they manage to be the most embarrassing people in a thread full of redpillers?

Somebody contact the CDC, Super-Gonorrhea detected.


phedre cucked the r/drama mods

think about that for a sec 🤔🤔🤔

The vicarious embarrassment compelled me to reach for the smelling salts.

Phedre, the mod who single-handedly ruined /r/outoftheloop with her feminazi garbage.


it doesn't get more 2000 and late than this

did her feminist modding style make you leave out of anger?

Lmao that’s just sad

Those dang feminazis, they can't keep getting away with it.

That was pretty rough to read tbh.

Oh shit, phedre defense force exists! You realize she's cucking you with gallowboob right?

I'm not defending phedre, I'm just making fun of the angry manlet, silly beans.

Somehow your wholesome insults hurt the most.

Sorry, snowflake 😎😎😎

Actually outoftheloop has been better than ever. Phedre did nothing wrong?

It does my heart good to see all factions of the dramasphere uniting over their shared hatred of powermods

phedre 4 admin

no jewdank no care



i like how he keeps calling everyone mde, thats how you know its a good insult right guys? when phedre uses it