Anti mayo NYT editor complains mayos are making up her anti mayo racism. Or something. Fuck twitter.

1  2018-10-12 by mob16151


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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She does have a point...

Ehhhh.......all of her wounds are self inflicted. thats what you get when a mayo knocks up a LBFM though.

not being brave enough to own her mayocidal tendencies

What a waste

mayocide best cide.

join the cause brother r/mayos 🙏🙏🙏

Is that sub just you and a couple cousins?

Is that sub just you and a couple cousins?

yes even the mods dont post shit. starting to doubt if they are even autistic committed to mayocide

still the sub needs to happen 👌👌👌

I don't get the whole "mayocide" meme because you're just saying things that a majority of modern society don't find offensive, while pissing off the minority of nobodies on r/kotakuinaction who don't matter. Or are you just trying to make it seem like "look at us we don't take any sides, we make fun of everyone!"

I'm not a radical centrist

You have to go back...

> implying pissing off mayos isnt a worthy cause

Or are you just trying to make it seem like "look at us we don't take any sides, we make fun of everyone!"?


imagine caring about this

majority of modern society don't find offensive

I don't know what far-left groups you hang out with, but calling for genocide is pretty offensive in polite society.

yeah lets see r/drama getting banned off of reddit for racist content against whites oh wait no one cares

White people should keep themselves safe ASAP as possible.

then there'd be no society. so you just want all of humanity to go extinct? As a r/drama poster and therefore 100% a white dude, you have the power to contribute to your cause, right now, today, in your very own kitchen. Go for it dude.

As a r/drama poster and therefore 100% a white dude

You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. 90% of r/drama is South Asian and Jewish dudes.

Im a bussy loving jew, confirmed

I'm about as white as the men who cuck your father.

You're already contributing for us by being an unfuckable genetic dead end 😘

Generic reddit insult #2467. A classic.




I know you're trying to make a point... but, yeah, reddit has a lot of generic insults.

Does it? What are some other examples?

/u/AnnoysTheGoys is the #1 reddit insult.

Oh wow. That'd be great to reach that level of infamy.

Reddit isn't real life you superNEET

It depends what kind of genocide we're talking about. Harmless miscegenation or ethnic cleansing by dispossession and mass murder?

Depends on the target. Nobody but racists bats an eye if you talk about miscegenation ('cause improving genetic diversity is biologically good). Ethnic cleansing, even violent ones, only works for small tribes like Palestinians and American Indians (remember the Japanese ethnically cleansing China? Nobody in the West calls it that because there are too many Chinese) Straight genocide, no ice, is bad form regardless of topic.

Look at this concerned citizen of r/drama the mdegenerate is real strong

>pissing off the minority of nobodies on r/kotakuinaction

If we didn't enjoy pissing off nobodies this subreddit wouldn't exist, m8.

I just don't get what's so funny when you barely get a reaction out of it.

For the past two days we've had MDEfugees whining about the meme and unironically posting shit like "I'm allowed to be white", as if a bunch of redditors making mayocide jokes constitutes oppression.

hilarious reactions right there. you're just going after the PC group to make fun of because it's easy.

I'll have you know I believe in equal-opportunity mockery, 1/2 of the people leading the anti-MDE charge are equally, if not more, spergy than the mdegenerates. need to go back

Yeah I'll think anti white posting is edgy and funny if they ever apply any of that to literally any other group. Until then, it's just pathetic and cowardly.

^ demographics loser

^ fearful weakling

Shut up nerd

30% of rapes by blacks on this particular year, over twice their population rate.

The FBI counts Hispanics as white, which distorts the numbers, but Hispanics have higher crime rates so of the 70 remaining percent of rapes, if Hispanics only account for their population rate, around 20 percent, although likely much higher, whites would account for 50 percent, well below their population rate.

I am not seeing anything that shows whites commit sex offenses at above average rates, everything says below average.

This is an actual post you just made lmao youre just a butthurt white nationalist kekistani who posts wordpress pages as though they are facts.

Give us your bussy, embrace white genocide, set as your homepage or face a ban from the mods that im very close with you unfunny faggot.

You need White people, because you sure as hell won’t ever have a job. Gots to get yoself sum free stuffs.

Look at him saying this unironically. 😂

The Matriarchy is a mess of codependency, pettiness, misplaced competition and bullying.

It’s why women’s groups lack cohesion. They can’t stand each other, so use the internet to create space away from other women and only have to tolerate each in small doses.

user reports:

1: this comment made me cry

You have to go back. I’m sure you are a fine person but r/drama needs to protect our culture.


How can you not get mayocide.

I don't get the whole "I don't get the whole" meme. All you're saying is that you don't like the thrust of the message because it makes you uncomfortable, while you don't matter. Or are you just trying to make it seem like, "I think actual thoughts and have something new to bring to this discussion!"?

A for effort.

ty bby

Now post bussy, the gods demand it

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Why are you afraid of this meme?

so spooked right now

How do you feel about mayos

It's gross. I prefer mustard.

Oh no it’s retarded

no u

I dream of a day when on national coming out day we can all confess our mayocidal tendencies.

Almost a mod.

People are still losing their shit over this chick’s obviously heavy-handed satire from years ago? Goddamn.


It's outrageous to call these truths "satire". Sarah Jeong is OUR GIRL. She is the real deal.

Face it, she’s no true ally - otherwise she’d be agitating for the cause instead of making low tier “both sides rly” attempts at counter trolling.

Mayocuck or Jewtopia pick one. Can’t have both.


Gooks might virtue signal, but they can't resist the BWC.

To be fair, if she's okay with k-dramas, she better not ever complain about anyone's bodies being objectified. They don't always show the guys taking a shower in the first 20 minutes because the plot demands it.

How dare you call the queen of mayocide's core dogma "satire." You will show respect, whitey.

Make me, daddy

do you know how much racist shit i would say on my personal twitter if i had one if i could just say it was all satire. that's willy wonkas golden ticket

Jews and asians are both mayos and both rich......................................#Racialtagteamconspiracyteamup

Semites are for the part especially after The Anne Franking are mostly Asian themselves.

You can still get away with it as long as it actually is satire, and obvious as such to any sane reader.

It’s that last part that’s ducking you up.

She's complaining that people are making up tweets that don't exist and couldn't exist because they exceed the older character limit. + your retarded, cry more mayo bitch

calm down nigger. Its cool.

no need to chimp out

user reports:

1: It's rude, vulgar or offensive 1: surplus autism

i think u reply to own post?

Excuse, me, the politically correct term is dindus.

user reports:

1: It's rude, vulgar or offensive

1: look at what you made the mdetards do

1: surplus autism

1: i am 14 and this is edgy

So her tweet about going pee pee in my coke... that was a farce?

"counter trolling" which only the asians can pull off because ninjas.

Very sneaky. By vaguely talking about fake old tweets being used to discredit her, she can lead people to believe that any discrediting old tweets are fake.

stereotypically sneaky

Pee pee in the coke...

Hot sauce on the dick....


Worked for GWB going AWOL in the national guard and that gator gate chick cheating on her boyfriend with married men.

AWOL in the ANG

Tbh, a lot of soldiers do this just to go get tattoos, monster, dip, and hookers. It's practically a tradition

Wtf is gator gate?

It was a huge self own by cumskins to suddenly pretend they're vigilant in ending racism when this lady got hired, surprised drama is still coming out of it.

I thought it was always understood that anti racism excludes whites. There's been countless tweets by blacks and jews explaining how it's actually different when they do it.

Now that she's disowning that shit, how long till booted from the NYT board?

Wtf why did she back down? I wanted her to be modded here but not anymore.

Gussy disappoints yet again

Dude gussy lmao

The bot is better

Tfw you've been replaced by your own creation 💀

Dude gussy lmao


I want her to come down unequivocally on the goblin issue. If she says mayos don't need to be kept in a subterranean system of vaults to protect our skin from UV radiation, I'm gonna be pissed.

why do they all have to look like a bag of hammers

I mean statistically half of asian victimbux types should be 6/10 or more to white man's eyes

she ugly

The NYT is a very racist organization for shielding their racist employees, the only person who might still read NYT's garbage is Buttertoast!


doesn't even ping

lol what a pussy

Don't need to ping when I know you're crawling around!

lol pussy



Black and white people are both equally terrible, the only good colour is red.

пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!

The same rule also applies to soda. That's why you should order some Leninade today!




If this is the official Leninade account, prove it by giving me some

No free Leninade for you until you overthrow the bourgeoisie.

Our qween has returned

Gook godess places the m*yo male back to his place

She's just pissed she didn't come up with the best anti-mayo ones.

Haha, just admit you love mayocide already. We know.

On a scale of “1 to Never even kissed an Asian Man”I give her a 14.

The breeding of Hapas is actually part of a long-term conspiracy from "white" people (more on them later) to vilify the Asian male in various types of media, while sexualizing and fetishizing the Asian female, almost making her a "trophy" for white men.

It is well known that the stereotype of the Asian male promoted by white men, who control the majority of media outlets, which make up a great portion of Western culture, often involves characterizing him as "dorky", "nerdy", "geeky" and, of course, intelligent. It is rare for the Asian male to be portrayed as a "manly" character, or even the typical "womanizer" type of character—these will almost always be played by non-Asian males. Asian males are reduced to the characteristics of smart but socially inept, and never "successful with the ladies"—not even a hopeless romantic, but often reduced to an asexual character, with their sexual identity completely erased. They exist as a trope, and nothing more. It is a fact that people internalize the stereotypes about themselves they see around them—thus the Asian male ends up adopting some of these characterists, but it is important to note that the cause of this is the portrayal of the Asian male by the white men who control the media industry, and the Asian male is merely suffering from their effects.

On the other hand, the white man has decided to portray the Asian female in the opposite way—turning her into an object, a trophy, a submissive significant other, a sex object. This portrayal is primarily directed at the white audience than the Asian female audience, although both are targeted. Why? The reason is that men, being naturally more "dominant" than women, will often be the "pursuer" in the context of relationships, the "initiator", the person who reaches out. This portrayal and fetishization encourages white men to go out and seek an Asian female partner, hoping to find someone who matches this idealization, this romanticization of the Asian female. Often, it is not even necessary for an equal relationship dynamic—many men who have enough money will go to Asian countries to find a wife, a woman who is only looking to escape a situation. She may or may have not been influenced by the media of white men, as they also promote the image of male beauty in the form of white men. Other times, the relationship will come about through "natural" means, as "natural" as you can be with the gross influence of propaganda being blasted at society from all sides.

It is not uncommon to see even white supremacists, who are opposed to race miscegenation, to seek out and marry Asian women. It is a known fact that white supremacists are often fascists and power-hungry—they seek to gain power over others, and abuse it. After seeing the media that they themselves have produced, they seek a companion, rather close to the idea of a slave, a companion who would submit to them without argument. They will even have Hapas children, which clearly goes against their policy of race miscegenation, leading to a conflict: members of their own family are not white, and they see themselves as superior to them. It gives them someone to destroy, and Hapas children, often males, as they are seen as "opposition", become the unfortunate target. This leads to incessant emotional and often physical abuse, because they do not see their own children as people. Fortunately, this is leading the white man to his own destruction.

There is a reason why white supremacists are opposed to race miscegenation, and it is because it dilutes the "purity" of the white race. However, even amongst whites, race mixing has become quite common. Due to the ideas that white people themselves have pushed, the elimination of the "white" race is coming closer and closer. In fact, race is, for the most part, a nonsense construct, but the "white" race even moreso. It is clear that there is no explicit, accurate definition for being "white", the phantasm of "race purity" is far from reality and is grounded in nothing but the fantasies of people who think that those that they do not consider "white" are "taking muh womenz" (read: insecurity, as well as misogyny).

In present-day society, the identity of Western countries and their inhabitants are not pegged down by race, but by nationality—additionally, you can now see people mixing their origins with their current nationality, an example being so called "hyphenated Americans". These people range from someone holding some aspects of their culture dear to them, to someone who calls themselves so because "my [insert near ancestor] was from [insert foreign country]". Contrary to the European failure at integrating immigrants, the United States has done well with the integration of immigrants, and miscegenation of races will thus be unavoidable, and the delusion of "white purity" will become extinct.

Even in Europe, although they may not have succeeded in integrating their immigrants well (leading to the formation of ghettos such as the ones in Tower Hamlets, London), there will always be a few immigrants who manage to escape from the grasps of these ghettos and integrate within larger society. This leads to race-mixing as well, albeit to a lesser extent, but every bit counts, and every bit helps. Why? When two people of color have children, you can usually see distinct features from both parents present in the child. When a person of color and a white person have a child, the most commonly (and usually only) feature passed down from the white parent is lighter skin (cumskin). This is due to the fact that the genes that lead to the expression of so-called "white" phenotypes, are for the most part, recessive. This facilitates the elimination of "white" features in society.

Furthermore, children who have blood from both a person of color and a white person are forsaken by those who fantasize about the white race being preserved, even though they carry recessive genes from their white parent, genes that could eventually be expressed again. This will also contribute to the demise of the so-called "white race".

Eventually, no person who considers themselves "white" will have so-called "pure" genes. Hence, the white race will have been eliminated by the standards set by the race purists themselves, having led themselves to their own demise.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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It is well known that the stereotype of the Asian male promoted by white men, who control the majority of media outlets,

Those media controlling (((mayos)))

She can't even own up to her own racism. I appreciate how she is saying this is all made up even though there is archived evidence.

It's really not that complicated. There are both real tweets of hers that are blatant sarcasm that you'd have to be monstrously tone deaf not to understand - and also fake ones that MDEtards like yourself whipped up.

Jesus you're a retard. Drama is turning into a new safe space isn't it? Anyone who you disagree with is a mdetard... Hey moron, check my post history like you fags like to do. Never been there. Don't even know what the shit is about.

And also, I don't give a shit about her calls for mayocide.

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You need to go back, faggot. You and your kind aren't welcome in our glorious land of radical centrism. This is an abode of mayocide and bussy, and you're fagging it all up.

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lol you're being awfully serious faggot. Think you forgot what this sub was all about actually. You need to go back to politicalhumor retard.

There's a crusade on, faggot - and you're the mudslime.

:) You're cute, sweetie. Go fuck some kid bussy and relax a bit. I'll be here when you get back, bitch

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Out, fugee. This is no place for your sort of faggotry.

Nah, I'll be here all night just for you faggot

Of corse you will, it’s Friday night.

Sadly I’ve got plans, myself.

Yeah, I'm sure you do :) lots of little boy bussy waiting for you eh?

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Claims not to be from MDE. Calls people pedos like the typical MDEtard.

You need to go back, rapefugee.

Lol, what happened to going out sweetie? You're going to reply to every one of mine aren't you retard? The younger the bussy the better, right faggot?

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Asshole is being almost as much of a faggot as you, but only half as retarded.

Looks like you get to dance for me another twenty minutes or so.

Nah I'm bored now. Maybe next time. It was fun while it lasted babe.

What an ugly oreintal whore



Huh, she's still around? I thought NYT fired her or something.

Sum Dum Ho

She could have been a half-decent comfort girl. Pity.

Fuck Facebook too!

"Fake, but accurate."

Just whip up tension between her and her supporters and CTH and their supporters if you want to tear apart the SJWs lol