Mayos and Allies clash when woman is brutally raped by a 9-year old in /r/PublicFreakOut

1  2018-10-12 by mukumukum10


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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White women lmao

I think you will consider your words twice after you see this CCTV footage of the vicious attack. Age is not and should not be an obstacle for prosecution by law. You are never too young to commit a crime and pay for it. Rape is not OK. This is never Okay.

I'll pass.

I saw that video and I was outraged. 9 years old for fucks sake! This is what happens when you let boys grow up in a gynocentric feminist dominated culture instead of in a military training camp learning how to fight with a sword, the way God (Jupiter) intended.



It was obvious once the woman started gyrating towards the boy.

welcome to america now that kavanaugh is a judge everyone. 9 year olds are groping women without fear. literally maeks me sick

Is it just me or is that man/woman/xir at the counter obviously wasted?

Can we change the word "nigger" so that it refers to white women? They make a big stink about being "the nigger of the world", let's make it true.

Sounds about white

of course its a fuggo 😄😄👌

For people who drop "r"s at the drop of a hat they sure like to insert them into places they doesn't belong.

How is sexual harassment even real?

Like just enjoy it

Feel sexy for a minute

With a 9yo? ʕ ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°ʔ

Hey, if that's what you're attracting, you've gotta make do.

/ss/ baby

The best part of banging old white ladies when you're 9 is the free cigarettes and creme de menthe.


Not just any woman. That's a 53 year old police officer you're talking about. Show some respect.

You will be shot on sight and you will be polite about it!

Lol a backpack touched her ass, this is why white women shouldn't be allowed outside.

Teach em from a young age never to trust a white women just touching em could set off high crazy levels

She's obviously crazy.

Well she is white

Yah but dumb white people calling the cops is a fun theme and I'll be damned if I let obvious schizophrenia stop me

How come nobody suggested she might be suffering from some mental illness?

Because they believe Kanye West owns all mental illness.

I see... expected=racist, unexpected=mental illness.

Liberalism is a mental illness.

Put fentanyl in burgers already.

I once worker retail and some lady complained about me to management because I didn't smile at her when she entered the store. The hag in the video must be the same type of person.

upload that to worldstar

What the fuck is worldstar? This mayo is clearly past its expiration date.

flyweight just made the heavyweight division

Lol, was that lady thrusting her hips at that 9 year old kid?

You are a fool of a took!

Believe women