"fuck shareholders", user in r/EnoughMuskSpam decrees

1  2018-10-12 by AchtungMaybe


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


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"Fuck shareholders"

t. some poorcel

If you are honestly defending shareholders, then you aren't left, at all. Shareholders are, by definition, profit/rent seekers, which makes them inherently parasitic upon the economy. There is no middle class, the whole idea of the middle class is a false one. Do you still work for a living? You're working class. Do you live off of your investments? You're a parasite. Simple. Shareholders are leeches and parasites. They take money from others without offering anything in return. Shareholders, landlords, capitalists, etc, are not, and cannot be, allies.

This has to be a troll

this is probably soc 101 dogma at every university in the west in 2018

Why the fuck are there so many commies on this site u/spez

Within the business, the workers make a product. That product is then sold for money. Value was created in the form of a product, and exchanged for money. Now, nowhere in that process does the investor add value to the equation.

This is comically wrong even for the brainiacs that browse the various EnoughSpam subreddits. The fundamental accounting equation / balance sheet equation used by all bean counters is literally Assets = Liabilities + Equity (aka investor money).

yes I'm sure some guy named "TrendTrader007" 1. has life savings 2. has 30 years worth of life savings and 3. leveraged it all on TSLA sometime in the past year TSLA such that it's worth nothing now