Soyboy is fired for his use of vulgar language on twitter, you won't believe what movement rhyming with ShmamerShmate is behind it.

1  2018-10-12 by JackRipener


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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YIKES def going to male feminist a gussy in the near future 🤔🤔🤔




Love you bae 😍

Love your name bae 😍

I've come to call it the Nintendo Switch face

Mario didn't need to be a fuckin casualty in this

mr bing bing yahoo himself

Soylent grin

Try some

Experience the joy

Don't fear the soy

Try some soy

Experience the joy

Works better IMO and doesn't need the 3rd line

might be the most annoying and try hard writing style i think ive ever seen

Yet there's a thread full of "people" lamenting how they won't get to read a book full of it.

imagine losing ur job over virtue signalling that hard

PS— It’s okay if you’re not okay.

how can u be that retarded? 🤕🤕🤕 i disrespect gussy constantly on here and even i dont condescend like that

“Numale smile”

Nu-male/soy grin.

Fuck Trump. But he’s just the ugly fake-gold mask they’ve put on this thing. Fuck all the GOP, fuck that blubbering, bristling frat boy judge, fuck McConnell, Ryan, Grassley, Collins, every last one of them. Fuck them for how they’ve shamed victims and helped dismantle democracy.

got damn

This is the 'eloquent profanity' some of those slfshit fags were jerking off so hard?

That'd be embarrassing even in /r/politics


Stop this

He couldn't if he wanted to.

Yeah, that's kinda how we feel about your posts nowadays. You've gotta spice things up, fam

He's a hack.

Washed up

I strongly disagree. Washed up implies a prior greatness. And /u/Ed_butteredtoast just not have that.


Soy contains phytoestrogen -- plant estrogen -- that is assumed by insecure dipshits to have an effect on male virility. (Regular milk has estrogen. So does bourbon.) More to the point, it is a coded insult that implicitly, if not explicitly, sexist and homophobic.

Holy shit this guy is based!

Ironically, soy and cuck and beta are also baby booboo diaperboy insults -- they're the repeated chants of not a savvy bully but the savvy bully's dingleberry buddies who stand in the back and just repeat what they hear. A gaggle of lesser dumdums behind King Dumdum Biff Tannen.

Double based!

I've always felt in order to talk the best shit online you need to touch on people's insecurities. Usually that's quite difficult since you likely don't know what the person in question is insecure about, but with male feminists, it's literally always the same things: feminine behaviour, male pattern balding, sub par intelligence, difficulty getting laid, jealousy and lack of confidence. That's why cuck and soyboy stuck so well in my view, but alas they're overused to the point of meaningless now.

Cuck and soyboy have more to do with what the right is insecure about than anything else.

I'd respond to this if it weren't confirmed that you're the biggest bait troll on reddit.

It's kinda true. The effeminate lefty dudes excepted their pussiness long ago. The rightoids are rightfully terrified of being found out that they enjoy mimosas and brunch.

Not wrong, though.

While far leftists do indeed look pretty pathetic usually, they don't try to act like they are anything but gentle, polite, effeminate shoulders to lean on. A "new-male", if you will.

Meanwhile the rightoids are also full of thinspos, neckbeards, and wannabe traps, but they unlike their counterparts on the left do endlessly obsess over looking and acting as masculine as can be, and idolize anyone who holds their views while being a "chad". This is normal behavior for closeted homosexuals, so it makes some sense for many of them, but it also does give you a window into the mindset of the people using those insults and why they're using them.

If you call a cuck a cuck, they're probably going to shrug and say "yes, and?". Emasculation only really stings if someone who highly values their masculinity is the one on the receiving end. The reason /pol/acks use cuck and soyboy is because they fear being seen as effeminate, and so think if the insult would work on them, it should also work on people who look like what they fear they are perceived as.

tl;dr: leftoids revel in being faggy. Rightoids, while also faggy, fear that being pointed out, which is why they always jump to it as an insult.

This is analysis we deserve.

Not wrong, though.

Judging by how butthurt the two lefties quoted above were, it's kinda wrong.

generalizing right-wing

nah, right wing has everyone from neocons to wheat field christfags to pederasts to anarcho-prim pagans, while all the left has is different degrees and strains of marxists.

the only thing that every right winger has in common is mental retardation.

Pin this shit

The leftist is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a snowflake, pussy, beta, shill, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a cuck or soyboy and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

man this 1930s german propaganda pasta sure is making the rounds these days

Goebell posting, yes!

Goebell posting based posting

Everyone on Reddit assumes everyone else has their own insecurities

Dude soy lmao

I love it when they're so butthurt, that they're practically running on autopilot

baby booboo diaperboy? He sounds exactly like reddit user devavrata17. I've never seen anyone else with the same weird obsession with babies and diapers use such bizarre language

Soy is good

also too expensive

I have read his tweets and can confirm, he is a dickless pig. H2h

There is only one mention of gamergate in the whole thread. Why would you even mention that?

It's in his tweets you mong

The top comment on this post has it

w0wee that was a sad read, what makes it pathetic is how he tries to act like a lamb caught in headlights, like he didn't knowingly dive headfirst into this mess. if he at least owned up to it properly it wouldn't be so bad, but this act about how surprised he is, is laughable.

They can eat shit. All of them. They can eat a boot covered in shit.

Why is this happening to me? I'm just a humble writer who dared to have a political opinion

They're so retarded man. Robbie Rodrigez, the guy who designed Spider Gwen, literally flashed his asshole at someone on twitter

So I am fired. I fucked it all up, ruined everything for all of you, and now capeshitgate has a big piece of ammo to justify everything they do and paint all of you as horrible people because of me.

I didn't intend for this at all. I didn't want any of this to happen. I thought what I was doing was a joke, all I wanted to do was point out something odd and laugh about it.

But I crossed a line. I can try and excuse it for hours but it won't matter. I can accuse everyone of not listening but I'm not listening to myself.

This is nobody's decision but my bosses'. The other artists didn't force me out, and no that doesn't make them bad mods who support tone policing because only two or three of them were online when I managed to get fired anyway and I didn't give any of them a chance to say anything.

So don't go after the other professional capeshitters. They did nothing wrong and they are wonderful soyboys. They're the best soyboys I've ever met and I don't know what I'm going to do without them.

But I can't be here any more. My security badge has been deactivated. I look at twitter and see that all sorts of people realize I'm a Hibernian. Every day seems to have at least one long, angry rant from me. And I end up doing shit like I did earlier, resulting in everyone in this community having to bear the burden of my sins.

So I am fired. I do want to hurt lots of you anymore, you should eat a boot full of shit you fucksticks. Proud womyn should have to be afraid of commenting here because they're worried what I'll do now that I've lost my "career" and have nothing to lose.

I don't know what I'm going to do. Capeshit is all I have. People laugh at that or think I'm exaggerating but it's true. That job was also where I slept. I'm probably going to freeze out here.

But I have to leave. Because the office security guard has run out of sympathy and is starting to walk over to the tent I've set up next to the parking lot. I gave the money I love a new daddy because I couldn't stop swearing at strangers on the internet on a Twitter account with my employer listed. I ruined it for all of you, made everything worse for everybody because I can't get an erection.

I'm sorry everyone. I really am. Please believe that if you believe nothing else I've said. Don't hate the rest of the pro capeshitters. They're awesoyme people. I'm the one that fucked up. And I'm sorry.

Good job bobby, here's a star

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This thread has ran its course.

Fuck I hate cunt mods that do this shit. Fuck you.

"I can't be bothered actually moderating this tread any more"

The mod probably sees people poking fun at a chubby bald try-hard twitter warrior with a permanent gaping maw and beard to hide his non-existent jaw line who spends op much time over space cape-shit as hitting too close to home.

He has the soy beard and everything. This guy rapes.

Lol if you want to read another soyboy account of being penalized by twitter, check this out

dude soy lmao

I'm a bit out of the loop on the soy meme, update me.

Go back to GamerGhazi, you are not wanted here.


The retarded idea that soy has estrogen and therefore makes men feminine.

Don't act surprised when your atrophied, unused cock drops off in the tub.

God I fucking hate pseudoscience being used as an argument to back up retarded political shitflinging.

It supports removing the first amendment rights of NFL players and defends Roseanne, it's either a mentally deranged American not worth your time or a Russian troll account.

Remember, the NPC meme is dehumanizing!!

This is some of his "work"... should have been fired for this alone:


This is me after sniffing a soylent fart

That's is an unironic YIKES from me dog, how did this guy make it as a professional writer? Did they just need someone to fill the pages with words

Is this real? Is a fart fetish scene fucking Star Wars canon?

I'm fucking dying, is this actually real?

What an atrocity. Writing this bad should be criminalized.

I agree. I wouldn't have laughed at this shit when I was 12, as an adult I'm honestly just grossed out...

What the fuck

It's ironic that he is so cucked he actually defends the companies firing him for his views.

This retard is really proud of his gay Star Wars character despite the fact there have been others before his. Your not fucking special.