/u./sentrybot619 literally REEEEEEs defending the Scam Citizen game that will be out in 20 years, seriously just look at this history.

1  2018-10-13 by FailedTech


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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I think both of you are retarded

I mean, i am posting in /r/drama

I sub to /r/drama too

I was pointing that you are REEEE'ing because you're making shit up just so you can troll people.

"Scam Citizen game that will be out in 20 years"

I'm literally playing it right now in another window.




So the games done then?

Didn't say that.

Just OP is freaking out calling it a scam and saying it will be done in 20 years.

It's clearly well on its way. There's plenty of people on youtube streaming gameplay right now.


Are they playing the completed version?

inb4 RDR2 early access is a scam cause its unfinished reeeeeeeeeeeee

It's an unfinished game. It's a fucking scam. They keep selling ships that arent even in game, just some drawings on paper.

That's just silly. Every one knows the ship sales are to raise money for dev ops. They've finished plenty of ships. Almost 100 are playable. People are streaming gameplay right now on youtube.

Not sure why OP had to reeeee on r/drama after getting called out for making shit up.