Buckle up kids! It's time for a crazy gun nut, California, and some legal action!

1  2018-10-13 by rationalhuckleberry

Mods: this involves a case where a person has their information publicly available, posted everywhere, and it is literally impossible to prevent dox. If you determine this is unacceptable I will remove any/all offending links, but it's court filings and in order to discuss the case, the shenanigans, and the insanity, the filings are linked. They are publicly available documents, found on a plethora of websites, and I would respectfully argue this does not violate Reddit's rules. If you disagree, again, I'll remove the links. I will note the individual posts elsewhere on Reddit and I am refraining from directing traffic to their account or disclose what subreddit they may be on.

Dramanauts: Alright, this will be an effort post and I am mildly not happy about that. But the idiocy too great to not post up.

Background: California has a ban on open carry of firearms (some exceptions). Crazy guy decides the NRA, CRPA (California NRA), and other 2A groups have retarded lawyers. So he does what any sane machine gun owning, Egypt history book writing, retired engineer does (I'm not BSing any of that) and sues the state of California.

Doubt me? Voila!

"But huckleberry, I'm a lazy asshole and can barely make it past a sentence, that's over 7 years of insanity."

I gotcha bby. Bite the pillow though because your brain-bussy is about to get penetrated in a manner that is both dry and rough.

It all began when the plaintiff decided he has the right to carry a gun openly. He called the press and made a day of it.. The purpose for this, he thought he had to be harmed to challenge the law (lol). He challenged the city for citing him and they pretty much recognized the bat shittery and went, "I'm out."

So he went for California. Complaint here. Please note his lengthy, "I'm a good guy. How? Because I own a machine gun." See p. 2 line 19. But wait, glance up to line 18. Now line 15. If you're not amused by this, fuck you, get out of here.

Next, plaintiff tried to file an alleged death threat under seal, preventing the defendants (collectively, CA) from seeing it. Which....yeh...not gonna fly and the court went, "nope."

But we move on. To his declaration!. Filed a mere three months after the complaint he recounts his harrowing cougar encounter (wrong cougar perves).

While shit goes down, Redondo is trying to get out and 12(b)'s. Ie: "get us the fuck out of here." The state is also pulling this, and the plaintiff is...throwing all the shit at the wall with all parties trying to explain how this isn't how it's done. I'm not linking it, it's in the initial link and we're not even to the good shit yet.

6 months into this hell, plaintiff lodges his first amended complaint. It's actually objected to because it's just a flop. But, shorlty after, the hapless magister overseeing this publishes her report and recommendation In it, she supports dropping hte city, but denying the state's attempt to get out, while also proposing plaintiff be ordered to file a more sensical complaint. Everyone wins a door prize!

In 2013, plaintiff files his second amended complaint. Check page 22, where he happily admits to breaking the law on numerous occasions. Now check back to his first complaint where he says he can't because he's afraid of prosecution.

The case drags on. It's federal, they all do, but plaintiff is hilarious. Endless filing of supplemental authorities (basically telling the court, "hey, look! this is relevant case law!").

At some point in 2014, Judge Otero dismisses the case. Thank go---oWo? Nope, we're still on for appeals, and the case drags along.

Meanwhile other cases are swirling. One in particular, Peruta, involves carrying firearms and looks to have a shot. Our friend tries to buy time by asking for a stay pending the outcome in the other case. Court says sure, but keep us posted on that case. So everyone can get treated to repetitive and annoying status reports.

Plaintiff then says he'd like to go en banc, please and thank you (in other words, skip the standard panel, have a representative mega-panel hear him out). Court goes with a hearty no.

Finally, in 2018, plaintiff has his day in the spotlight and can argue before the 9th circuit panel. Argument here. It goes....poorly. All looks to be lost.

But then, hark! In fucking Hawaii, a lawyer pulls off a surprise win on a similar topic! As a result of Young the court says, hey, let's see what happens over there. However, that case has not yet been finalized, meaning our boy is still an uncertain win/pending loss.

Meanwhile, our boys are the NRA are running their own show with Flanagan. And our dear plaintiff rushes over to file a goddamn amicus brief to basically say, "Hey! I'm awesome!".

Honestly, I can't do this guy justice. Any criticism he receives, particularly on Reddit, he will accuse the critics of being assholes, ignorant, and if he thinks they're a lawyer, accuse them of being astronaut space lawyers (among other choice insults). He's attracted a following who give him money to keep up with his case, convinced he's a brilliant legal strategist.

Note I don't mention he decided he's mixed-race until the endgame and tries to make a last minute racial equality argument nor that he fucking inserted a picture of the Black Panthers in one of his many, many filings.


Because the community got taken over by them.

The gaming community is as close you get to a white supremacists eithout going to a white supremacist rally And kids play games. The future is fucked in ways I don't think people realize, if you think these days are bad, oh boy wait untill the 12 year olds who have grown up around people saying the N word constantly become adults. Yeah...

Basically gaming has legitamatley been a fucking horrible plauge on the world and has been a massive cause of the recent rise of racism.


  1. Voila! - Outline

  2. here - Outline

  3. "Hey! I'm awesome!" - Outline

I am a bot for posting Outline.com links. github / Contact for info or issues

This but completely unironically.

I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. Voila! - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  3. He called the press and made a day ... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  4. Complaint here - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  5. from seeing it - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  6. To his declaration! - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  7. report and recommendation - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  8. second amended complaint - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  9. here - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  10. hey, let's see what happens over th... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  11. "Hey! I'm awesome!" - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

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luv u bud but this is gunna b an i sleep 😴😴😴 from me and my adhd riddled brain

hope u understand 😘😘

Can't blame ya bby

hey can you get me some adderall

Nobody ever expects you to make it more than a sentence into a post before bailing, Ed

Outstanding work, I’m very sorry this quality post will be immediately buried by MDE-esque agendaposting and general memery

I stickied it. Good job OP this is unironically a great effortpost.

i look forward to a lawlz rant displacing it

<3 thank you, thank you, my first stickied post. I can't wait for the masterlawlz shitpost that will inevitably supplant it.

account created 25 days ago. Claims to not be a refugee.

My guy, if you don’t delete your account every few months you’re dumb as shit

Yep. This one is overdue for the cleansing fire.

No one cares about you at all rapefugee.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy

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Nice job! I'd really hope for another spergout from this retard

Oh it's coming. He currently thinks he's a reporter for "The Blaze" and publishes his little rants to a subreddit. Currently we're in a holding pattern while waiting for the 9th to pound his bussy. Once that happens, we will have the rant.

Dare you to tell him about r/legaladvice.

I really hope someone does just so his insane autism spreads all over Reddit and gives the admins a headache somehow

Cool story bro

Why aren't you using your powers for good?

OK real comment: this dude probably has a higher IQ than your average guntoting citizen. Or he has subpar lawyers trying to make their name know (they already have!).

He proudly refuses any legal assistance. Is (to my knowledge) completely on his own.

I sincerely doubt he has a higher IQ than the average.

I read the post, I really did. But shit internet meant not following the links lol.

Ah, my condolences. That’s where the true gold is and I cannot properly encapsulate it.

god open carry guys are so tiresome. im pro-gun but obviously a lot of people arent into seeing them around for whatever reason and no worthwhile "good guy with a gun" fantasy starts with knowing the crook knows you have a gun, so like why do you even care? is your dick really that tiny? of all the state restrictions on gun ownership imaginable, "youre not allowed to make it obvious you have one" seems like the least objectionable possible

People don’t shoot you police stations very often so it would seem conspicuous weapons DO have a positive effect.

The only reason police stations don’t get shot up on the reg is because cops open carry? Wtf are you talking about?

Not because they open carry. Because everyone knows they are all armed. Most potential criminals don’t knowingly attack armed individuals very often, correct? You notice when people are open carrying, right? Are you gears starting to spin yet?

There are a lot of reasons don’t attack police. The fact that everyone is armed means when people do attack them they typically sneak up on them and shoot them in the head. You might have less people try to mess with you if you open carry, but If you’re hiding your gun you may live through the encounter long enough to use it.

Literally everything you’ve said is refuted by police. They’re good guys with guns, they stop a lot of bad things from happening or continuing to happen, and everyone knows they have guns. Shooting someone in the back of the head is cold blooded murder. Not every criminal is a killer, so it stands to reason they would think twice about getting in a shooting.

The cops are a group of organized guys with guns that society as a whole have agreed are allowed to use lethal force without repercussion. That's why no one messes with them. You're probably going to try to paint me as some anti-cop guy for pointing out this fact, just like you're trying to paint me as some anti-gun nut because I point out you're more likely to get snuck up on and shot in the head while open carrying. I'm more likely to become a red smear on the road while driving a car, I don't think cars should be illegal.

No, you just think something should be illegal because emotion. Have you realized the only argument you’ve given me is that open carry should be illegal because you think it’s more harm than good for the carrier? I don’t even have to defend open carry, I just have to point out how stupid that argument if yours is.

No, you just think something should be illegal because emotion. You’re a Fudd. You go around saying “I’m pro gun, but nobody needs [to open carry]”. You think that we need to prove we have a need to exercise our second amendment rights. You appeal to emotion by supporting laws that would do nothing, but make it seem like you’re “one of the good ones”.

Where did I say I think open carry should be illegal you illiterate faggot?

In your first comment. You admit you wouldn’t do anything if open carry was made illegal.

You mean what some guy named westofthetracks said? You've almost convinced me to be against open carry though. If someone as retarded as you think it's a good idea I have to reconsider. Did you really not think to check the username after I repeatedly said I was pro open carry? Explain to me what is actually wrong with you, then delete your account.

No. I didn’t check. It happens. You being so laughably hyperbolic about it made me chuckle though. Get off the internet. You really need it. And I definitely don’t see where you said anything about being pro open carry

Like let me be perfectly clear. It’s people like you who totally blow their lid over minor, common mistakes that ruin the internet for everyone else. You’re no different from the “kill yourself” crowd or the “don’t reproduce” crowd. You really need to figure out proportional response, squirt.

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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Well most places don't get shot up regularly. So police stations probably wouldn't either.

How does that make sense? What places are most shot up? School, movie theaters with no gun policy. Shooters attack soft targets. They don’t attack police stations. It’s pretty intuitive

People kill/target police all the time.

this is good work. easy to read

"But huckleberry, I'm a lazy asshole and can barely make it past a sentence, that's over 7 years of insanity."

Implying most people viewing this post will even make it to this sentence of the text wall

text wall

My wife is Chinese and I have a thing for walls.

Be me reading this post, eating some celery sticks and dip

See this man so determined to carry a gun around in public

Feel my arteries start to clog

Read about the retarded legal battles

My stomach expands like a balloon of adipose

See him walk around with a fucking musket

My celery sticks turn in to pizza rolls, the dip morphs in to a tub of melted lard

See the swarm of news cameras actually giving this guy attention

Five american flags appear for every square metre foot of my house

US national anthem plays

Tears come to my eyes from patriotism, and from standing up on my now destroyed knees

I have become one of them

so a guy filed a lawsuit against the state of California?

pack it up boys, we've reached peak /r/drama

Hey OP, you should be proud of your work here.

This was pretty great. The guy is such a sperg. Why would he possibly think using the black Panthers would support his case

He basically argues, correctly, that the OC law was implemented because of black people carrying guns.

He goes off the rails though because the law is applied equally to everyone, thus isn’t really racist. It’s not Jum fucking Crow.

You seem like you know what your doing. Can you argue me out of a speeding ticket pro boner. It's for the good cause a helping a young man get his life together and think of all the exposure you'll get.

Sadly my pro boner time is spent helping immigrants navigate mundane issues. However if you show up to traffic court and the officer doesn’t you can happily attempt to get the case dismissed. Otherwise, present your bussy.

I guess either way someone's getting exposure ;)

Lmao, This is what happens when you let SRDines run the place.

tl;dr - California is retardedly scared of guns and one retard says fuck you, after any related organization tried and failed.

Typical tard tries to attentionwhore and fails.

Someone better succeeds in another place, so now everyone is trying again, even this dumbass.

Also he's the equivalent of a male feminist on gun rights, apparently.

Using incoherent concepts barely related to whatever the topic is in an attempt to garner.. sympathy? Clout? I never know with these kinds of retards.