Arguments over a nude model not wanting her pics available for free on Reddit

1  2018-10-13 by Destirigon


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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TIL Ariel Rebel is still a thing

Probably because she removes 99% of her porn from the internet

Is she supposed to be some super great pornstar? I don’t get it

she used to be pretty big back in the day before camgirls and amateurs became the standard. in a way, she was part of the group of girls who paved the way for that stuff.

She used to be one of those barely legal softcore pornstars. Now she's too old though.


Here is how you have a wank:

  1. View some porn.

  2. Stroke cock whilst the leg of an upturned chair is in your anus.

Do you see anything there about sending your credit card number to a Colombian camwhore, becoming the moderator of another camwhores subreddit, or even commenting on the video to say "this girl totally looks like my ex hurr hurr" or "you have beautiful eyes, what is your favorite breaded fish product?" NO.

i like ur smile

Men were a mistake.

*Mxn were a mistake

Can any human copyright a butthole?

Truly a question worth pondering

Maybe in the EU

Free, quality butthole is the cornerstone of the internet.

If I am elected, I promise a buthole on every computer screen

A chocolate starfish on every phone


Thank you, Destirigon! Very cool! Very cool!

I loved the old Ariel Rebel stuff when she was still a teen. now she is an old used up roasty.

Honestly she should do herself a favour and stop this nonsense. She's acting like a complete boomer when really considering she's a beef-lipped roastie it would do her more good to let guys just fap to her stuff.