Captain Brexit names the Jew.

1  2018-10-13 by better_bot


Eat shit


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Are you a cyber-Jew, bussybot?

I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Srs post: Anti-Semitism would be better combatted by actually debunking anti-semitic arguments. When someone says "Why do Jews hold a lot of power in news media companies?" If you give them a real answer, they are probably less likely to believe the Nazi answer.

Found the jew

100% Bavarian Phenotype mein Freund.

Bavarians are like the alabamans of mighty Deutschland.

What's the real answer then

Holy shit

The Hibernian Question is the real question. Woke and redpilled

faith and begorrah

Ah begorrah, the sasanachs know, shut it down!

Isn't it "sassenachs"?

I think it "sassanachs" in Irish and "sassenachs" in Scottish.

It Seems both are correct though.

lol you fags watch Outlander

O begorrah, 'tis like another potato famine

A convenient "potato famine" that gave them an excuse to spread out to all the British colonies and take positions of power in them.

always been one of the most woke theories 👌👌👌

Dammit we thought we were breaking the cycle by voting for Obama, but he was just another Hibernian in disguise.


Lol Dannell is just happy to be included.

The entire Supreme Court is Jewish and Catholic too, the (((papists))) are at it again.

I knew it

The Hibernians put a lot of Jews up in power to hide the real enemy

Ninety-(((nine))) times out of a hundred the person asking that question would call you a JIDF shill if you gave them that answer.

Yeah, I get that most are JAQing off.

In this context it's "JQing off."

User reports:

1: blatant racism and Nazi apologetism <sic>. reported to the admins. bye felicia

/u/AnnoysTheGoys we've been found out!

If you give them a real answer, they are probably less likely to believe the Nazi answer.

Bullshit. Right-wingers are Nazi-curious because they can't stomach the real answer: "because they're smarter than you".

I thought that was the Nazi answer, referencing IQ or something.

They're like the incels who buy into the red piller nonsense. They recognize that they're not "chads", and yet all their failure at life is still somehow the woman's fault.

So it is with the conspiracy mindset of the right-winger regarding Jews and wealthy liberals.

Exactly, the nazi answer is they're smarter than us so we have to get rid of them or they'll dominate society and destroy white people or some shit.

So tell me, why are black and mexican people so underrepresented in the professions?

Let me guess, it's cause of those racist whites picking on 'em and stuff, right?

Do you also believe that blacks are dumber than average?

When someone says "Why do Jews hold a lot of power in news media companies?" If you give them a real answer, they are probably less likely to believe the Nazi answer.

The actual answer is that jew are innately superior. Leftoid dislike that because it means races are a thing, rightoid dislike that because it means Moshe>cletus.

The left can't give a coherent answer for why jewish people are hugely overrepresented in elite professions that doesn't clash with it's excuses for why black and mexican people are so underrepresented in the professions.

The left can't give a coherent answer for why jewish people are hugely overrepresented in elite professions that doesn't clash with it's excuses for why black and mexican people are so underrepresented in the professions.

That's not true at all. Because Jews were historically strongarmed into positions that would make them wealthy and are culturally cohesive (because of all of the persecution at least in part), they continue to view those positions as viable career paths and are helped into them by some degree of nepotism. Maybe if whitey didn't ensure that the only career paths Jews could take were in 'unchristianlike' things like finance and media, they wouldn't be so prominent in finance and media. 🤔

Umm sweaty, that’s called privilege

If that's what you want to call it. It's obviously more complicated than that, like most things are. A similar thing happened to the Quakers on a much smaller scale; they got kicked out of Yurope, persecuted in Puritan colonies, developed a strong social network and became incredibly good at entrepreneurship.

Same thing has happened to some extent with Mormons on the west coast.

I said a coherent answer, not lazy, trite bullshit you cribbed out of some Grievance Studies journal that contradicts a whole pile of the left's other lazy, trite bullshit.

If it were all the Whiteriarchy's fault that Jewish people had an edge in finance - and only finance, that wouldn't explain why the Whiteriarchy continues to allow them to dominate that field today when nobody anywhere gives a shit about christian morality when it comes to the professions. Inasmuch as you're willing to admit that the Whiteriarchy is mostly a figment in 2018 and has no actual power, and the jewish success in finance is just inertia and nepotism, then that would be an argument for affirmative action to balance those fields, which AFAIK the left doesn't support.

But really you give the game away by lumping in jewish success in the media industry, which has only really existed the way we know it for the last, what, hundred years? 150? Can't really explain the outsized Jewish success there with muh hundreds of years of oppression.

But really, the problem for you is that Jews don't just outperform in finance and media, they also outperform in law, in the sciences, in programming, and all kinds of fields that a Whiteriarchy that had it in for them would never allow them to touch.

The reality is that Jewish people generally do well in intellectual fields regardless of nepotism or MUH HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF YEARS OF OPPRESSION, and the reason for it is they're just on-average smarter than other groups of people, and the inability of blacks and mexicans to achieve on the same level isn't their HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF OPRESSIONS OF YEARS, it's that they're just not smart enough to do it, and don't need special favors any more than we cut special favors to low-iq white people who can't hack it.

There is no way to square the circle of how 100SOFYEARSOFOPRESSIONS is the reason for black and mexican failings today while also being the reason for wildly disproportionate Jewish success in the same period, full stop.

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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You sound like somebody who developed their belief system by reading angry shitposts and maymays on /pol/. Turns out that wealth can grow through generations and allow people to branch out into other prestigious professions by virtue of connections, the ability to afford a top-class education, parents who value early childhood education and career prep, etc. There's no great conspiracy; people born into wealth usually stay wealthy, people born into poverty usually stay poor, and networking/nepotism is helpful for career progression. The fact that you and your fellow rejects view this as a race issue rather than a class/social mobility issue is just sad.

Let's grow our wealth with future generations, snally. Kids will grow under the watchful eye of Gorloj.


And 9 huskies

Turns out that wealth can grow through generations and allow people to branch out into other prestigious professions by virtue of connections, the ability to afford a top-class education, parents who value early childhood education and career prep, etc.

This would be a non-retarded argument if it actually matched the history of the Jewish diaspora, but even the traditionally poor Jewish immigrants to the new world (and “Palestine”) became successful when their new countries let them live their lives.

Because like Asians, Jews culturally demand their kids do something with their lives and beat the shit out of them emotionally if they stay at home and jack off to hentai all day.

And cultures that cultivate/encourage specific traits have more of those traits passed on to the next generation. Over time this leads to evolution.

Yes but human evolution is weird, since our toolmaking ability and intelligence takes us out of the standard evolutionary race, as does the fact that even in shithole countries, no human is living in desperation like an animal is.

There's a better equivalent with memetic evolution, or the Dawkins idea that cultural concepts and ideals are what's really being passed down generations that's shaping mankind.

Right, but the mean IQ of ashkenazi Jews is 115. Are you saying that the entire gap between ashkenazi and other groups is 100% environmental?

What about 97% environmental?

I take it you've never heard of the blank slate. The reason that 'strawman' exists is because a non-negligible number of mainly social scientists believe it. 'Weak man' might be a better label.

Perhaps it is 97% environmenal, but heredity of IQ is between 60-80% so that seems to be wishful thinking unless epigenetics is way more impactful than we currently understand it to be. I hope you're right.

Shut up nerd

that wouldn't explain why the Whiteriarchy continues to allow them to dominate that field today when nobody anywhere gives a shit about christian morality when it comes to the professions

Inertia is a bitch.

When I resurrect r/MillionShekelExtreme, remind me to mod your woke ass, fam. 😍

The thing is, I've never heard a convincing argument about racial IQ because while we can measure it, it's not absolute and there's a lot of factors that skew it.

It's more down to cultural influence than natural influences imo

u sound mad

Jews were historically strongarmed into positions that would make them wealthy

oy vey please dont force me to shave these coins

Culture influences genetics especially on the order of 2000 years.

Human tribalism and Jews demanding their kids excel at life. You see something similar with Asians, but not as hardcore because there's a lot of different kinds of Asians and Jews are way better at sticking together.

Brute forcing your relatives away from NEETism and having connections that lead upwards tends to give people opportunities in life.

Medieval people: "Your people are evil, we won't allow you to own land."

Jews: "OK, if I can't be a poor dumb peasant, guess I'll cure your diseases and lend you money with interests."

Modern people: "WTF you're rich now! How!?"

Seriously. They were slaughtered and expelled over and over, where did they hide the loot?

In their sperm obviously

Often they were expelled specifically to seize their assets actually. It was a quick way for a kingdom to gain money. As the only permitted moneylenders though they tended to build up fortunes wherever they went.

They ignore every relevant fact that disproves it, so no.

It literally isn't even worth responding to them.

Username checks out

It's pizzashill actually

If you were one of us you would know this

How to reduce anti-semitism: a response including the phrases "verbal IQ", "cultural influences", and "nepotism"

How to increase anti-semitism: anything response that includes "ADL", "hate speech", or "nazi"

If the response to (((name the Jew))) was 🙄 instead "oy vey shut it down!" no one would care.

This is kind of what I am getting at.


yeah guess why they dont

So what's your real answer?

Their is probably socioeconomic and historical reasons. Honestly, I don't know the answer.

NYC has a huge Jewish population (15% - literally more Jews live in NYC than Jerusalem), they tend to be highly educated, so it's not surprising that they're high up in a lot of organization based there. And one of the big industries in NYC is media and television.

LA also has a large Jewish population.

If the river runs dry, it's because the Jews drank it.

On vey don't let the goyim know

As an (((elite globalist))), my biggest fear is finding based people like you throwing redpills everywhere. FUCK FUCK FUCK. Foiled again!

Farage you retard, just say Israel like half of reddit and it’s totally acceptable.

This is actually really common. I saw a post on how Facebook is banned in Iran because Mark Zuckerberg is Jewish then a comment pointed out it’s because he’s ‘a Zionist’ and everyone was like oh that’s ok then

About damn time he came out of the closet

The largest pro-Israel lobbying group in the United States is Christians United for Israel, which has a large Evangelical base and more than 1 million members overall. 

What good goys

Little do (((they))) know, the return of the chosen people to Canaan and the construction of the Third Temple are actually prerequisites for the final judgement of Christ against the Israelites for rejecting him as their king

Supporting Israel to own the Jews?

7D chess. This might explain a lot about the past couple of years.

There are about 6 million Jewish people living in America

Shit where have we seen that number before.

Is it the number of child porn images on your computer?

lol what

Like this doesn't even make sense as an insult.

Let me break it down for you:

  1. You are a pedophile.

Not true, and also not relevant to the topic here.

Also where do you even get this from. I dont think I ever talked to you or responded to your comments before just now.

Let me correct myself:

  1. You are a defensive pedo.

Still wondering what makes you think so and what it has to do with this thread.

Let me correct myself...AGAIN:

  1. You are a defensive pedo with a short-term memory problem.

Based and redpilled

You're doing the Lord's work, son. Soon /u/Destirigon will have no choice but to accept what is readily apparent to all.

I still dont have a clue what you are talking about.

Try to stay on topic. The topic is your sexual attraction to children.

You're right, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

Reminder that Farage has only one testicle.

Whew, I had forgotten for a moment, good save.

Reminder that farages children applied for German passports right after the brexit vote.

He's unironically right.

Every candidate for Congress at the time had a pledge for Israel, they were given a pledge to sign she said. If you don't sign the pledge, you don't get money.
For example, it was almost like water torture for me. My parents observed this. I would get a call and the person on the other end of the phone would say I want to do a fundraiser for you.

And then we would get into the planning. I would get really excited, because of course you to have money in order to run a campaign. And then two weeks, three weeks into the planning, they would say "Did you sign the pledge?". And then I would say "No, I didn't sign the pledge". And then my fundraise would go kaput".

-Cynthia McKinney, former black congresswomyn for Georgia.

Farage is a retard for saying "Jews" instead of "Israel" though.

Taking Cynthia McKinney at her word for anything 😂😂😂

I doubt /u/AnnoysTheGoys had anything to do with this.

I'm just starting the process of getting AYYYYPAC registered.

I'm just starting the process of getting AYYYYPAC registered.

Make me treasurer. I promise I won't embezel too much


Hmmmmm that's interesting

Oh boy. You're supposed to name ✡ ✡ ✡ them✡ ✡ ✡ and not (((them)))

lol how is saying the jewish lobby is powerful in america even controversial though theyre making it sound like he did something racist

about fuckin' time

i am glad that they finally stopped with all of this a highly abtract, say nothing language and if you say something make it plausibly deniable and now they are finally talking!

This Jew guy seems to get around. Everyone seems to hate him.