Fear not, denizens of /r/Drama. Comrade Platy has come to bussyblast the bourgeoisie and send the MDEfugees to gulag.

1  2018-10-13 by LeninadeOfficial


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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For every 1 upvote I will burn $100 to spite the rich.

For every 1 upvote I will buy $100 of drugs to spite the rich.

You are using Platy and communism to sell a beverage!

Shame on you fake commie!

Pepsi chugging reactionaries gtfo.

Pepsi? Bitch true men drink Baikal, not your orange fanta clone!

Actual cth subversion thread

Platy is a proud free-market neoliberal

Dude bussyblast lmao

did your bot kill herself?

Fuck off chapogee

CTH are libsoc scum.

Thank you, Comrade. very cool.

lmao commies eternally bussy-blast mdefugees