Grill gamer is upset because other GRILL gamers aren't worried they are being hypocritical for ranking penises in AC:Odyssey

1  2018-10-13 by notshynorarrogant


womp womp


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But...if they do this and then whine about 2D tits...They kinda are.

Galaxy brain

"I think we need more of "male objectification" articles in the media. Not because it's right, but because that would make them understand what it is and why it is a problem. Then maybe we'll have men fight against the general trend of sexual objectification, you know? For now they're just waah waah, there's nothing wrong with rating women by breasts and butts, don't remove iron bras and tongs from mah games! They'd talk very differently if they had to play games with men running around half-naked... especially if they were told "but this sells!!", "but women love that!" as if that's fine not to respect them if catering to the desires of the worst gaming audience brings in more cash.

Really, think about it... Women are systemically objectified, nobody cares. MEN become sytematically objectified, and laws punishing objectification in games are passed instantly. That's how the world works. It always had."


The article isn't even about sexualized penises... Literally it's about tiny penises on Greek statutes. You don't see this because you are an npc without an internal monologue.

Dude NPCs lmao

Male "objectification" != Female objectification

Punching down != Punching up

They really think that most men would give a fuck about more bussy being objectified?, most wouldn't if said "girlgamers" would stop being alternative universe copies of Kiatards.

Tldr - more bussy should be shown, because then men would reeee as much as us and ban it.

What a heap of bullshit.

Men LIKE "objectifying" portrayals. I mean, who doesn't like to be shown as a powerful sex god?

"punching up" is a bullshit idea invented by women and minorities to justify them being jerks to people.

Punching up makes sense in a joke like calling white people mayos or advocate mayocide. It's not an excuse for legitimate sexist/racist stuff against the powerful group.

I would say that the idea of punching up/down is pretty ridiculous in humour/comedy to begin with. It basically just provides cover to laugh at some groups while being offended and demanding no one makes fun of others. That isn't to say that a lot of racist/sexist jokes aren't just lame and recycled to death though.

Joking about how white people can't handle spicy food is a lot different than saying all Indians are curry munchers. The first one will almost never be used to bully a kid while the second one will.

It's really the majority/default vs the minority/someone different. Making fun of someone for having glasses is actually going to hurt people, making fun of people for not having to wear glasses would be laughed off.

I see where you're coming from though, it really is kinda arbitrary. For what it's worth, I think it's a dick move to repeatedly make fun of white people in places where they aren't the majority too.

You are retarded.

If you call one group a funny name but then get mad when people do the same thing to other groups you're probably a faggot.

It's an incredibly transparent attempt to make your hypocrisy seen reasonable.

the powerful group

You mean God's chosen?

It seems that way.

user reports:
1: go back to cth


Never mind that CTH would tear apart anyone that dares to criticize women or minorities not that any of them are either of those two.

Please pat me on the back for being an asshole and also never say things that offend me personally.

"punching up" is a bullshit idea invented by SWW Feminists

FIFY. Actual minorities already get too much blame for what feminism is the only source of.

if (choice==male empowerment)


print("Its not sexual, it i just a power fantasy.")


All roasties are NPC's.

Isn't it true that only like 20% of females have a voice in their head? This is quite useful for sparring or hunting.

The actual study showed that people don't have voices in their heads 20% of the time when they do something, but illiterates misread that as 20% of people not having a voice in their heads at all.

"Objectification" is such a wishy-washy concept anyway. Why is it treated as axiomatically as gravity and evolution?

Objectification is just another part of the human condition that got pathologized and made into a unidirectional men-do-it-to-women thing.

The person you were responding to also has a point that the male genitals in this game aren't 'comically large', as opposed to female genitals in most games.

Where are my fat fucking pussies.

Which games are there even female genitals in XD - 0.

I know a few

They've never been outside the house, tits come in all sizes . ESPECIALLY comically large.

shouldve rated bussy instead tbh 🤔🤔🤔

Like 80% of that sub is transwoman. They don't really care about objectification of any kind, they only pretend to be offended to fit in with the girls.

well it's gamers, they're either dudes or dudes pretending to be women. Real girls are far too busy playing with dolls and watching makeup tutorials to have time for video games.

Real girls spend a lot of time avoiding you as well

Why else do you think he goes for the ones that aren't old enough to fight him off?

Probably more like soyboys and male feminists looking for their next victim.

There was a thing ages ago where they had a meetup and one of the few actual women there made a post talking about how depressing it was to realise that it's just a bunch of trannies

Didn't I read somewhere that /r/girlgamers was actually 51% guys pretending to be girls? Then again, that could be true for every other "female safe space" on Reddit, male feminists looking for their next prey.

Most "female spaces" on reddit are dominated by transwoman looking for validation. r/books or r/vegan probably have a significantly higher percentage of actual women than these subs.

Hell, even manly subs like /r/MMA and /r/martialarts have more women in them than that of those female safe spaces on Reddit.

Makes sense, the dudes are hot, while the safe spaces border on being mentally retarded fight clubs.

First rule about Sperg Club, we do not talk about Sperg Club.
Second Rule about Sperg Club, we do not EVER talk about Sperg Club.

The most "actually female" subs on reddit are stuff like books, reality tv show subreddits, justnomil, makeupaddiction + femalefashionadvice (both have many transwomen but are still overwhelmingly cis) and so on.

Oh. That explains why it's so satisfying to make fun of them on subs like /r/bookscirclejerk

Transibians, scoping for chicks.

guys pretending to be girls

yikes that's pretty transphobic my dude yikes xd clout lmao yikes yikes yikes

100% narcissists pretending to be progressive.

Lol....they deleted her comments, so they wouldn't be upvoted.

constant articles rating breast’s in video games

literally where?

By unwashed beta nerds during the mid-2000's, ironically enough, those same unwashed beta nerds are pretending to be offended by breasts and cheesecake 10 years later just to get with some danger-hair landwhale.

Thirst for gussy, not even once.

Grillgamers was the first sub I was banned from


Can't imagine not hating women in 2018, how can you stand the endless hypocripsy?

And you clearly hate men. Seeing as you post on man hating forums and support this article. Please don't speak to your dad or other male relatives ever again. And don't put a son into the world. Although I guess it's impossible for a she creature to not put her crotch spawn into the world.

Dramatards are just the worst

I don't see that comment there

isnt that the game that has a literal cuckholding quest, where you fuck a guy's wife because he can't get it up anymore, and he's throwing a party in front of the house while you're doing it, as if pleasing a woman is the most celebratory event ever?

I was going to pirate it but now I just have to buy it.

i like the way you think

I don't think he throws a party, he just doesn't really want to have sex with her and he gets some time to actually enjoy life while you're fucking her.

thread is being brigade by incels or something.

Girl who thinks small penis' are "arty" calls people incels....if she left her bedroom and looked at some greek sculpture and red figure pottery she'd notice penis' in the game are cut down in size to the actual art works. Greeks were not afraid of the male form. It seems ubisoft is.

Also penis of a god while proportionally small when erect would probably be twice the size of her is small...sure love...and I thought I was a size queen.

Besides "progressive gril gamer allies" aren't there bigger issue with male sexuality in the game like the shallow inequal white picket fence gays trope trying to pass as "representation"