Daily reminder that there are actually people like this out there, and they can be round in r/Vegan.

1  2018-10-13 by DearthToUSA


This is why we need mayocide.


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Not wrong

Bugeaters get stains in their armpits, too. Karma's a bitch!

Hah, that's easily absorbed by the hairy pits of the vegan foid.

As long as you don't live near a dam or work in a GMO greenhouse vegans are truly harmless, scrawny, pussies.

Uhg thank god the Whole Foods in Oakland got a restraining orders against those vegans who have been protesting there because that's the only grocery store in that part of the city

It was Berkeley. They managed to stop a protest in Berkeley!

People really overestimate other people's propensity for violence.

Someone says "Meat eating justifies terrorist attacks."

Real people: "You're an idiot."


Looks like YouTube comments so expect the most retarded comments possible

That's just life living in this post-9/11 world

Vegans pick the most bizarre arguments to shame meat eaters.


Quite Frankly, Animals are not people.

Honestly, the similarities between animals and plants are closer than people think. We anthropomorphize them but really they're basically plants with feet.

Plants are better than animals. Eat more animals to save the plants.

big if tru

Phew doggos and teh kitties are safe

Eating meat requires killing one animal at a time. In the harvesting if grain, dozens of small animals are killed in the process, in addition to all the land etc. that is used up. Vegans literally kill more animals than Jordan Peterson with his wacky all beef diet.

Everybody eats grain unless you're a KETO retard

we should eat blue whales. imagine all the food for the cost of only one life

Blue whales cause untold amount of suffering in the krill they eat though. If we are going to farm them, that's a consideration. Maybe we should eat krill ourselves instead, that would be more efficient.

So the solution to limit suffering is more whaling

It depends on the beef, really. Grass-fed or hay-fed cattle likely cost less lives to maintain than your average soy field. Cron or soy-fed ones cost significantly more.

And most killings in plant agriculture don't actually come fron the harvesting machines, but all the animals they scare off/displace and condemn to starvation and make easy pickings for predators. Pesticides play a large role, too, since they can decimate local bird & small rodent populations. And many of them are

One thing's for certain, if you really want to do they 'least harm', you should just man-up and keep yourself safe. Few things are better for the environment.

Animals have to be fed with plants to raise them, so a given amount of beef is always going to be more resource-intensive than the same calories from plants.

If they're fed with hay then there's truth to that, if they graze freely then you avoid lots of the problems from harvesting plants.

What about when the cows step on the bugs?

Eating meat requires killing one animal at a time. In the harvesting of grain, dozens of small animals are killed by the machines, as well as all the thousands of insects, in addition to all the land etc. that is used up. Vegans literally kill more animals than Jordan Peterson with his wacky all beef diet.

93% of the world's soya crop is used the sustain the animal industry. The majority of the world's crops go straight to animals lmao.

Eating meat requires killing one animal at a time. In the harvesting of grain, dozens of small animals are killed by the machines, as well as all the thousands of insects, in addition to all the land etc. that is used up. Vegans literally kill more animals than Jordan Peterson with his wacky all beef diet.

75% of the world's soya crop is used the sustain the animal industry. Overall 50% of the world's crops go straight to animals.

Look another vegan faggot talking about 'soya'. Go back to Belgium, Hans.

It's true in certain cases, though, and it's not just the soyboys. The last guy my fiancee's mom dated listened to talk radio and he could parrot all the talking points, but when you really tried to discuss things with him it became obvious he didn't actually understand the concepts underneath the talking points. He just gave canned responses he heard from someone else he considered intelligent.

People all over the socio-political spectrum adopt new ideas, arguments, and explanations based on the work of the thought-leaders from their particular part of the spectrum. That's perfectly normal. People hear good ideas and arguments and adopt them as their own. It's how socio-political movements evolve and grow. There's nothing wrong with that so long as the person adopting the concepts and reasoning actually understand the concepts and reasoning they're adopting. That's what's wrong with the "NPC" people, regardless of where they fall on the socio-political spectrum. They don't understand what they're saying, they're just "programmed," for lack of a better word, to give a certain response or set of responses to the talking points of their socio-political opposition. It's not higher-level thinking so much as it is an example of a Pavlovian response. Someone rings a bell and the "NPC" drools. It's an easy way to explain why so many Reddit posts read like canned responses.

A screenshot of YouTube comments with the usernames censored. I want to scream for the mods, but this is some Strasbourg level np.

TBF everyone who uses r/Vegan is quite round.

I don't think they do a roll call before terrorist attacks and let the vegans go before the attack. Apart from that 10/10 logic.

we are vegans because of something called empathy!!

Also, instincts =\= consciousness.

Which is more offensive? This or vegans comparing animals to human slavery? Either way online vegans are mental defectives.