someone please ping me when this mde/sjw meta slapfight fad ends ty

1  2018-10-14 by EddingtonDidNothingW

honestly the worst thing to happen to this subreddit since that one week everyone pretended to care about ed

and yeah that includes those 3 weeks when the subreddit was made private


watch out for red pills everyone!

I'm gagging on red throbbing pills as we speak.

Fuck dude. I hear there are whole comps on YouTube of feminists getting absolutely ravaged by Ben Shapiro's massive bulging red pill.

There isn't really an MDE side of the fight; it's just a bunch of discordfags sperging out that people they don't like are allowed to post here

Imagine being antisemitic while using an SPLC supported app. Real niggahs use a cup n string

I wish this was true, but how do you explain the exponential number of MDE fags posting here after they got banned?

This place already had a huge boner for posting feminist drama and right v left politics drama, but it got exponentially worse this past month.

I have been doing my part in posting both feminist and MDE drama in hopes that my new subreddit is the new /r/drama.

The discord server is unironically full of total losers to be honest.

Oh I wasn't even really thinking of the drama discord. I'm sure ed and his alts have their own discord

I apologise for nothing


That, and mods, the overlap is nearly a circle anyway

What discord?

t. Discordfag

the 4 mdefugees I've found were at the bottom of a thread unironically blaming everything on the Jews. Yes. They really shouldn't post here.

Have you been reading the threads?

bunch of new-ish accounts posting here too, same comment patterns as the discord kiddies.

imagine taking this sub of all places so seriously that you A. join the fucking discord server lmao and B. create several alts because you're worried about "the narrative" being swayed here.

this, from the same people who get planetary rectal pain from the NPC meme meanwhile spamming OUT.

Dude NPCs lmao

lmao did they actually get mad about all the boilerplate bullshit attached to the "dude X lmao" bot? after the mod-sanctioned OUT OUT OUT bot shitted up every thread for over a week with 50+ posts because legitimate MDEtards figured out they could make it spam.

reaching peak levels of faggotry in this sub these days. I'm betting they go private again before christmas. MDREEEEEEEEEE

Sounds like something an NPC would say πŸ€”

mde is some failed show on television

don't think they're real any more

Would you say they're bots or NPCs?

there are places in the world you can get dragged outside and shot for being dumb like this

who cares? show is dead

He's a full on sjw don't bother, no brain cells there

damn es jay dublyoos ruining westurn civilizaytion!1!

Nope. Obviously not. After all. I can't even speak in talking points as well as you.

The diaspora from that dead sub still survived. Much like seeds of a plague.

I'm also tired of seeing posts complaining about the feud because it's usually from you milquetoast, enlightened centrists who wouldn't know the meaning of radical if it breezed by you on a pair of rollerblades wearing a pair of jamz and no helmet. Like stfu unless you're saying something funny, interesting or so fucking retarded that lawz actually comments on it in the thread

Hey man, that thread was like, a great dynamo for drama.

I'm all for the drama but I want to see people put some moxy behind their insults

And where are we suppose to get moxy from without brining back slavery?

Don't act like you'd be anything but a slave if it were brought back

Oh I’d be first in line. It’s the thought of all that paperwork that keeps me awake at night.

It's like people don't even recognize the tenants of radical centralism anymore πŸ˜‘


the CAfugee is illiterate, how surprising

ESLs showing off, lmao

Junkie, pls

Hey so are you team Jerry or team pimm?

im team go fuck yourself, junkie

Why u so salty. I stopped calling you a chubby, esl, wino, literal neet iirc

you dont have the power of injury, junkie ;)

Injury? πŸ˜‚ Sounds like someone takes they interwebs super cereal.

no wonder the junkie doesnt know what that is ;)

Lmao wait was that a WOW reference? Did you just btfo urself?? πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

yes, junkie, power of injury is a wow reference. definitely.

big thinking there, junkie ;)

Imagine making unironic WOW references on drama.

imagine thinking that a wow reference.

oh right, you're a benzojunkie ;)

Imagine being a neet and trying to convince other people to live the neet lifestyle in VC

imagine making that shit up in your benzofueled excuse for a head

I popped in VC And heard it. It’s all over for kippy, how will he ever recover

those benzoblackouts of yours are getting longer and longer

Is it kipp-pot or kipp-et?

its J-U-N-K-I-E

Lol serious question. Why so salty? It’s like you completely lack the ability to shit post.

listen to your inner monologue and just do it, junkie

Oh kippy

What did he mean by this πŸ€”πŸ€”

CringeAnarchy poster.

Hello my fellow radical centrists! Bussy lmao!

If you can't tell the difference between a fake drama poster and real one, is there are difference? πŸ€”

we cant ping anymore and watching the retards on reddit have their stupid debates only goes so far

the civil war is all this place has right now

sjw's here were fighting the horde before mde was even banned.

r/drama is a proxy war between CTH and MDE. We need someone to bomb us.

r/neoconNWO your time is now

Am I the only one who appreciates aspects of both MDE and CTH? The subs are trash, but I like some of the content. Match my radical centrism.

Ewww no both are πŸ—‘

Calling up Arthur "Devil of Dresden" Harris

You mean Based Harry "The Dresden Decimator?"

I think that's actually /r/cumtown

I'm sure the MDE tards will probably move off site sooner or later. Now that all of their shitty little piss pit subreddits have been quarantined and are luckily slowly dying they'll probably just end up throwing in the towel sooner or later.

I agree, I am glad those yucky, gross, toxic, icky, poo poo, no good very bad subreddits has been quarantined.

Does the mass castration come before or after the mayocide?

all the histrionics about MDE (a defunct, literally non-existent subreddit!) made people forget that SRDines and Chapotards are the real scourge of this sub.

Truth. This sub started to go to shit once the srdines realized they had to come here to whine about real-life Daddy drama because their shit sub only allows reddit drama.

That's the downside to having too many subscribers.

I'm just waiting for the sub to get banned and the hopeful shitstorm that comes from it.

I have noticed more moralists in the comments.

not enjoying good drama like a fine wine

SRD is that way πŸ‘‰