Worn out rotten plastic mayo, vs our beautiful black queen!!💅💅💅

1  2018-10-14 by thedicktwist


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


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Imagine being insecure because michelle obama can beat you and the whole alt right in a fight.

You have to go back to the donald rapefugee

Why would I be insecure just because Michelle Obama can beat me in a fight?

because you're a soyboy magatard who doesn't even know what traps are and most women could beat you

soyboy magatard


Wheres the contradiction lol

If anything its just redundant.

Ew, who dat tranny to the right?

I think he once got a Gold medal at the Olympics or something.

I love Michelle Obama best first lady since Jackie O.

Melania looks really old. Mayos age horribly

That's WITH plastic surgery too. YUCK

My girl Melania looking like Orochimaru

Fuck, I hope I never unsee that.

More like Catelyn Jenner with every passing day

are there really people who unironically find black women attractive or is it some kind of long term psyop?

Michelle is ugly af but there's plenty of beautiful black women







And this is a /r/GenderCritical user in it's natural habitat

Holy shit that sub is somethin else, they hate MtFs XD

Damn I didn't click through to the end.

I need context

Looked her up. I don't want to make light of abuse or anything... but unapologetically asking for money, geez


ok the first 3 were nothing special but that last one gave me a raging stiffy

Not all of us find weeb pillows attractive

Djungle ooga booga tranny vs. plastic matryoshka tranny. Mmmm, don't mind if I do.

the Bogdanoffs have agents in every country

Somethjing something black tranny hoe

After hearing about how Michelle Obama is actually a tranny, I'll try anything once.

Who the fuck let r/politics fan boys in here?

whats wrong with melanias face? yuck!

Donald's sperm breaks down human tissue on a genetic level

user reports:
1: white people nonsense


that feel when melania fucked her face up when she didn't even have to


Black Man vs. White Man

Michelle Obama looks like OJ Simpson too a leaf out of Bruce Jenners book.

60% upvoted.