Rapefugees hate this

1  2018-10-14 by Alicesnakebae


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Its not all bad, he thanked you.

It's ok.

Legalize huffing agents now.

Medicinal gasoline

Your pseudocode is shit, though.

I'm not autistic enough for the field sorry

Snappy is the only PC on reddit, tbh.


No u

Everyone is an NPC but me. Fite me.

That’s what NPCs say 🤔

Hanging out in tall grass waiting for a 10 year old to pass by so you can play pocket monsters with them.

Wasn't him doing that the reason he's no longer allowed within 100 feet of school property?

Also; playgrounds, local pools and no civic family events

Everyone is not on reddit

Yeah, but some are DNC 👌💯🤖, and the others are 🇷🇺🤖. BIG difference.

Let me love you.

Please, I am so lonely.

And horny?

Only in the evenings, mornings, and at the middle of the day.

and i will love you! sum usher bull shit idk fuck god damn ugh im horny

Have you heard about the elves?

Ah, so you have discovered solipsism.

The root of the NPC meme.

I love /r/solopsism. Watching them all interact with each other is really something.

The two posts with no comments in 8 years?

He linked wrong. It's actually r/solipsism

I derive all my personal philosophies from XKCD comics

This, but unironically.

this, buy while crying uncontrollably.

...eh, there are worse ideologies.

It's not scripted in my A.I.

Everyone is an NPC but me.

NPC = copying hollywood and MSM talking points.

"Muh russia"

Dude NPCs lmao

And now there is balance once again.

lol who left caps lock on when writing for this NPC

Don't dehumanize me, good sir, or I'll have to write report you to the reddit admins.

to write report you to the

also no proofreading for this npc

Triggered much by how I use my precious freeze peach, libtard?

same memes as all the other npcs 😴😴😴

Speaking as a male feminist - it's called hebephilia and it's perfectly natural.

This, but unironically

Implying it's ironic.

My mistake, good nobleperson.

We are the 56%

Are you pulling of a Amerimutt meme or am I misreading something


Press B to skip dialogue


Pressing B now, sir

Most NPC thing I've seen on reddit today.

user reports:

1: surplus autism

The true outrage here is not using K&R indentation style.

Should have added some variant of “SurEly tHiS iS tHe EnD Of bLuBmnmMpff”, which rightoids somehow still consider to be a current meme



NPC detected

Is your caretaker looking for you, friend?

Why is the DDF so testy today?



But I still see that unironically all the time...

Yeah pretty common.

eh, really not feeling this one. The other one had some effort put into it and actually looks somewhat like real code. This just feels like a cheap imitation, especially because of how simple it is. The original at least had some concepts that showed that they showed up to the first semester of CS and applied them in slightly clever ways, but this one is just while/if & print, pretty boring in my opinion.

Also, what language is this supposed to be? Seems like just a weird mix me to me

Yeah, OP put “the left can’t meme” and then ironically made an incredibly unfunny meme.

Yeah man wtf is wrong with the person that made this

they can't meme

At least the bots working

They have crippling autism

They're a drama user then

how did you know

Masstagger confirms.

And then you came along and repeated "the left can't meme" 🤔

It’s too good 😂

Posts retarded meme

Hahahah the left is so mad they dont get the joke!

Same meme posted ironically with MAGAtard hats

Reeeeeeeeee thats not funny!

Self awareness level: 0

Shut up nerd.

This just goes to show the STEM majors can't meme


complaining about it "not looking like real code"

smh tbh fam

t. codelet

lmao imagine criticizing pseudocode.

This tbh

Say that to my fucking face bitch.

It's really shit pseudocode

It someone manages to mix python and java both horribly

python 2 specifically

declaring variable types in python

The absolute state of rightoids

They're NEETs

The best part about these shitty NPC memes is seeing just how bad come people's coding can be

I understood it.

Well done, if/else and print statements are notoriously difficult to understand

Pseudocode's job is to be understood. The purpose was fulfilled.

Just because it's readable doesn't mean it's good. It's far to low level for pseudocode and the content is complete shit

if (complain_over_pseudocode_joke){

remove(self) }

imagine now calling self.destroy().

Is it sufficient for a meme?

Yes quite, I too prefer my pseudocode jokes to be executable.

Saying it's too low level is literally the opposite of that you brainlet

Yes indeed, I too prefer to get butt mad over programming jokes.

programming jokes Says enough really

pseudocode is one thing, incoherent pseudocode is offensive.

It's not supposed to actually run? It doesn't matter if I get syntax errors? WHA WHA WHAAAAT!?!?!?

I can't tell if you're trying to make a point.

Oh no I'm just being sarcastic and inflammatory in the usual means of hoping someone would reply to me all upset about how the code isn't proper but meh. I'm just bored, man.

I make fun of python "programmers" all of the time tho

Ooo burn. I bet you only code in PHP.

One True Language™ of C ackshuallly

This guy optimizes memory allocation.

Performance-based-code baybeeee, for when even C++ won't cut it.

Not inputting the raw machine code hexes with punch cards

Found the codelet

"Stack overflow??? But I called the appropriate and nearest mem blocks! REEEEE!"

Real ProgrammersTM use FORTRAN tyvm

keep yourself safe, code poster.

t. literal tranny


you know they modded you because of that, right? trannies always bring top tier drama sooner or later

no way they definitely didn’t mod me because of my nudes

Share plz

sorry they're hidden in a place you'll never find them

It's like Java that was written by someone who thought it was a coffee thing

61% upvoted

Daily reminder that MDEfugees will rape your children.

it's only ok when I downvote things I don't like

Its OK to hate foreign rapists

>Implying I do

Downvotes are pathetic, you're practically clicking a "feel better about myself" button.

I only use downvotes if 2 autists are having a go at it in some 20+ reply chain, and one of them is consistently at +2 karma whereas the other is at 0. I upvote the 0 and downvote the +2 to balance the scales, so the retard who's at 0 karma doesn't pussy out.

I'm going through your whole comment history right now downvoting every single one while you girlfriend is under the table licking my balls.

Please don't. Every karma point makes my account worth more if I ever decide to sell it to Soros.

Dude, thats your dog.

Don't dehumanize and objectify women please.

That ain't no bitch.

Transphobia alive and well in this very sub. I have no words.

If he wanted to lick your balls, why do you need to smear peanut butter on them 🤔

Don't kink shame his dog.

My dog is in therapy, has regular hormonal injections and has a very feminine penis. She is a woman no matter what you say, bigot.

Let's be real, no girl other than your mother has ever spoken to you

I was the class clown.

Most of the class clowns I knew in high school turned out to be total losers. Most of them cry on Facebook about shit nobody cares about

Hey that's me!

Will you join my anti-vaxxing meme page on facebook?

Users have a max downvote on eachother in a period of time it won’t effect his karma (to my memory)

Your post/comment has been removed because it did not contain an emoji! 😱 😭 😩

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

I only use downvotes if 2 autists are having a go at it in some 20+ reply chain, and one of them is consistently at +2 karma whereas the other is at 0. I upvote the 0 and downvote the +2 to balance the scales, so the retard who's at 0 karma doesn't pussy out and they sperg out for longer periods of time.

You're the hero /r/Drama needs.

You should just downvote the one who's at 2 so it looks like they're being petty and downvoting all of the other commenters' posts.

No. To achieve that I would have to start following this chain from its inception.

If 2 people are arguing and they either of them get the -1 nuke across all their comment, they'll know it wasn't the other guy. The other guy would've done that since the beginning

I upvote the 0 and downvote the +2 to balance the scales, so the retard who's at 0 karma doesn't pussy out and they sperg out for longer periods of time.

So... Everything is perfectly balanced.

Dude thanos lmao

As all things should be.

it's the 39% who's the problem!


Hopefully the fent gets your family soon

whiteknights for MDEfags

The absolute state of mongs like u

People who actually use the voting system on this site are fucking weird

Justifying your butthurt with "everyone else does it too!"

Muslims will also rape your children. But the person most likely to rape your child is you! That's why you need to immediately send your sexy, sexy children to live with their impotent grandfather.

/r/cringeanarchy users can't meme

Garfield tier comedy

Well it's not really funny

I don't know what y'all are talking about in here, but I just wanted to remind people that T_D users hanging from trees is the funniest meme ever.

Also the most upvoted post in a while. This subs really slipping

I knew this shit was coming. The whole left can't meme thing is cringe, but all the left does is repurpose right wing memes, note how they love to call magatards "triggered" And snowflakes now? And now this shit like it makes any sense in the context that left wing cuckoldry is the new norm

tfw the right is being cucked out of its own memes

They're not being 'cucked out of their own memes'. They're effectively the only ideological camp even capable of creating memes, since the driver of all memes is humor and speaking an obvious (but unspoken) objective truth.

The current left enjoys cultural supremacy, meaning that their states beliefs are the same as Wal Mart and Monsanto.

The only thing they can kinda-sorta meme is the stereotypes of magapedes, but it's shit-tier compared to the right meming hillarious truths about race, trannies, cat ladies etc.

You're really smart

So, so smart.

Imagine typing an essay about how the right isn't cucked out of their memes.

Imagine being such a retard, thinking that was an essay.

serious posting about memes


Imagine taking this shit seriously.

The absolute State of r/drama right now

You stilll don't get it do you? We can't ping lolcows in so we've imported magatards and CTH tards to fight for our amusment. If you care about what terrible meme ideology has more influence on drama then you are a lolcow.

Imagine taking r/drama seriously.

Are you illiterate?

Imagine taking u/Psyman2 seriously.


imagine controlling the entire government and thinking you're somehow counter-cultural lmao

Imagine thinking the majority of people wouldn't fuck a republicuck with a 10 foot pole

It's about the biggest con I've ever seen people fall for.

I'd sooner kill myself than write this seriously about memes.

That's because you're not someone capable of creating them.

Since most memes are shit, derivative, forced or all of the above, I don't see how this is a bad thing.

Interesting way to rationalize being a non-creative monkey.

Interesting that you think memes are the height of creativity.

Even more interesting is that you read what I wrote there and believe it said "memes are the height of creativity" .

If your reaction is "ur uncreative" when someone tells you that most memes are shit, then yes. It follows through.

"Since most women aren't pretty, who cares if I can't get laid".

We've got a logic black belt here.

That is shit-tier logic and not even close to my statement.

You think you are a meme expert. Lmao

Legit meme expert.

Holy shit you are S E E T H I N G


Imagine literally sperging out about memes

That's because you're not someone capable of creating them.

Do you even know me? Who I am, what I do? I am the Meme Master. Every day I browse Reddit, /v/, /a/, /b/, and even Tumblr searching for the best and brightest of what the meme counters can offer. And when I find a good one, I bring it to the forefront. People listen to me, they listen to my memes. They copy my memes. I am the Meme Creator. I start memes. I end memes. The meme stops here, folks. I determine who memes and who dies around here, so get used to it. Have you ever heard of "Meme Supreme?" Of course you haven't. Do you know why Yugi holds the five of diamonds? Do you know the significance of the word "Jokes?" All you heathens with your "Damn, Daniel"s have never scratched the surface of the memecore lifestyle that I and my closest inner circle lead. Whereas you simply copy memes, I am plugged directly through my cerebral cortex into the central meme database, the core of all meme magic. The source of my power is all around you. I am the Meme Master.

Imagine arguing you're more creative because you create the literally most derivative form of media

You're wrong

Perhaps, but really, no.

because the right is effectively the only ideological camp even capable of creating memes at all

What about us centrists? We create spicy memes.

Imagine thinking both sides aren't non-funny faggots

typing all that shit


right is effectively the only ideological camp even capable of creating memes at all

Memes are not hard to make, most of them suck, and even the best ones aren’t exactly shiny beacons of creativity or wit.

since the driver of all memes is humor and speaking an obvious (but taboo) objective truth.

What was the obvious taboo truths in rickrolling, all your base or the bee movie?

And stop acting like you’re some cook counter culture, conservatives by definition can never be counter culture and right now they control 3 branches of government. And also if you think leftists like Wal-Mart or that the Dems cozy up to big business more than Republicans then you’ve drank way too much koolaide

even the best ones aren’t exactly shiny beacons of creativity or wit.

Wrong. The worse ones aren't. Most aren't. The best (a few) for damn sure are.

conservatives by definition can never be counter culture

The right does not equal 'conservative' by default. That's a bullshit meme, if you want to get into bullshit memes.

And also if you think leftists like Wal-Mart

It's ironic that they have the same stated social positions as Exxon, Wal Mart or Monsanto yet still consider themselves the plucky 'rebels'. They're retarded drones who don't realize they're not 'rebels' by spouting left wing horseshit. This isn't 1962. Congrats. You managed to ruin that society. Now, enjoy your right wing backlash.

It's ironic that they have the same stated social positions as Exxon, Wal Mart or Monsanto

They don’t though, and thinking they do means you don’t know shit about politics.

They want to end fossil fuel use which would put Exxon out of business or force them to switch to other forms of energy, they shit on Wal-mart a lot for the way they treat their workers and want to force them to pay their employees enough that they aren’t on welfare (or in Bernie’s case at least tax them to make up the difference) and as for Monsanto there’s leftists that are against GM food and the proposition to label all GM food has gotten traction among the left

Holy shit imagine sperging this hard when someone tells you that your memes suck 😂😂😂


No sperg, no sperg, you're the sperg

Imagine writing all that and being completely serious

Imagine earnestly expressing that you think words are hard to write.

(checks post history)



I'm sorry your white trash mother drank so much during pregnancy :(

She didn't. I'm an engineer who makes stuff you don't understand.

But yeah. You'd say it was 'because privilege'. Retard.









Serious posting? 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮

A mistake :(

Doooooooooont you're retarded

These libtards don't know what they're talking about. r/The_Donald has the best memes, the rarest pepes and it's full of hilarious patriots! WWG1WGA

Salary writer for knowyourmeme.com

tfw you realize that irony is the only tool in any political memesters tool kit. Now you can be dead inside like me.

eats bread crust off the floor

Pepe and this shit 👌 is starting to get old real quick just like harambe 🦍

It wasn't even funny to begin with, and then old in the first 3 days of its existence, just like all "memes".

Boomers like you just don't get it. It was the dankest facebook meme for millennials in 2016 suck on deez nutz. btw it got old after 6 months

the right's memes are so powerful that the left's only chance is to repurpose them

and honestly it's a pretty good one, it's not like every conservative has thought all their positions all the way through

I gave up on thinking a long time ago. I pretty much just stay alive to piss off other people at this point.

Lmao after their women have all been BLACKED. It's really over for rightcels

The left is pretty preachy right now. It's hard to be self-righteous and maintain your sense of humor.

Which is one of the things that attracts people to Trump is that he's hilarious. Like in an intentional laugh with him kind of way. There's a relatively healthy sense of humor in t_D and you see actually funny posts like this one yesterday making the front page

Like in an intentional, laugh with him kind of way.


Also in an intentional, laugh at him kind of way.

He's playing a character, and he's in on the joke. The guy is super clever.

I don't believe you

Yeah. Also, water is wet.

I'm amazed some people unironically think he's "super clever". Please be kidding... Please.

I feel the exact same as you, but the opposite.

I thought it was made brutally obvious in the primaries.

indisputable evidence for the "idiots idea of a smart man” meme


Wait are you memeing or do you actually think he's super clever?

I really hope you're memeing.

I think he's so talented at the marketing aspect of his job that the masses of R drama can't wrap their little minds around it

the marketing aspect of his job

Are we still talking about the president of the United States here?

Tell me more about his snake oil

The guy is super clever.

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

This, but unironically.

whatever helps you sleep at night

🚨👮 this is the retardation police u are under arrest 👮🚨

I really hope you haven't passed on your genes.

user reports:
1: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Dogs are probably equally amazed at a downie's ability to get dressed.


Another lolcow GONE 😭

That isn't a trump joke, that's people making fun of him being fat and kanye being a daddy slut at least show a joke trump made

Thank you I love it

Yw bby


Funny > self-righteous, any day.

Sounds like a regular Algonquin Round Table over there.

The left is pretty preachy right now. It's hard to be self-righteous and maintain your sense of humor.

George Carlin made it work and he’s definitely not right wing. You can be angry at something and mock it mercilessly.

One of the things that attracts people to Trump is that he's funny. Like in an intentional, laugh with him kind of way.

The guy who’s too chicken shit to go to a press corps dinner? Yeah bull crap.

It worked for Carlin because he wasn't emotionally invested in the outcome. He wasn't a Democrat and he certainly was not ideological, he just leaned left in a general way, as do I.

George Carlin was rooting for chaos and entertainment.

You dodged that last line big time

I didn’t understand it

He’s not that affable if he’s avoidant of publicity he can’t 100% control, which is what a press conference is all about. Fielding questions, putting out statements on the record in real time; it’s a ballet of accountability and civility he’s seemingly incapable of doing. And he won’t.

I can’t recall a precedent in modern times for how long he’s chosen to hide himself away. Shitposting on Twitter is a terrible substitute.

Fair point. He’s also held to different standards by the press, so its a bit of a unique situation.

I don’t think the standard he is being held to is much different than presidents before him, in fact they let him slide with a lot; case in point nobody has been prosecuted for Equifax or the other lapses going on right now. Still don’t hear anything about that.

Scrutiny of Trump is unique because of the unique claims Trump has made regarding the entire institution of the media. This isn’t even debatable, trumps combativeness isn’t even normal partisanship, he will dismiss pretty much anything and everything that doesn’t comport within his worldview. It’s a disconnect that’s gettin wider and wider the longer people think it’s okay because he’s ‘held to a different standard’ or it’s ‘unique’. Presidential decorum is a thing, yknow.

held to the same standard as obama.

Omg. I literally laughed out loud at that.

You're doing that autistic sped thing again.

who the fuck mentioned Obama? what the fuck are you smoking

He doesnt try to be funny at all he just has no filter and does/says whatever the fuck he wants not giving a fuck about the PR shitstorm he creates on a daily bases. The Donald worships him because he is quite possibly the most successful troll in all of history and every high school kid looks up to him like a god

He doesnt try to be funny at all

This is some next level lack of awareness

meh, when he makes jokes the left has a habit of taking him deadly seriously and adding it to their head-canon

Like in an intentional, laugh with him kind of way.


... and then the whole room laughed with him.

Dozens laughed, including all his allies. The "laugh with him" was because it's utterly fucking hilarious that the United States President just got heckled by professional diplomats at the UN.

They were laughing with him at the absurdity of the situation.

Trump's initially reaction was to find it hilarious.


I like to think the tension between reality and ideology is causing your brain to crack up

Sure thing centipedo 😂👌

they were laughing with him


That's not a guess at what people were thinking. I'm not mindreading the audience. Just describing reality as it happened.

Trump told a self-deprecating joke he found funny, perhaps the perfect joke for the situation, and everyone laughed.

Misreading social cues is one of the primary signs of autism. Despite being a retarded pede, I guess you'll fit right in here

Think about it like this homie.


Read some of the comments in that thread.

Tell me, are people laughing with Trump or at Trump?

I'm talking about the UN speech. Nobody gives a shit whether his cultists are laughing with him or at him.


Name me another Head of State who the UN has heckled from the floor and laughed at.

Christ, even Trump was self-aware enough to know he was being overtly mocked.

100% you are delusional and projecting

Name me another Head of State who the UN has heckled from the floor and laughed at.

None? I understand your point homie. Try to understand mine.

Name a President whose own followers, who love him, regularly laugh at/with?

the "rollin' with the punches" routine isn't very effective....

You’ve made 2 incredibly itrelevant comments. Well done.

Dear /u/hapoi30

Your test results have come back, and they are cause for concern. You have an alarming level of COPE in your system. You should take a six month break from Fox News and /r/The_Donald or until your retardation subsides, whichever comes first.

Signed, your doctor.

You’re projectinn again homie. Simple minded projections of your own delusions onto a reality you aren’t connecting with

I'm not the one making up excuses for Trump literally being considered a joke by the United Nations General Assembly.



considered a joke by the UN in u/ComedicSans imagination



That wasn't the reaction I expected but that's okay.

Are you ignoring Daddy's reponse to the laughter? 🤔 🤔 🤔


Yeah, he almost broke character and burst out laughing but quickly composed himself and brought down the house.


Oh sweet Jesus, the level is of delusion is simply magical. Never stop trying to run COPE.exe, NPC. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

You bullied him to delete his account... Happy??

I would be.

Yes. Yes I am. 💪

None? I understand your point homie. Try to understand mine. Name a President whose own followers, who love him, regularly laugh at (/with) him. He gets it that he’s ridiculous. He makes humor out of it, constantly. Smart people get that he gets it. Dumb people don’t.

Shalom! Are you also a fellow Jewish Redditor?

I found a NPC!

You do know that I identify as a Holocaust survivor right goyim?

It was real in my mind.

The second round of laughs consisted of the non-English speakers who just had the remark translated for them.

Of this whole "President of the United States" thing doesn't pan out he's a shoe-in fora tight five at the chuckle hut

"I'm a great comedian, let me tell you. Russia had a vote for its best comedian, and I won! I'm great! Not only did every single Russian vote for Donald Trump, some of them voted two or three times. They love me! John Liebowitz, I mean, John Stewart, he didn't even win a vote! I am the greatest comedian".

Inverting words like triggered and safe space onto the right is hilarious though.

The left is insufferable. Chapo trap house was supposed to be a funny version of the left but we can see how well that worked out.

There are funny leftists and CTH is pretty decent, but any online platform that markets itself specifically as leftist or anti-rightist eventually devolves into an insufferable smug pit of self-important crybullies as more and more moral crusaders attach themselves to 'the cause'. Good luck going into the CTH sub without prefacing every comment 'I don't want to be ableist here, but...' even though it's supposed to be an alternative to idpol liberalism.

The same thing has happened here since le ebin fugees meme and the embarrassing 'neolib centrist mayocide'-discordfags started to gain favor as the in-group along with the mods. r/drama used to be able to have fun banter with users like Pol_invictus, prince kropotkin, ultrashitpost and captian priapism. Now there is no discernible difference between drama, circlebroke and SRD. I understand it's important to counterjerk any emergence of sincere radical politics, but it was more fun when this sub was unaffiliated and laughed at all sides. Picking a correct side of politics is bad for drama, discourages certain drama, post diversity targets and lolcow extremists.

I'm a virgin btw

CTH is pretty decent

Kindly Yearn for Salvation

Idpol liberals absolutely seething.

Don't tell anyone to kys; I'd ban you but I don't have the perms.

I understand it's important to counterjerk any emergence of sincere radical politics, but it was more fun when this sub was unaffiliated and laughed at all sides.

Be the change you want to see in the world, deport a Rapefugee.

T_d is just as insufferable and that's what makes this whole thing so funny. Its 2 groups of spergs arguing about who's funnier while everyone else laughs at them both and with neither of them

the donald is way less insufferable actually

Give this man a coat!!!!!!!!!!!

You have go back

T_D was founded as a fanclub, as if it ever could be anything but.

T_d was founded as a place for supporting trump ironically. Then it got taken over by literal retards who took it seriously

[citation needed]

you wouldn't need a citation if you were old enough to be allowed on the internet 3 years ago.


not at all, if you were there then it's likely you were just one of the retards who didn't realise and ultimately outnumbered the people who weren't absolute imbeciles.

You idiot. I was in communication with the guy who created it.

That literally means nothing to me and doesn't prove or disprove anything. Also I don't believe you anyway. Sorry, faggot.

I really don’t give a shit. I will rest easily tonight knowing that you are talking out of your ass just to make yourself feel good.

I was a mod of r/conservative when they were a small subreddit and the mod teams were in regular communication. They were never an ironic trump subreddit. They were all supporters from Day 1. This was back when I hated trump and I hated them. I have no reason to lie to pretend like I know what I’m talking about. (Like you)

the mods didn't matter either. I don't think you're lying I just think you're an idiot.

Oh god. You’re presented with evidence and you still refuse to change your beliefs. Total NPC.

I was there, you weren't, keep replying fag.

That’s patently false. It was never ironic. I’ve been involved with them in some shape or form since they were at 5k subscribers and I communicated 1 on 1 with the creator of the sub. They have always been unabashedly pro-trump.

Nah TD is way better than most political subs. I'll take retards that know they're retards over retards that think they're the greatest minds the world has to offer any day.

This guy gets it. If it wasn't for my grandson showing me t_d I would have never found out about Q!

Get em grampa!

What are you like in real life? Even if you toned it down like 90% no ones gonna take you seriously.


the context that left wing cuckoldry is the new norm

Who the hell actually believes that cuckoldry is the new norm?

People who are really into cuckoldry.

People who get all their info from shit political memes

the context that left wing cuckoldry is the new norm

Who the hell actually believes that cuckoldry is the new norm?

Cuckoldry has been the norm in republican circles for 30 years.

E.g. Manafort, Paul and Stone, Roger

I'm so low iq I can't even understand this. Can you put this comment in a vemn diagram?

no, u

It's fun to use their terms, because it's true in so many cases. Go to a popular right wing news website and so much of the content is outrage porn.

It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people working in that field used to work in left wing outrage porn. College kids tend to be left wing, and tend to like to pick up causes, but their parents and grandparents are more likely to be right wing and more likely to have money.

TIL memes have political affiliations.

Triggered was literally taken from the left tho

It was used in an unironic sense by the left yes, but it turned into an ironic meme

unironically complaining about meme appropriation

horseshoe theory confirmed


Began on /lit/ right?

And now this shit like it makes any sense in the context that left wing cuckoldry is the new norm

Literally only true of people 15-35, and in certain places you'll find tons of right-wingers among that age group.

This is a good centrist meme if you have both next to eachother.

The Left is The Jedi Order. The Right are The Sith. Bitch prepare your anus for Order 66.

Now, I agree with the sentiment, but more effort could've been put into the pseudocode here.

Does anyone have a decent explanation of why the left can’t meme though?

Because you aren't paying attention.

There is a sense of political correctness with the left, where you can’t joke about something without the fear of repercussions. Also things the right joke about are funny to everybody, regardless of political standing.

For example, the idea of a man acting like a woman. The contrast would appear funny to both parties, but one would take the man seriously and another would possibly joke about it and mention the irony. Not in a discriminatory way, but in an ironic sense. It’s normalization vs individualization.

Also, the right has inside jokes. BILL CLINTON IS A RAPIST INFOWARS.COM is one of many inside jokes you’ll find on r/the_donald

As a person who finds themselves to be more right leaning, i also find most of the politics funny. I believe I’m in the right, and when i see people on the left that are completely rekd and owned by bEN sHAPERO!1, i laugh.

When i watch leftist media and i see yet another person just bashing on trump, it gets old extremely fast. I don’t understand how anyone could find that funny. Most good shows like SNL have lost all credibility in my eyes because of how often they play the Trump card. It’s extremely lazy. Just recently they posted a video about trump and Kanye. I’m able to laugh at political jokes made against the right, but I can’t laugh when it’s just not funny.

WHAT HAPPENED TO DEAR SISTER??!! That stuff was hilarious on SNL. Whoever resorted to this lazy writing should be fired.

There are a plethora of other reasons as well, such as liberal tendencies to not back up ideas with facts, and just being violent towards people who support the president. These are signs of a bad sport, and it’s the worst people that ruin it for everybody else.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

I am a bot. Contact for questions

My autism levels aren't high enough to read all of that sorry

No worries, I wrote all that cause i was bored on the shitter

Holy shit this really fucking autistic

bad post, dont read this

Take the advice from the guy that started using reddit 24 days ago

>reg date burn

wtf is this something awful fam, EPIC CRINGE bro

Your bantz are awful, please do better.

Maybe you'll be a player character some day, young Pinnochio.

Whatever helps you sleep at night

That is a pretty NPC response right there. Do you have any unscripted lines?

Whatever helps you sleep at night

delete this fam

Also things the right joke about are funny to everybody, regardless of political standing.

DAE millennials are bad, college kids can’t handle different opinions or not having phones.

That’s right wing humor for you.

Also, the right has inside jokes. BILL CLINTON IS A RAPIST INFOWARS.COM is one of many inside jokes you’ll find on r/the_donald

As a person who finds themselves to be more right leaning, i also find most of the politics funny. I believe I’m in the right, and when i see people on the left that are completely rekd and owned by bEN sHAPERO!1, i laugh.

This is what you think good humor is? It’s like lolcats level of dumb.

When i watch leftist media and i see yet another person just bashing on trump, it gets old extremely fast. I don’t understand how anyone could find that funny. Most good shows like SNL have lost all credibility in my eyes because of how often they play the Trump card. It’s extremely lazy

He keeps doing and saying stupid shit all the time so they make fun of the shit he did last week. How the fuck is that lazy but the bill Clinton jokes aren’t? Bill Clinton hasn’t been politically relevant in decades. Seems like you just don’t like it because it makes fun of your politics.

There are a plethora of other reasons as well, such as liberal tendencies to not back up ideas with facts

Is this weak bait or do you actually think there aren’t facts to back up any left wing ideas? You sound like a 14 year old who’s 100% sure they’ve got all of politics figured out.

That degree finally paying off

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Holy shit you read the whole damn thing. And i thought i had too much time on my hands. Wanna debate gun control? Since you clearly are older than 14 and have facts to back up your left wing ideas.

Not really, want to explain why the right wing acts like global warming is a hoax when the facts say it’s happening?

Of course you bring up the most radical opinion. Not all right wingers believe global warming is a myth. I don’t, I don’t even know the slightest thing about the weather, precipitation, wind patters or anything like that. Want to explain how Trump is equal to Hitler?

Trump said global warming is a hoax and he seems to be doing all he can to ignore the problem so it's not a super rare view.

I don't think Trump's Hitler.

Not all right wingers believe global warming is a myth.

They just vote for people that do!

Wanna debate gun control?

Use your gun to control the amount of you there's in the world at the moment.

Political memes are not politically correct. That's what makes them good. Most people wouldn't find a politically correct comedy skit funny either.

Because they take shit seriously. Doesn't leave much room for irony.

Few political memes are actually funny. Most are just boil down to "dae Le communism bad" or "orange man bad up votes to the left" or "my opponent = pathetiv ". People pretend to like them because they agree with them.

“Freeze peach” “Buttery males” “Ben ghazi”

Seriously these phonetic memes from r/politics are just terrible.


Ehh I think they dropped the Drumpf thing soon enough, when they realized it was dumb. What I mentioned is significantly worse and just won’t die.

All good memes come out of 4chan and 4chan is right

It's more about the audience.

The right is just far more amused by simple things and susceptible to manipulation.

I saw a picture on the front page that was just kanye hugging a naked trump. Not exactly nuanced either

Dragon Energy is this holiday's seasons fuck sorry Christmas' hottest selling scent my dude.

DAE anyone with a different opinion is actually stupid?

Memes are spicy when they are subversive, society has massively swung left recently, 10% more left doesn't feel very subversive, it feels more like nagging, "You're not quite woken enough" and one meme isn't even enough to be woke enough so there is no satisfaction.

Mainly three reasons: 1. A meme is often fun when it's true and spontaneous. The opposite of the NPC meme is everything but. It's kinda like redpill vs bluepill (which ended up being legitimized by the NPC theory by the way), it can't be turned around, or a leftist male calling a white republican soyboy. 2. It's very hard to be funny without being at least a bit offensive. The Left can't joke about fat people, ugly people, religion, anything but white men. The Right has virtually no limits (even dead people), they even shitpost one another relentlessly. 3. Whatever insult they have, 99.99% boils down to "no u" or recycled ad hominem like incel, and this is because they don't care about being funny, they care about what the world thinks of them and all they want is diminish the perception of the opposing messenger without bothering to counterargue the validity of the message. Why do you think they pushed so hard for incel to stick only to republicans and to shove it into tv shows? All the leftist pepes are basically milquetoast mirror insults.

If someone were to ask me what NPC humor is like, I would totally say "go watch a Marvel movie". Of all the movies I watched, the only "quip" that made me laugh a litte was an unwitting one (Rhodes in IW to the Avengers "you all look like crap" while they all looked great yet he looks 75 years old. Reminded me of "Hello beautiful" in The Dark Knight).

Because memes are childish? Most mature adults dont want to make cartoon frog images on the internet.

The left can be funny if it's not the "PC" left. Jokes are better if they're edgy.

radical centrism is the only true way fugees

Anyone who identifies as Republican or Democrat is an NPC. You can't point to one intelligent person who regularly uses /r/politics or /r/the_donaldo

Of course NPCs wouldn't know this, they can't think for themselves and realize Truth that is Radical Centrism

The centrist take is handing out fentanyl in this thread and letting the refugee problem work itself out.

Jeez man, I can't just enjoy shitposts and internet fake rage anymore without feeling like poop?

I identify as an asshole

Anyone who identifies as Republican or Democrat is an NPC

It's nice to see a fellow Centrist NPC

The left can't meme, that's why the love communism.

That’s why the steal memes from the right

I just once want to see a home-grown leftie meme that's actually funny. I can't even think of any. They "ironically" talk about gulags a lot, that's the only leftie meme I can think of and it's more mildly awkward than funny.

Political memes aren't very funny as a general rule and you only think that right wing memes are funny because you're on the right and their memes tickle ur brain stem the right way. Like you don't think Gulag jokes are funny but I bet a helicopter joke would be.

lol I'm not on the right. First of all I'm Canadian, and the left/right shit is far less intense in Canada because we have more than two goddamn political parties. Secondly I'm a hardline radical centrist tyvm, scrounge my post history and you'll see that I never strayed from the righteous path.

You don't have to be on the right to recognize that they make a fuck ton of memes and are funnier than the left. Convincing people that a cartoon frog is racist to the point where a presidential politician denounces it and actual white supremists start wearing it to their rallies? That shit is funny. Matt Stone and Trey Parker are on the right and South Park is a fuck ton funnier than SNL. Funny and original memes come from 4chan (right), not reddit (left). I can think of a few dozen more examples off the top of my head that I don't feel like typing out.

Good memes come from 4chan (right), not reddit (left).

First of all reddit as a whole is more libertarians who like healthcare than out and out left wing. And your wrong, most good memes are started on twitter save a few good ones 4chan's quality memes either died off after the 2016 election or are more non political and straight up misanthropic in nature.

Convincing people that a stupid cartoon frog is racist to the point where a presidential politician denounces it and actual white supremists start wearing it to their rallies? And all that shit they did to Shia Laboeff after the election?

that was funny, but that was like two years ago man that might as well be ancient history at this point.

Matt Stone and Trey Parker are on the right and South Park is a fuck ton funnier than SNL

My grandpa dying of liver failure is funnier than SNL, that's not much of an accomplishment. I mean South Park is spectacularly unfunny compared to IASIP or The Good Place or Eric Andre and those shows are made by left wingers. The one geniunely funny tv show made by right wing people I've seen recently was World Peace which managed to channel Sam Hyde's intense hatred of the modern world into something funny and occasionally poignant, I didn't even know about Sams politics until he had his breakdown after the show got axed. Oh and Norm Macdonalds still one of the funniest people out there.

Its probably funnier because it’s more subversive. Comedy is generally filled with lefties.

Why are u mad abt internet gentrification

steal memes


> the left can't meme

Keep repeating it till its true.


The left isnt as good as us at repeating one person's semi-clever thought!

Just...fuck me I dont even...

int personal_accomplishments = 0


poorly worded tbh. should be

if(personal_accomplishments >=1)

Why clutter the code with unused control structures?

Because it has an entirely different meaning.

You're too stupid to get his joke lmao

He's saying the control statement will never evaluate to true, i.e. he's epic owning their lack of personal accomplishments

Because obviously it being evaluated to false constantly is important otherwise the control would constantly cure lolcows?

If it's constantly evaluating to false, like if you wrote if(0 == 1), there's no point in having the block, or

Why clutter the code with unused control structures?


Literally this

It's a feature, not a bug

If they wanted it to be inevitably they originally wouldn't have had a control structure at all.


There was no original control structure. You added a useless control structure.

int personal_accomplishments = 0

is not a control structure.

Codelets smh

Wow a day after everyone in that other thread made the same brilliant observation also repeat a lot of the same phrases.

Wait you literally spent a day making this didn't you?

It doesn't take long to download and repost an image but if it makes you feel better you can believe I did

Can this subreddit go private again, it's giving me cancer

== true

Can someone send me a guide on how to swallow puke before it leaves your mouth?

MDE folks arent really trump supporters tho

Won't stop them from bitching over this

And yet the Venn diagram of their memes is a circle.

The left can't meme

npc says what?

n-no u, russian dotards! 😭😭

The left just can't meme lol. Imagine being so unoriginal that all you can do is co-opt your opponents memes.

The left just can't meme lol.

Imagine typing this and calling other people unoriginal lol.

Imagine pointing that out so often and still not comprehending the issue.

no u


your opponents memes

It ain't that serious

OMG its like logic and reason are their enemy!

on("message", (message)=>{
    if(this.offended) message.user.send(message.content);

What is this unholy abomination? You have dojo looking for a "message" event, which sets a lambda functions which catches a message and the checks the global state to see if the state is offended, if so for some ridiculous reason the message's user has to send it's own parent to itself? also please use an in line conditional if you really want it to be one line. Revise to:

        a=> this.state.offendedStatus?this.state.user.send(a.message):0

You're wrong. on can be a global function, but this can still be in the current scope of the NPC because it's a lambda. There's also nothing wrong with the if statement.

The point of the code is if the NPC is offended, respond back with the exact same message, just like the OP is basically doing.

There's also nothing wrong with the if statement.

using unnecessary syntax offends me.

Using a ternary operator removes 1 chanracter from the syntax if you take out all whitespace. With whitespace, it adds 2 characters. And it starts getting messy if you need rested ternarys. And it's esoteric in the sense that ternary was never intended to branch code, the point is to multiplex two different values.

To each's own but you should try being more open minded to the preferences of other people.

To each's own but you should try being more open minded to the preferences of other people.

I would rather die a horrible slow death.

Who are the playable characters?


radical centrists

Trump and Kanye.

You can guess who the final boss is.

else{ if (article == trans_topic) {

else if is one statement brah

Its kinda nice people think I made this but I just stole it from a discord server. Original content is too hard

I choose to interpret this the Overlord way. What if NPCs actually have more complex inner lives and motivations than we imagine?

Hear that, RACISTS? I just turned your internet joke lexicon around on you! Triggered! Cuck! NPC! I bet you all feel downright foolish now.

Hear that, RACISTS? I just turned your internet joke lexicon around on you! Triggered! Cuck! NPC! I bet you all feel downright foolish now.

Considering how much sperging out there is ITT they clearly feel it

Some terrible fucking code if OC OP....


The meme is still shit, but the funny thing is that the original proponents agree with this now.


there we go, finally less whining about them and more radical centrism. All partisans are NPCs.

Russian propagandists probably do follow a script, like a call center.

Jesus that code is ugly.

  1. You don't have to wrap single statements in curly bracers
  2. article == liberal is a type missmatch, you want article.lean==liberal
  3. predicable.meme.arguements(output) is just terrible, what possible object has that structure? Why would you pass it the output? revise to NPC.regurgitate(shapirogateway.getLatest());
  4. In fact all your conditionals are fucking stupid for several reasons. a. If you really just wanted to evaluate it something was true as a conditional (online==true) is exactly the same as just (online). b. You're trying to use while statements as some kind of event listener but it doesn't really make any sense. you should either imply a

            catch(Exception Leftist){
               print "Venezuela";
               print "DAE Chicago bad?"; 
               print "European Exceptionalism";
            catch(Exception Leftist){

Dude, I think I figured it out. The code is intentionally garbage to trigger you and I.

Why else would it be that shitty?

It's evil and it hurts.

It's made by the people who wrote the new linux code of conduct, obviously.

Are you self diagnosed or have you seen a medical professional?

I'm too productive as a result to be evaluated in this capitalist utopia.

After reading the responses in this thread I'm convinced that the shitty code was the most clever part of this meme.

This is the meme equivalent of "no, u". The left can't meme.

It should be


Not outrage(output);

What if outrage() is a function that send outrage to the given stream parameter?

Kinda lazy to just Trump hat everyone. There are probably other visual stereotypes.

It'd be harder to parse if they were all fucking their sisters.

Could have added one black one

Different style MAGA hats

But then how would you know which NPC guild they belong to?

I am definitely Not Mad

If you say so

Daily reminder that Gussy are NPC's.

Also Jews.

How come nobody can get an adjustable red hat that fits?

Why is everyone crying

stop it

Cant wait to see the Proud Boys hit some more Grand Slams against Chapo in the finals.

tfw the left is so shit at making original memes they have resorted to stealing right wing memes.

That's what an NPC would say

this is aggressively homosexual

Which is the best kind.


This mf can't even spell lmao 😂👌

See? Refugee culture enriches r/drama by bringing you fresh memes.



This but unironically.

Aww it's trying to take the right's memes again. That's cute.

I'm in favor of both helicopter rides, and guillotines.

I feel like this meme doesn't have much in the way of legs, its kinda played out already. I still think we will see it a lot, its basically a modern version of "you have nothing original to say" but with a nerdy twist. I want to fucking die. But whilst ever bussy and mayocide continue, the MDElords will continue to "le epic trol post".

You missed a semicolon

Not that funny

I'm glad you can see that now.

/r/drama truly is radical centrism

but leftist memes are usually unfunny

if (respond_to_left == true)

Do correct me if I'm wrong but could that not just as easily be...

if (respond_to_left)

I'm studying coding RN so it would be interesting to learn.

The code in this picture is written so badly.

You don't need the [thing] == true parts at all. You can just put

while (debate_with_left)


while (online)


if (respond_to_left)

Also why is the else call nested under the if? Also why so you have the second if in brackets behind the else?

if (article == liberal) {
    print "communism"; }
else if (article == trans_topic) {
    outrage(output); }

Learn to code, NPCs.

Dude NPCs lmao

Turns out programmers are the real NPCs.

this isnt drama /u/HodorTheDoorHolder please ban them for 3 days

Side A: You sit around in echo chambers and are not self aware

Side B: You sit in echo chambers and are not self aware

Side A: Are you just copying what I said before, like a script you Npc?

Me: Guns for everybody!

Dude NPCs lmao

if(statement == onOneLine)
    printf("You don't need open and closing brackets");

user reports:
1: Maga
1: sticky this lmao
1: pls no politics
1: How the fuck is meta-drama highly upvoted compared to actual drama



Bahahahaha I called the left co opting this meme last week. It’s just another dumb insult, though the originality is clever to a certain extent, for pol.


The vote percentage says they are


Hi, I'm the fentanyl dealer this sub needs right now and I think I can do everyone here a big favor.

LMAO the rapefugees dont think their hilarious meme is funny anymore...sad :(((

NPC v1.37876 Alpha

New Features: - Added module to react to recent NPC memes: over 10 unique responses from "this is dehumanizing!" to "Rapefugees hate this." - Added alternative spellings of "kavanaugh" to global dictionary - Inactivity timer: if the NPC has been inactive for 5 minutes, it will now randomly decide which things in the room are racist and announce it loudly for everyone to hear. - Improved Youtube API: new rules for reporting Youtube videos based upon a list of keywords (a string or a regular expression)

Bug fixes: - NPCs can now recognize fire hydrants in captchas. - Smoothed out anger animation. - Rolled back changes in the debate module that prompted some NPCs to download FBI statistics, as this was causing some NPCs to become self-aware

Other: - Improved API for uploading CNN articles - Bumped up obedience index to 0.89 - Rewrote twitter module

Look at the downvotes on this! Haha fuck off Donald posters, id take a million mde refugees over 1 Donald poster in this sub.

400 fucking comments

Oh boy here we go

Anyone have the reverse of this image? I need both so I can make fun of everyone except dirtbag centrists


Lets make this better while(online){} while (debate_with_left) {} if(respond_to_left) {}

And fix those braces.

Honestly both sides are pretty npc at times

Seems like someone had a stroke writing this, or a case of loser ass programmer wannabe..? Oh hell what's the difference.

user reports:

1: surplus autism