Experience with a crazy lady...

1  2018-10-14 by ComicalHeart

So I have a story about a good friend of mine. I want to make it vague as possible... So this friend of mine we will call G, she’s an amazing person. She was a nurse with a very disabled child of her own. Not to mention she rescues horses from bad situations and adopts them to good homes. This is important to the story.

In comes a woman (C) who can’t afford her horses anymore. She didn’t go into too much details but said I’ll give you my horses and help pay with food and water, etc. Signs the papers and leaves her horses. Never pays a dime or shows up.

Months go by. A customer comes in with a little daughter that just loved horses so much. Never met her but her parents were rich and she was the sweetest little kid from what I got. They adopt the lady C’s horse. It’s a great fit and they love him.

C shows up out of nowhere to visit her horse, not to pay. G is like okay, a bit odd since you dropped off the face of the Earth... but your horse is already adopted. C clearly is upset. G explains she is in a loving home and has explained they expressed they don’t want to be bothered. C is very angry, cussing her out. Eventually leaves...

C contacts G and claims that she has stolen her horses. G has contracts/papers in which you gave him up. Nope, doesn’t matter to C. Many angry texts. Many times of blocking her from multiple contacts. This becomes borderline harassment.

I’m not sure what the specifics were but G was at the barn with her horses at night. C comes in and tries to ‘steal her horses back’. G confronts her and one thing lead to another and is shoved into an electric fence. C flees the barn. Luckily for G the fence was on a low and was not enough to kill or do long term damage. It goes without saying but they call the cops on C. C is charged, and plays not guilty because, get this, she claims they are her horses. C posts bail.

G has good evidence to back up. Papers of her surrendering would be enough alone but she had text messages, her harassment, witnesses and even C admitted to it. Plus the adding of assault and battery charges.

Now folks, this is not the end of the story for here is the best (frustrating!) part.

G has a sweet little pony named Honey, she’s a therapy horse for children. One morning we find her distraught and bleeding, she was stabbed in the eye. Vets are unable to save her vision unless they do a VERY expensive surgery. G can not afford this... Not to mention she has to move to a new barn with someone to stay during the nights to make sure this doesn’t happen again. G has to pay for the uses of a trailer, gas, medical bills and staff. On top of what she is already paying for her family and her horses.

This VERY coincidentally is right when C is out. C was unable to be charged with lack of evidence. C even though with her charges gets probation for a couple years. But at least they got a restraining order...

Honey is okay now, but can not see out of one eye. She is still a therapy horse and loves children. G is okay and still rescues horses, her business is still open. Have not seen C, or as I like to call her Crazy Lady, has not been seen since.


Horse ladies are always crazy

Agreed, but I’m pretty sure she had something mentally wrong with her...

Poor Honey 😭

Fuck that C bitch