Why does NPC meme get people so booty blasted

1  2018-10-14 by caliberoverreaching

It's not even that good, basic solipsism.


does it? where?

Dude NPCs lmao

Still waiting for Silicon Valley to ban the meme.

Shit you missed the bussy twatter already did

Got a source besides T_🍄 or a deleted 4chan post?

That's from September and doesn't say anything about this particular meme actually being banned.

It's about dehumanizing language which includes the NPC meme, there were articles written about it too

Yes, I know why it's being bandied about. I just haven't seen an article or anything about all the N P C memes getting banned on twatter.

which almost never happens

lol ok

Thinking you're an idiot isn't being mad

That's not what solipsism is.

Yes it is, it's the belief that you're the only one with real thoughts.

The NPC meme only supposes that there are a certain % of people without internal thoughts. Not that there are no other people that have them.

Most people have the entire meme wrong.

"the_donald repeats cuck and libtard all the time!!21!@1 DEY NPCs TOO!!"

It's not that both sides repeat the same phrases or buzzwords. It's that a large majority of the modern left hold views only because it has been "programmed" into them by the media.

This is why when pressed for some sort of explanation for their views, most fall back on "it's too nuanced for me to even explain to you"

(aka, I have zero idea why I hold the views I do and can't explain it at all)

No, it's not. It's the view that only the self can be known to exist, IE all our perceptions could be completely false and therefore all the people we see. It doesn't start from thinking some people are false, you've got the cause and effect backwards for solipsism.

Dude NPCs lmao

Man, this NPC is going off scripted triggers.

How can he not see? That rather than proving something or advancing an agenda these people are making these shitpost accounts because they think it's funny.

The amusing part of the NPC meme is that I have only ever seen people talk about it, but never the actual meme itself.

Dude NPCs lmao

Dude "dude NPCs lmao" lmao.

Dude "dude 'dude NPCs lmao' lmao" lmao.

wtf I love NPCs now

They're buttmad someone finally thought up a counter to being called a nazi.

Takes long to find a simple counter when you don't have internal monologue

"everyone who calls someone an NPC is an NPC"


"no u"

  • a true intellectual

Dude NPCs lmao

And the counter to this is to call these idiots Neckbeards

dude Neckbeard lmao

Maybe if it was 2013. No one has taken offense to neckbeard for years.

It's just a shitty, poorly made, meme that's only popular because of it's blatant pandering. It's worse than those webcomics that try to make themselves into formats on purpose.

you sound booty blasted

no u

dude no u lmao

Radiant AI lmao

Other than a single article denouncing it, literally all booty blastedness I’ve seen has been booties getting blasted over other, hypothetical booties getting blasted over the npc meme. So soothe your booty and shut the fuck up already

Dude NPCs lmao

talking or even referencing anything gaming related in public is the most embarrassing thing I can imagine anyone doing

It is people coming to the realization that they aren't special or distinctive in any way. Most of their lives and even how they think are influenced by everything else around them. It is like calling someone a "snowflake" but with the added bonus of saying you will never amount to anything.

Most of their lives and even how they think are influenced by everything else around them and they haven't had a single original thought in their life.

True, but isn't that how human intellect actually works?

the NPC meme preempts replying with simple name-calling or a canned response. given the current level of political discourse on twitter, this takes a lot of people out of their comfort zone

it's been compared to the "russian bot" insult, but it isn't quite the same. the russian bot/shill insult preempts any intellectual effort being put into a response (after all, it would just be further proof that they really are a foreign spy trying to desperately to pass)

because it's just low effort enough to be obnoxious, and people even in this sub can't just ignore it and move on