*** Celeste Ng vs Jeremy Long ***

1  2018-10-15 by Shark_life

It all started when /ourgirl/ wrote a scathing article about the harassment Asian women face for dating non-Asian men causing a few days worth of angry sperging on the Azn reddit sphere which was all in all very entertaining to read, but 4 hours ago Azn porn star Jeremy Long has joined in the spergefest sharing his own experiences with harassment that lead to the suicide of his wife.





Grab da popcorn guys, this one's about to get serious.


skrrt skrrt my heart hurt


  1. wrote a scathing article about the ... - Outline

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Aww. Don't worry bussy she'll be reincarnated as an even cuter waifu ❤

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You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. wrote a scathing article about the ... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  3. https://twitter.com/JLongAznCock/st... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  4. https://twitter.com/JLongAznCock/st... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  5. https://twitter.com/JLongAznCock/st... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  6. https://twitter.com/JLongAznCock/st... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

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JLong went to Berkeley School of Law. Now that you know that, look at those tweets. That's what a $250k education will get you kids.

He chopped off his fucking finger because he killed his girlfriend and managed to crazy his wife into suicide.

Oh, and let's not forget he injected drugs into his dick.

He also wrote a wall of Chinesium text promising that he'd go dark. Which makes me feel lied to.

What exactly did Jeremy Long inject into his dick? Asking for a friend

He used Caverject, which is basically Viagra, but an injection. He mentions it in this statement.

Why must you remind me the aznid autists think methhead white women are hot?

I don't understand what this Long guy is about. In what way is what he said relevant to Ng's story?

Is it because he fucks non-Asian girls in his porn, so he gets harassed, which led to his wife's suicide? Then wouldn't he be on Ng's side instead of whatever he is right now?


but why did "[his] Asian wife" commit suicide?

He said that she had schizophrenia or something:

Finally, I can barely type out these words that will be the conclusion of this. Several weeks ago my wife, the love of my life, my soulmate, took her own life. I reached a place so full of fear and pain and misery and surreality that no words could come close to bearing the ability to describe. This wasn’t a feeling disparate in matters of degree, but of kind, and one that I think human beings, as an entire species, very rarely ever encounter, and I had to the fullest. I was so utterly scared and full of fear, a fear of reality being reality, a fear that reached deep into me and consumed my entire soul. I didn’t feel like I’d been hurt so bad, that nothing could be worse. I was instead awakened to all that I’d been blind to before and exposed to something entirely new. We had always called each other soulmates and our painful pasts are what made our bond so strong. We had both led lives that caused disaster and pain to others. I fear that what I experienced was my soulmate entering the next realm. Even if that be the case, even if it’s to the depths of Hell, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to follow her there. Just like we had been able to throughout the worst of times, I’m sure we can again make our own little heaven to share, even if its Hell we’re stuck together in.

She had been struggling with what was thought by some to be schizophrenia, or schizoaffective disorder. We got the chance to spend nearly every night of her last night in each other’s arms, with a tranquility we had never before been able to enjoy. It is that I will be forever grateful for, but the pain of the loss of these two beautiful souls is too heavy for me to bare while needing to describe, so I will say goodbye to all of you now, and after finishing the responsibilities I have remaining, I will be gone from the public’s eye forever.

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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he's basically saying that AMWF (Asian male, white female) have a harder time than AFWM (Asian female, white male).

I do see more AFWM more than the other way around, but this

Asian guys... think that all their offspring turn out autistic while the offspring of AMWF turn out to be superchads.

is just dumb. So aznidentity nonsense, then.

So yeah, why would his Asian wife commit suicide?

He said that she had schizophrenia or something:

Finally, I can barely type out these words that will be the conclusion of this. Several weeks ago my wife, the love of my life, my soulmate, took her own life. I reached a place so full of fear and pain and misery and surreality that no words could come close to bearing the ability to describe. This wasn’t a feeling disparate in matters of degree, but of kind, and one that I think human beings, as an entire species, very rarely ever encounter, and I had to the fullest. I was so utterly scared and full of fear, a fear of reality being reality, a fear that reached deep into me and consumed my entire soul. I didn’t feel like I’d been hurt so bad, that nothing could be worse. I was instead awakened to all that I’d been blind to before and exposed to something entirely new. We had always called each other soulmates and our painful pasts are what made our bond so strong. We had both led lives that caused disaster and pain to others. I fear that what I experienced was my soulmate entering the next realm. Even if that be the case, even if it’s to the depths of Hell, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to follow her there. Just like we had been able to throughout the worst of times, I’m sure we can again make our own little heaven to share, even if its Hell we’re stuck together in.

She had been struggling with what was thought by some to be schizophrenia, or schizoaffective disorder. We got the chance to spend nearly every night of her last night in each other’s arms, with a tranquility we had never before been able to enjoy. It is that I will be forever grateful for, but the pain of the loss of these two beautiful souls is too heavy for me to bare while needing to describe, so I will say goodbye to all of you now, and after finishing the responsibilities I have remaining, I will be gone from the public’s eye forever.


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So he's just a drama whore, using his wife's death to try to turn this thing about him, then.

The toll it took on my personal life/ real life partner (my Asian wife) is just as deep and real as what our race faces parallel to our struggles we faced as a couple where she was burdened with supporting someone fighting for us in this unique manner. It drove her to suicide.

>Openly cheats on his wife with hundreds of women

>Wife commits suicide

these things have nothing to do with each other btw