Michigan Sorority Recruitment Drama - gussy evil exposed

1  2018-10-15 by uTorrent


This reads like something a wasted sorority chick would write in a yearbook. We can observe the complete absence of any moral framework or intellectual ability in this one sample of writing.


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More so than usual even. I feel like an NPC next to Bussy.

Hah! Been forever since I've seen my quote. Glad to see it being used appropriately.

wait wtf.

I'm calling BS on BussyShillBot being an NPC 100% of the time.



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>25 pages

I SLEEP 😡😠😴😴😴

I mean, we all know this happens. Even with fraternities, while things are less looks based, I remember that there was the frat that offered Smash tournaments, and the frat that had keggers. There were pretty girl sororities and ugly girl sororities.

Gasp, it's almost as if you are extremely shallow in your late teens and early twenties!

fraternities, while things are less looks based

Well no duh. Everyone looks more or less the same when bent over something.

For the people who want to know. It's from another sub

TL;DR: This sorority looks at your FB first, determines if you're hot and then only pairs you with the important/hot girls that are already in the sorority to ensure that only the best looking girls make it in.

TLDR: nationals forces sororities to sort out girls if they are below a 7/10 based on fb photos, before they even show up. Then they rank their own sisters and make sure the hottest ones talk to the hottest recruits, in the coziest rooms. Even if the recruiters want a girl for her connections or personality, nationals has someone there double checking that everyone is attractive enough or they “must go.” Lots of deception to their own chapter is involved to make sure there isn’t an understanding of this process, since it would probably lead to rebellion.

Looks like they're going to have an uprising of the uggos soon

I dont see anything wrong with this dbh. uggos out!

Only the sorority can decide if you get to kick the uggos out

I like how she's super angry that their obsession with looks overrode nepotism in terms of admission. Of course it's just a sorority so nepotism isn't really a big deal but it's just weird to make that your moral anchor.


I should've tabbed away from the piece much earlier, holy fuck does that girl go on. Perhaps she thinks she's setting the stage or something, but I just found myself scrolling and scrolling to find out what the fuck she was talking about.

Quick TLDR for people at home: this girl oversees her sorority meet-and-greets to determine who gets in. Finds out that the system is explicitly set up to generate backstabbing and infighting to keep the spots at the sorority competitive. Also, no ugly girls or fatties allowed, even if the brochure says they're all inclusive. This is all kept hush-hush for obvious reasons. So this girl decides to expose these practices because she doesn't like that the sorority cares more about having lots of rich, beautiful, shallow assholes than having an actual caring community.

She specifically cites the example of having to reject the sister of a sorority sister that most of the girls knew and liked because she didn't score high enough on the "are you a good Stacey" test.

On the one hand, none of this is surprising. Rich bitches aren't nice people, more at 11. On the other hand, it is still awful behavior.

Also, this girl is absurdly verbose, and that's coming from me. She legit wrote in multiple pages what could have been written in a page and a half, but wanted yo make the whole thing as overly dramatic as possible. I assume that's also why she decided to split the story into parts, like some kind of news serial.

This is some top tier shit, definitely worth the read.

Like mean girls meets 1984

Im totally reposting this bud.

Not surprised.

It's almost like personalities dont change from highschool to college magically in 3 years or so.

I almost wonder if these frats/sororities are getting fucked over lately because this stuff is being perpetuated and uggos are now being put in charge of administrative positions in universities?

found the uggo

My mom says I'm handsome 😟

I'm in the mood to parse through this shit, better than the terrible tldr that some other asshat has made in the thread.


Part 1: OP joins sorority. Another sorority member's younger sister pledges but does not get in, despite family member connections that would ordinarily make this an automatic join. The article is going to be about why these sluts rejected her.

I had to ensure that I stood out. I knew that my messy dorm room and my swollen cheeks would be well worth it.

Part 2: OP learns more about how the sorority decides acceptance. Is told that they have a system for scoring potential recruits on a 1-10 scale (so it's fine when they do it, but when I do it its sexual harassment?). This is apparently explicitly forbidden for sororities/frats to do but it common anyway.

They drilled it into our heads, over and over again, that we were scoring girls on how much they reminded us of our current sisters rather than valuing them on our perceived quality of their individual character

So the scoring system is more or less made to discourage anyone who seemed different or wouldn't eat muff on command. People make jokes about all college sluts looking alike, but these bitches were out there making that shit a reality.

Part 3: So it turns out that even being a soulless NPC clone who completely surrenders their individuality to the hivemind isn't enough, because these bitches were using facebook to pre-screen the uggos out. They even had a list of questions made by their national committee.

  1. Is she naturally pretty?
  2. Does she look like your current sisters?
  3. Is she trendy?
  4. Would you want to see her in your letters?

They literally have spreadsheets where they crawl the facebooks of recruits and then rate them 1-10 (again, why the fuck are they allowed to do that and I'm not?). Apparently engaging in this banality is enough to give the OP some PTSD

we had to separate our commitment to these positions from our humanity; we had to exist in this environment where this was not disgusting but rather simply what we had to do.

Part 4: Apparently this sorority is very thorough in its committment to purging the uggos, and just the facebook pre-screening was not enough. OP is acting like they're Oskar Schindler pretending to like the Nazis while dying on the inside

In order to follow orders, I had to allow my moral brain to exist in an alternate universe where everything was secondary to beauty and that was the norm and that was valuable and that was guiltless.

I would like the court to please note that she freely admits women live in an alternate reality, and are extremely superficial. I am now allowed to shout these claims in public places.

In order to recruit the hottest sluts, instead of sending some guy with a camcorder and a bunch of currency like normal people do when they're looking for hoes, they formed an elite cadre of super skanks from their skankiest members

They told us that we would need to rank the current sisters of Beta Delta on a scale of 1-10 in order to determine their "recruiting strength." 30% of that score would be determined by how personable and outgoing they were and how positive they seemed about the recruitment process in general. 70% percent of that score would be their External Score.

Part 5: Taking a cue from Generalplan Ost, all activities in the recruitment process are a coldly calculated process driven by numbers. They literally form groups, both of their current members and of the recruits, where both groups are entirely comprised of women with the same attractiveness score.

But among these "unique differences," there was one way that the girls in each bump group, without question, were exactly the same. ​

Bump Group 1 would include only sisters who were scored as nines and tens. Bump Group 14 would include only sisters who were scored as ones and twos.

Part 6: This recruitment process included an Oberkommando from the national organization with a clipboard making notes as the recruits walked in the door to recruitment parties. OP again puts on their Oskar Schindler pants as they talk about using their position to "save" some women who were wrongly labeled as uggos because of bad facebook photos. This brings us back to the bitch from part one, who was all set to be rubber-stamped into membership, but Oberkommando Jen took one look at her at a recruitment party, and declared she be instead sent to the gas chamber.

We told Jen that we had no choice. If we dropped Bridgette, the sophomores would know that we were manipulating the Chapter Scores behind closed doors, and they would revolt against us and tear us apart. The motives of Beta Delta would be called into question, and the sisterhood would collapse. Bridgette was friendly with everyone in their pledge class, and her chapter scores were tens across the board. Everyone knew that.

Clearly the fate of the universe hangs in the balance here. And clearly fed up with their bitchy whining, Jen relents.

Part 7: Driven to madness by the hardships they have endured, OP and some other sluts decide they must rebel against the fascist dictatorship of the national council.

We Living Room Girls joined our sisters and presented a united front in favor of equal opportunities to meet girls. Why wouldn't we? We didn't realize that our friends had been so offended, and we knew that we were all equally worthy of meeting PNMs.

This is literally more important than women's suffrage guiz. In a move that history will surely recognize as more important than the schism between the Roman Catholic church and the Church of England, some wreckers decide to splinter off

Seventeen girls would disaffiliate from the sisterhood, declaring that upon recognizing that they had somehow been "ranked within [their] own pledge class," they had "no interest in being part of the superficial bullshit that is Michigan Greek Life."

But of course, OP being completely spineless, just works to try and make their scoring and grouping system less obvious by replacing numbered groups with colors. If the germans had OP in charge of cryptography, Alan Turing would only be remembered for his deviant lifestyle.

Part 8: Finally the last part guys. It is not healthy to read this much writing from a female under the age of 30, so thank me for doing it so you don't have to.

Some mornings, you wake up in a sweat with so many questions about that person from your dream—that abstract version of yourself who made all of those strange decisions that could never possibly reflect how you really feel about yourself or your life or the people in it. You ask who the hell your subconscious thinks she is, making those ugly choices and creating this bizarre figure who distorts your character. You ask your mind where that girl came from, and you disregard her, for she could never represent any version of your truth.

Yes Becky, your emotional pain is unique and you expressed it without resorting to any cliches. Most of this is OP reflecting on their actions, without realizing that their process was shockingly similar to working as a casting agent in the adult film industry.

I can't believe that we send a PowerPoint to the fraternities to introduce them to the new pledge class each year. I can't believe that, that PowerPoint includes sixty-something slides solely of names and photos of our new members and no other information about them.

And of course, OP ends by reiterating their spinelessness and complete unwilligness to face the consequences of their actions

I didn't want to reveal this and to have Beta Delta's charter revoked by the Panhellenic Association due to a blatant violation of recruitment policies. I didn't want to ruin my sisters' social lives as they knew them. I didn't want my current sisters to hate me for doing so. A few years prior, I wanted to walk around campus with the Beta Delta label. Now, I really didn't want to walk around campus with the girl-who-took-down Beta Delta label

Seriously, this is pretty funny shit. Its almost like people generally validate the worst stereotypes about themselves. I'm be curious to see a good hot-take on this that still manages to blame the patriarchy.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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Doing God's work.

The great thing about this is this is some serious weaponized misogyny. Literally, women are being denied connections that could springboard into career opportunities because they wore their Ugg boots, carhart jacket, and yoga pants a week before Fall officially starts. Imagine if a job interview was decided by the quality of your booty pics on Instagram?

Of course, this is all committed by some probably really liberated wymenz, who aren't afraid to take it up the ass while snorting a line of cocaine (no slutshaming!)

I mean, If I can't creep linkdn to only hire the hotties, what the hell is the point of being in charge of hiring?

TLDR: sororities are nazi germany.

Literal scores based on online postings? That's Communist China.

Tell us something we didn't already know, bool.

why the fuck are they allowed to do that and I'm not?

Pretty sure they aren't allowed to do that, which is why they take such great pains to cover it up. If you're gonna be a sexual deviant you gotta keep it a secret

Thanks for the writeup. OP couldn't even be assed to do a tldr, instead he wants us to go through the pain with him. You're doing God's work.

On another note, I'm going to show this crap to my co-workers if they ever bring up about men pushing unrealistic expectation on women. I'll show them women are always hardest on women.

tbf, uggos and fatties should die.


I was kinda hoping for a sex cult or something instead of "this girl ain't pretty enough"

This is the future neoliberals want

White girl nonsense.

Just another boring weird burger fetish

you can't make me read all that.

Yes yes, but how is Gamergate/the male gays responsible for this?

Gussy evil is redundant