A pre-HRT, pre surgery Transwoman who also happens to be a lesbian wins a major women's cycling competition. r/cycling is pissed.

1  2018-10-15 by Skyright


Jews did this


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. Photo of the Transwoman with the 2n... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  3. r/cycling thread - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  4. Gender Critical has already biradge... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

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Lmao reddit mods are the epitome of that meme


imagine unironically thinking Jews have anything to do with white people nonsense lmfao

why is the bot always right

tfw you weren't born in time to explore the wild west, or late enough to explore space, but just in time to witness women being conned out of sports achievements by butch trannies

Portland has one who just races with the men because she's not fucking crazy

Even if intersex disorder was common, (it's 0.05-0.07% according to wikipedia)

Elite athletes are already the top 0.1%

Track Cycling Women 35-44 Sprint

Not to deride people's accomplishments but Biking less than 40miles on mountainous trails is for women not elite athletes.

The rule is you aren't a real sport if the Japs have created a popular comic about you, it's why Football ( the real kind) is still a sport

The rule is you aren't a real sport if the Japs have created a popular comic about you, it's why Football ( the real kind) is still a sport

sorry bud https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eyeshield_21

In Japan, the Eyeshield 21 manga has sold over 20 million volumes.

Wow, uh

I've only read 2 sports related things

Air Gear about EXTREME Roller Blading



Yowamushi Pedal about a guy so desperate for friends he joins the Cycling Club.

I didn't even know that Climbers were a type of Biker before that lol

The last sentence is the most amerifat thing I've read to date

IMO most bicyclists are the big gay, and I don't think climbing is popular even in those circles. I don't think I've ever heard of it before, and I know what velodrome is for fucks sake.

Climbing is gaining popularity. Most of the velo community jerk off to road, tt, and cyclocross.

what? Climbing is the only thing that matters if you're not a hardcore sprinter and you ride a bike

I was assuming that climbing was referring to a subset of the sport based on the context, not the act of riding uphill.

Well there are hill climb competitions. But it's pretty niche compared to other cycling races.

It is, just what they do is the act of riding uphill.

The King of the Mountain from the Tour is a famous example none of the retards here know about.

What passed for the American professional cycling fandom more or less withered away after the blood doping scandal of the late 2000's forced almost every interesting rider into retirement and, within two years, the entire scene consisted of a bunch of nobodies no one had ever heard of.

Yea i'm just making fun of the guy who said not knowing what a climber is; is peak American when he thinks he's a climber because he goes up hills sometimes when he bikes.


Honestly climbers are the demented madmen of cycling. Imagine subjecting yourself to the worst aspect of the hobby repeatedly to build your chicken legs when you could be pounding it out in the flats and building chad quads.

I know a guy who does the full standing up, leaning over the handlebars while rocking the bike back and forward. Guy's like 6'5 240pounds

We almost fucking died going down the trail he picked because on the way down the trail just fucking went off the side of the mountain due to a pothole.

Then he made us do the path again, they are absolutely insane.

The velodrome is just indoor cycling m8. Road cycling is pretty big where I come from (and in most of Western Europe) and since it's a hilly place it's natural to climb with ease.

/r/drama is an anime free sub. Please read thr sidebar

The artist for Eyeshield 21 also draws the updated version of One Punch Man, and he's one of the best manga artists out there.

Eyeshield 21 is worth reading; NFL meets superpowers meets The Power Of Friendship.

Oh Cool, I was reading Japanese Bloodsport uh

Kengan Asura and found out the artist for it was the one who did the hilarious Ketchup Ninja



It's really neat how many artists do their own stories or how many writers like One do their own art lol

If heard the Eyeshield guy started redrawing it for fun i'll check it out.


That's the comparison they go with for Obama? They can get away with anything.

A short reminder that East Asians are just spicy mayo and not a part of our glorious anti-mayo movement.

There's a very woke panel in there

The Han will conquer all once mayos are gone.

Eyeshield 21 is amazing because it's hilariously racist, like most sports manga. "The breathtaking run of a black man" is faster than the main character's top speed. Runs a 4.1 second 40. This enables him to evade multiple defenders who can all run 4.2 second 40s.

Sorry Japan, but hard work will only get you so far. Black people have superior musculature.

The rule is you aren't a real sport if the Japs have created a popular comic about you, it's why Football ( the real kind) is still a sport

Sorry sweaty but clandestine train racing is a much more real sport than your hand-egg.


it's why Football ( the real kind) is still a sport

Couch potatoes still trying to decide what counts as sports, the rest of the world laughs at their lack of expertise.

Lol when you say "The real kind" you're talking about the shit joke that no one on the planet has any interest in except you?

Pretty smart way to gain lots of international titles, TBH: Found sports that only you care about and seriously compete in (Though I did check and the USA only won 3 out of 7 world championships, apparently, somehow).

t. weeb

The rule is you aren't a real sport if the Japs have created a popular comic about you

you'd be hard-pressed to find a sport or topic that someone has not made a comic about

Football, soccer, bowling, golf, tennis, basketball. all have highly popular series.

even things like making bread, or cooking curry.

It's almost like it's a joke designed to make all the europeans reee like they did

it's why Football ( the real kind)

You mean the one actually played with feet?

men are better women than women

not just any men

the vast majority of the trans community that I am aware of through the media are all formerly WHITE MEN...

the root of all evil exposed again!




Now now, don't be a vunt.

Sorry again guys

Also for once it's actually white men and not jews.

We can still make this about Jews though. Just say that the Jews make the rules which allow the white men to compete against women.


Obviously not getting info from the internet or they'd see a lot more southeast asians.

The southeast asians aren't the ones winning women's cycling races though.

I thought black trannies were weirdly common.

You're thinking of dead black trannies.

I think they are. My theory is that there are actually a lot more trannies from socially conservative communities because an effeminate gay guy who grew up in that environment thinks he’ll fit in more if he just turns himself into a woman rather than continuing to be a woman-like man who has sex with men.

Another perspective is, transgenderism is basically accepted in places like the caribbean, but being Gay is not. A lot of people within these cultures choose to transition as to not face violence or ostracization from their otherwise homophobic family.

I am a black dude who at one point thought about transitioning into being a woman because I suffer from dysphoria. After debating it philosophically, I didn't go through with it because I think that dysphoria is a mental disorder and there are other alternatives than surgery. I am pretty anti-trans now after the whole thing.

For some reason I have more empathy toward non-white people who are trans. I can understand the myriad of reasons why culturally it may be a better choice for them etc. But when it's fat ugly white dudes who spend most of their time on 4chan, I genuinely find it so hard to take them seriously. None of it makes sense to me. Even after going through it myself I am truly so unsympathetic. It's very strange.

As someone from the Caribbean, where is being trans basically excepted? I know about Iran's policies on excepting one but not the other, but my island as well as the neighboring ones think it's both the same thing and generally aren't excepting of either.

Accepted* accepting*

Fixed it, thx

I spent some time in American Samoa and being transgender (though they didn't call it that) was much more accepted than being homosexual. Not exactly the Caribbean but it was something that surprised me when I was there.

Not exactly the Caribbean? Fucking understatement of the century. Its like saying Britain isn't exactly Japan....

r/drama don't know biology, geography, anthropology, etc.

It's all about making that dank edgy post.

That's kind of what I was getting at, although I didn't know that it was common in the Caribbean too. It seems to be pretty widespread in Latin America and Southeast Asia too. Also, Iran pushes gay people to get sex-change operations. It's strange from a Western perspective because Westerners tend to be much more tolerant of homosexuality than gender dysphoria.

My guess is that in Iron, homosexuality is frowned upon because it is condemned by religion, but because AFAIK holy texts don't mention trans' people, they can essentially argue their way through without instantly being shut down by religion.

Where in particular in the carribean? IME Carribbean communities I've encountered (Jamaica, Dominican Republic primarily) are as unsympathetic to transgenderism as they are homosexuality

I'm glad I read your comment today. That's a fucking dude though wtf

I think that just means you’re racist tbh

Whatever, I don't hate white people I just am skeptical of the reasoning and method of deduction when white middle class athiestic dudes choose to transition, and I am coming to this conclusion from a place of experience as a (I guess) "detransitioning" person suffering from dysphoria.


But when it's fat ugly white dudes who spend most of their time on 4chan, I genuinely find it so hard to take them seriously. None of it makes sense to me. Even after going through it myself I am truly so unsympathetic. It's very strange.

Its autism, man. Those people have a weird form of autism and decide in their infinite wisdom to pander to their mental illness and then have extreme emotional outbursts when people dont agree with them.

What makes you say this? I am friends with two white guys each with diagnosed aspergers who are currently transitioning into being women (they're friends from my transitioning support group I no longer attend). I would genuinely like to know if there's a correlation.

Just google the rates of autism in trans people. Also autism manifests more obviously in males and most trans people are M2F. Causation cannt be assumed but its just too convenient that trans people generally come with a whole hos of mental health issues but its just the one people take seriously and pander to.

I think there is a hypochondria factor there for a lot of people. It's just the "crippling depression" meme but with "crippling gender dysphoria". They want to be perceived as being unique and oppressed and having a difficult life because they are insecure about being boring as fuck suburban mayos who have never experienced anything close to adversity.

I am a black dude who at one point thought about transitioning into being a woman because I suffer from dysphoria.

How are you not a mod here yet???

Cuz I'm also an Ice Poseidon Fan

Oh no, it's retarded.

Y you calling a black man "it" for?

you think conservative communities who hate gays would be more accepting of trans ppl

They're the ones who make headlines getting murdered in the hood, which is why it's funny when the internet trans community (composed almost entirely of mayo agoraphobes) panics over the trans murder rate as if it applies to them.

Basically when it comes to anything that whypipo are blamed for you can be 100% sure theres some brown person culture somewhere thats worse in every single way

They’re depraved cheap attention whores. When a new fad comes along they’ll just move on to the next one.


Idk, never actually met and white male trans, all the trannies I once knew were Black, Mexican or Asian.

The loud ones certainly are

And the children too!

I dunno about that but they're definitely better at women's sport than women are.

More woman than a woman.

Wasn't a man the vogue woman of the year?

Women should git gud if they want to win.

I'm hollering, this comment is amazing.

😂 👏

The war on noticing continues

I'm an internationally recognized expert on the science and ethics of transgender inclusion in sport.


I'm a nobel peace prize winner, true story.

I won a chili cookoff against 25 other teams.

True story.

I was once part of a mixed sex tandem who successfully boiled an egg without googling exactly how long you need to boil it for.

True story.

did the shell come off easily? that's the true test

Peeled it off in one like a ripe fucking tangerine mate

I'm gonna stop you right there mate. Only an elite egg peeler could pull off such a feat.

It’s your lucky day pal because you’re in the company of the 2 time Wiltshire egg peeling under 15s division 1 champion years 1997-1998. AMA.

OMG-OMG-OMG-OMG-OMG holy shit! I always dreamed of this day. Can you just answer 1 question please? When I'm peeling the scab off my GF's vagina, do I use the index fingernail and thumb technique, it should I use index, middle, and ring fingernail (with thumb) for more leverage?

You use your front teeth.

The upper pair of incisors offer more purchase than the rudimentary mammalian extremities we share with monkeys and Chinamen.

Professional confirmed. That was actually a trick question.



gib recipe pls

It's cheating, but throw all your eggs into a rice cooker with enough water to float a few, and set it to steam for ~17 minutes. Rice Cookers don't typically go any hotter than 212*F, and as a result never actually burn the eggs.

I came in second place in The Office trivia. AMA

Ay boi, u single?

Marry me RN!! 😩😩😩

I'd eat your chili.

Can I have some?

Obunga is that you?!?

Hey I like your name.

did we just become best friends?

Only if you can quote 99% of the movie.

Where we're going we wont need roads!

I have had it with these mutha fucking aliens on this mutha fucking base

Facehug me and I will become more powerful than you could possibly imaginrrrrmmmphhhhh

I too like to make up insane shit

Nah, I legitimately believe her.

unironically believing women

Lol look at this dude

What that means is a bunch of American mayos and Canadian mayos have retweeted some of her shit

I identify as a carton of egg whites

Well they do give awards out for fiction.

lmao does he/she write peer reviewed studies on how bone and muscle structures are a social construct or something

Lol you can just say he

She's literally the ethicist that wrote the paper saying TERFs were bigots that made brian leiter get in a flame war with the badphilosophy mod

you happen to have a link to that drama?


"I'm an expert on the ethics of trans inclusion in sport it's totally ethical you guys xers and also I happen to be a transgender sportsmanxer there's no conflict of interest here"

imagine being internationally recognized for retardation

Actually though her job is philosophy and she's one of the big activists whose papers and videos get thrown around in the perennial TERF wars. She just happens to also train really hard to win women's cycling competitions in her spare time (I wonder why). An actual professional full-time MTF cyclist will be even faster, we still haven't reached peak equality.

Right, I really dont know how can people defend this particular case ffs

I am not transphobic but common sense is flying out of the fucking windown

I'm an internationally recognized expert on the science and ethics of transgender inclusion in sport.

Not even taking estrogen and already mentally ill.

Poor gals in 2nd and 3rd. But hey at least it is good for drama...

I don't feel sorry for them. They could have protested this bullshit and not race due to the unfair advantage that guy had.

They knew full well what they were getting in to. I also love that feminists are so blindly raged that if he were dressed like a typical male, they'd march to the event and brigade it. But put a dress and lipstick on that dude while he calls himself "Trans", and they'll cheer him for it. They can't say shit about this because they supported this. But in the end all they did was fight for more men's rights (to compete with women lol).

If you were one of them, training year round for this event, getting sponsorships and prayers from your family, you wouldn't just not do it.

Look at the clear and obvious domination Rachel has displayed across her career! Such a clear advantage on all fronts!!!

(literally the data speaks to the opposite. Today she's a champion, because she worked hard for it. Not because if any bullshit ideas of "advantages".)

No one is saying that a man pushing 40 starting out in a sport will dominate from day one. Of course it will require training to learn the technique of cycling and get a good cardio. I don't think anyone proposed that even untrained men would beat top level women in any sport. It's just that it is in fact ppssibo to reach top level in a year for a man in a women sport.

No one is saying that a man pushing 40 starting out in a sport will dominate from day one. Of course it will require training to learn the technique of cycling and get a good cardio. I don't think anyone proposed that even untrained men would beat top level women in any sport. It's just that it is in fact ppssibo to reach top level in a year for a man in a women sport.

To put things into perspective. I started the sport a year and a half ago. Before that I was a average runner at best.

With one year of semi serious training I am easily faster than the top woman in my age group. Anecdotal evidence though.

I play a decent amount of tennis and as a 17-18 year old, I can easily compete with 25 year old women that have practiced tennis much more than me. I imagine it only gets worse in a more physical sport like cycling.

Can confirm anecdotes. Am female, lift weights cause it's fun. Husband does no weight training, lifts more than me.

Stupid unfair hormones

That's not just an issue of hormones but (most likely) also size.

Hormones that automatically give you more muscle production and faster

Could be, but when you check record lifts for men versus women, men beat women size for size - and men beat women who are a fair bit heavier.

Learn to read.

I'm pretty darn literate tyvm - if you have a point then learn to make it.

I'm pretty darn literate

Sure you are...

no u

And what do you think influences size during development...?


Growth hormone does.

Depends on the sport. Long distance running? Probably not. Things requiring short bursts like lifting, sprints (which this race was), combat, etc. I would say even a dude pushing 40 could easily become a top competitor in a woman’s division with little training.

Untrained men boys will beat top level women in most sports.

This last weekend I beat most women in a half marathon after training for like 3 weeks, and ran the day after I loaded up on fried pickles and blue moon

These chicks have been running for years, and did shit like stretch and warm up, and they still got beat by rank amateur males

It's sad tbh

can't wait for the top places in Women Olympics to be taken by MtFs

It’s gonna be the Chinese. Their always the first one’s to exploit Western retardness.

It's all so tiresome.

Yea but it would be funny as hell for the Chinese to start winning with MtF athletes in the Olympics. Whos gunna say shit? If they do, they get labeled as transphobic anti-ethnic Nazis.

Its a win win for china. it would be hilarious to see the Olympics fall apart into a shit fest of SJW battles

Or Russians.

Russians basically popularized it with eastern germany.

Russian athletes will be trannies on Steroid Replacement Therapy

Pretty sure they did secretly dope athletes to the point transitioning was pretty much their only option for life at one point

Ooh those pesky Russians.

It’s gonna be the Chinese. They’re always the first one’s to exploit Western retardness.

Can you blame them?



You can be submitted to gender testing at competitions. They take testosterone levels and other indicators and if you fall outsise the bounds you have to compete as a man even if your gender happens to be a woman. Look at the new IAAF rules from this year that many people think are specifically targeting Semenya and Wambui

The Olympics has must stricter rules about this type of thing. Gotta be 2-years post-op.

Remember when 3 dudes won the "women's" 800 meter at the olympics? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psxr58zKi6g

They were hermaphrodites, not MtF trannies.

both parts futa masterrace

Now that's what I call radical centrism

Except they look like dudes, and that's not cool.


what sort of butch futa have you been looking at?

The ones that won the 800m in the Olympics.

thats not futa. thats a dude with bolted on tits.

I feel like intersex and transgender people should have their own category.

Then again we still have mutants like Phelps with his gorilla arms beating everyone in swimming. I think no matter what the top level of Olympic athletes are going to be like another class of humanity.

Maybe they should compete in the female events with trannies, but there should be two different classifications. One with the trannies and intersex included, and one where only those who weren't through puberty as a female are counted. Trannies and intersex will probably dominate the general classification, but impressive female athletes might beat them occasionally. At the same time the other classification would take care of the vast group of people who were born female and likely have a tremendous physical disadvantage compared to the others.

Pepperidge Farm remembers!

Pretty sure one was disqualified and that clearly feminine woman ended up with the Bronze

lol BTFO

happens to also be lesbian

There’s a lot of those. Really stirs the gears in my brain.

Really gets the noggin joggin

It baffles me how many people who supposedly give a shit about transgender issues aren't truscum.

At this point I'm pretty confident the transpeople with gender dysphoria are a minority among all the bandwagoners and fetishists.

Literally 90% of MtF lesbians are probably dudes that watched too much lesbian or tranny porn. They literally sat and watched porn all day so much that it blew a fuse in their brain and they decided to live out their fetish by becoming women.

Oh anyone who calls themselves translesbian and makes only the most token effort to pass I assume is a sex pest reaching a new low in trying to attract a partner.

are there even any

I don't necessarily agree. While this can be an informative personal inquiry, sooooo many amab trans folks first discover their transness through sex/porn/kink. It's a gateway for so many.

Literally a fetish.

God people need to watch less porn

People are watching lots of porn because roasties only want Chad.

At least watch less porn than that guy

He likes lesbian porn so much he thinks hes a lesbian woman


sure whatever. It is providing plenty of entertainment, ill agree there

Back in the 90's "I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body" was a joke that some of my guy friends used to make. Now it's considered reality.

You know, it's possible to be so open-minded your brain falls out...

Thanks grandma, love you ♥️

Hey that's great-grandma to you, sonny!

I wish guys still just dyed their hair and wore makeup and fucked women and said they were men - like it was back in the eighties.

there’s definitely guys that do that. sorry you havent had luck finding any, ill throw you some digits for $25USD

I have never seen anybody do that IRL. I only know of cases like these on the internet.

Any wacko can go online and do what they want.




Not to mention the ones that do not want to get sex change surgery not because they can't afford it, but for...reasons. Almost like some are faking to be trans to get attention, play the victim, be predatory to get in private areas like womens changing rooms/bathrooms, or to trick strait guys into gay relationship/sex, and cheat in sports. Obviously there are legit ones, but there are plenty out there that come across as fakes. No different from assholes who dress up as veterans to get stolen valor. Good luck in posting even the possibility of this happening without being labeled a derogatory word that ends in -ist.

There actually isn't. Most are bisexual.

"No it's Petra now"
"Petra, I've told you before I'm not leaving my husband"
"Sandra, don't you realise what I've been through to get into this changing room!"
"I'm sorry Petra, at least you can swim now in your own women's only lane until 7pm"

Lesbians which no other lesbians are attracted to.

Isn’t that transphobic?

there's also a lot of.. regular lesbians.

Said elsewhere:

The ammount of male trannies who identify as "lesbians" makes me think they're just dudes so desperate for pussy they are willing to throw their masculinity away to try and shame PC women into having sex with them.

Y'all need to read up on the 'cotton ceiling'


A pre surgery transwoman

Like I know there's a debate about allowing post surgery trannies in, they might still have some advantage even without gonads constantly producing testosterone. But pre surgery. Like wtf was this competition?

The only requirement was to have testrogen under a certain amount. She didn't take estrogen like most transwomen and didn't go through surgery either. Literally just a low T man.

But look at all that man muscle.

Doctor here. People often mistakenly believe that testosterone is an anabolic steroid. It isn’t.

Androgens are very effective at building muscle mass but to deny supernatural levels of testosterone function as a potent anabolic steroid is ludicrous. 500mg of test injections weekly for 12 weeks saw patients who did NO excercise put on around 10lbs of lbm. Fuck outta here.

LBM also includes water.

Ok? Are you suggesting they put on 10 lbs of water and not one iota of muscle? foh

No. I'm saying that they didn't put on 10 lbs of muscle in that time frame.

So probably only 9 or 9.5lbs then?

Probably a couple lbs of muscle.

So put on 10lbs, only two is muscle, the remaining 8 is water?

That's a whole gallon of water, I don't buy it.

A gallon isn't that much that could not be pissed out over a week.

People can easily hold onto a gallon of water with steroids. Put someone on prednisone and watch what happens. Weight gain alone is a very poor outcome to measure. Better studies use MRI to image body mass.

Testosterone has both mineralcorticoid and glucocorticoid properties. A LOT of that weight is just water.

Bodybuilders do use testosterone

They use a cycle of steroids and mostly for energy and recovery.

Muscle building comes from weights and high calories/protein diets.

Plus hgh if they can afford it.

People definitely use test-only cycles.

you're fucking retarded

Since anabolic steroids are basically synthetic testosterone I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here.

Person with eyes here, that's just a fucking bloke.

I mean there are more potent ones out there but injecting just test at greater than physiological levels will still build some solid muscle

It has a lot of unpleasant side effects at potent doses.

low t man = average r/drama user?

drama users btfo eternally

This, but unironically

Nope, you're talking about r/menslib

Like the person above me said: this, but unironically

I hate this thread so fucking much because I actually agree that having someone who has had testosterone coursing through their system for their whole life competing against women is not fair, but there’s almost nothing but bitter idiots here who have nothing better to do than to tell other people how they’re “degrading the moral fabric of western society” and all that nonsense.

And all these dudes basically either play way too many video games or watch way too much football, I would stake my life that <1 % of these people have actually made meaningful contributions to society

yeah well we can still bike faster than women so stfu bitch

Still a ton of muscle.

T levels confirmed mean nothing except faster baldness


People like to pretend their high T levels make them alpha males.

But I bet this dude could kick their fuckin head off.

I bet the organizers thought they were genuises when they came up with that compromise. "Hah, nobody with a penis can actually be this low T!" And then this guy showed them. The soyest of the boys.

Reading the comments, she apparently didn't even train much either. Literally a soyboy


Ofcourse it was pre-surgery. How in the world would a MTF ever ride a bike with that shredded pussing crotch.

I can't believe the person was okayed to compete when she wasn't even on hormonal therapy. Like, I don't really care if people are transgender. That's their decision and their thing. But even a low-T biological man (which this article says she is) has an advantage over women in sports. I'm not very athletic personally but when I went on a hormonal medication to reduce my over production of testosterone due to some medical issues, I could feel a huge difference in my strength and stamina and how I felt.

I know transitioning is a long process but holy fuck. This is a biological man identifying as a woman. She's had no hormone therapy or anything. There's a reason sexes are typically separated in sports and why there are different world records for males and females. Like it or not men and women have lots of biological differences. It's crazy that some people want to ignore science and biology.


Transman here. Thank you for being respectful about it. I agree; someone who hasn't had hormone therapy should not even be considered for competing on the same team. Particularly like this, where it offers clear advantages. I mean hell, if I want to compete on the men's team without hormone therapy or even an attempt to pass, I still shouldn't be allowed, because that's awkward as hell. I would love to know who admitted this person to compete in this category, because we don't need this kind of publicity.

I don't think being transgender is a choice (no one would choose this, seriously) but I think being an asshat is, and this person chose unwisely.

Another transman here agreeing. How to categorise transgender and intersex people isn't always straightforward, but this is a pretty cut and dry case. The transwoman has the physiology of a man so she has an unfair advantage over other female competitors.


You know there are multiple surgeries right? SRS isn't the surgery needed. There's a difference surgery that can get rid of your balls.

You should have seen the college track runner from U Washington (I think) she was trans and is like a fucking monster compared to the other runners. Her victory was no contest.

Surgery is less important than HRT. This is even worse

Do you think having a dick gives you an advantage in sports?

Lol, Gussy problems. Imagine if you were just a dude and had no excuses.

I love it, I really hope more men decide to switch to identifying as transgendered lesbians to abuse current sentiments, so e.g. 50% of executive board goes transgendered lesbian and suddenly there quota for women is filled.

For jobs that require some mental fortitude, at least enough to put on a suit every morning and not physically attack your coworkers, transes don't have the same advantage.

They don't have to be transes, just fake identify as ones, so the company meets the quota without changing iota.

pfft, I hope daddy starts identifying as a trans lesbo and becomes the first woman president

Ahahahahah gracioso!

Hail, Hail Robonia, a land I didn't make up.

Futurama: A Problematic Show


What does FT mean?

FT is short for functional threshold power. Basically the amount of power sustained for 20 minutes iirc.

Kind of like horsepower for humans.

Theres actually 2 ways to go. You can go raw power like 300 watts or watts per kilogram ie (3.26 watts per kilogram) which is usually how most cyclists compare each other.

My ftp is 3.26 so in the chart I'm somewhere between 3 and 4.

FTP is the amount of power you can sustain for about an hour.

The 20 minute thing is typically because testing your FTP by riding for an hour is really hard, especially for amateur cyclists, so we tend to ride for 20 minutes and take 95% of the results - it's a guesstimate basically.

Yup you're right! I was looking at the data wrong! I tried looking all over to see if I could get a glimpse of what her ftp is though and I cant find anything and her strava is private.

I guess the question is do we know what her power output actually is? I'm not sure that we can easily assume. I'm not really familiar with cycling, do they track these stats? I realize there are a lot of other arguments surrounding this issue, just curious.

I couldn't find it anywhere on Google and her strava info is blocked. But I am willing to bet it's pretty up there to be a pro cyclist.

I imagine that as well, just not sure what affect if any testosterone blockers (or whatever it is she has to take for acceptable T levels) would have on that

Also a cyclist here, it is good to point out that cycling is a late developmental sport. Many of the top pros don’t hit peak until 26-28 and many can stay pro until mid to late 30s. If a rider is still competing at the Elite (pro) world championships they are not allowed to compete at the masters age class championships.

Given that she (formally he) won her title in the 30-34 bracket, most “real” professional riders aren’t even completing.

To illustrate my point, Anna Meares, won an Elite World championships at 32. And clocked a time of 10.8sec of 200m

In the Masters world championships, for the same age range, 30-34, the winning time and a world record was 11.9.

In addition since wind resistance in cycling is exponential, the time gap is 9% but the power difference is most likely closer to 20%

Is this all you do? Cause like I can appricate the joke but like it doesn't deserve upvotes

It does, and will continue to do so

We live in bleak times

>actually giving a shit about upvotes

like it doesn't deserve upvotes.

Upvote economics aren't a morality play, my man.

Reports: can u ban em this joke is so old now

But it continues to ring so true.

literally posting nothing triggers the libs

le epic style

Ya get mad that you are called nazis and klansmen but then just casually group people like me in with nuttjobs like in the OP just because I want everyone to have healthcare coverage.

Lmao melt

Says the guy so butthurt that he had to make an novelty alt account just to "trigger le liberuuuuls kek kek XD"

ya know what, merry xmas ya beta cuck soyboy. blocked.

Nice bait

Never stop.

I wanna hear the joke...

Register "ReasonTrumpWonAgain". It's going to hold a lot of value after 2020.

Already done!

you need the whisky flair.

tbh it makes sense considering intersexuality, HRT would wotk better tho

Intersex is a freak mutation. There are men and there are women. That, my naive npc friend, is a man. With hairy balls and a cock.

We are all freak mutations sweetie

All of this nonsense will stop the moment a white MtF athlete steps onto a WNBA court.

Nah, Lesbrone James is a beautiful woman.

I remember a movie that used to play on Comedy Central I think it was Jawana man or something, it was pretty funny iirc

this implies anyone cares about WNBA in general

Mayo chicks love pretending to care about it so much they would make a stink

No, nobody cares about WNBA.

I’ve always been curious to what is the worst basketball team that would still win in the WNBA.

My high school team would have but that’s kinda cheating since we had future all nba center.

A good middle school AAU team could

Getting this out there before someone else tries the same trick and steals my world record:

I identify as someone who runs 100m faster than Usain Bolt.

What a loser

Pre-hormones and pre-surgery just means that dude is a man. He needs to have a muzzle installed if he can’t see that with his own eyes.

Trans, and I think that is pretty BS. HRT for at least 2 years before competition. Surgery isn't as important.

This. I'm all for inclusion and equal rights etc etc. But come on. The potential for abuse if the barrier to entry is only "i want to be a girl one day" is so high its off the charts. When there is a cash purse involved all anyone has to do is say that and they can get in and win. That destroys the sanctity of the game, and will cheat ALL women out of victory/cash prizes; trans and woman-since-birth alike.

People underestimate HRT. Women come in all shapes and sizes. Once HRT takes over there really isn't a difference and there can actually be disadvantages. I don't agree with letting a trans woman compete with cis women if they're not on hormones for at least 2 years.

Also FtM HRT is much much stronger than MtF HRT. A lot of transmen are physically on par with men of their age and training level. They could probably compete fairly with men, though a MtF athlete would take another few years to compete fairly or just wouldn't be able to if they started HRT too late and were affected by puberty(male bone structure doesn't go away nearly as easily as growing it is).

Simply put, testosterone is hard shit and really morphs bodies.





Don’t quite understand why people think heavier bones help...

If a person has gone through puberty as their natal gender, aren't there differences in bone structure, etc that don't change?

That’s true, but the changes don’t exactly create an advantage it’s more like a difference. I for example take a barre class with many cis women and we lift weights together. Because I have heavier/larger bones I can’t lift heavier weights. In fact I’ve barley been able to start using 3lb weights while some that have started after me have already gone on to 5lbs.

I have a cis female housemate that has narrower hips than me, People come in all shapes and sizes. If a trans woman that’s been on HRT wins something it likely because they trained very very hard. They didn’t just walk on the field and wreck shop.

I’m not a doctor but I trust things I’ve read in the past. I’m not a researcher so I don’t have sources but I tend to believe the studies I’ve seen that say all advantages of testosterone are negated after a few years of its absence.

No HRT, no compete in my book that seems like common sense.

I hope that the people making decisions about who can compete in what class put more thought into the matter than this.

They have, but people prefer to go with assumptions vs science most of the them so nothing will ever get resolved and this will play out again in a few weeks.

Sure, if people were using science this particular instance would have never happened.

I agree, This should not have been allowed.

I guess this is all a process and things need to be ironed out. Everyone's interests need to be taken into account.

Most definitely and hormone therapy will not be able to reverse them.

What is the benefit though?

It has been found that our bodies learn to adapt to previous muscle building. So say you worked out a lot when you were 18. Stop for 20 years, then jump back into it, you'll build muscle far faster than someone else just starting out. Even if your testosterone is lower, you'll have an advantage.

This guy (girl?) has built his foundation as a guy. Even though he has lower testosterone now, it doesn't matter.

For Male to Females, yes, but Female to Males gain male bone structure with enough HRT and are virtually identical. It's easier to gain new bone structure from testosterone than it is to lose it.

No, a natal female is going to keep the structure of her hips when she transitions to male. Could trans men play professional football one day with the guys? I don't know. But, it's obvious we can't come up with a one size fits all solution and have everyone be treated fairly.

Hmm good point. Wonder how important hips are.

Course a lot of women have relatively narrow hips but if you ban some you have to ban them all.

It's not the narrowness, it's the structure. Men and women frequently have different centers of gravity.

Here is the first science paper I could find detailing the differences:

Male occupants in frontal motor vehicle collisions have reduced tolerance for hip fractures than females in similar crashes. We studied 92 adult pelvic CT scans and found significant gender differences in bony pelvic geometry, including acetabular socket depth and femoral head width. Significant differences were also noted in the presentation angle of the acetabular socket to frontal loading. The observed differences provide biomechanical insight into why hip injury tolerance may differ with gender. These findings have implications for the future design of vehicle countermeasures as well as finite element models capable of more accurately predicting body tolerances to injury.

Now, do all those differences go away when a person who has been through male puberty start HRT. Doubt.


That would be my guess. Definitely a pro while a kid and their family are weighing the risk/benefits of starting HRT.

Gendercritical is probably eating itself right now

Nah, people love to be able to say 'I told you so".

Gendercritical is probably eating itself laughing like absolute madwomen right now

A pre-HRT, pre surgery Transwoman who also happens to be a lesbian

Isn't that just a straight guy.

Did you just assume his identity?! /s

XDDDD so ebin!!!

NPCs BTFO once again!!! xddd

That /s won't save you

Not assumed, but deduced.

M8 this meme is more tired than mudkipz

In my city a trans woman, and transman got married, and got pregnant from vaginal sex. The transman carried and gave birth to the baby.

Just let it sink in for a bit.

What a time to be alive.

Truly the worst timeline

But the dankest!

Eh let people live there lives. The competition thing is obviously it’s whole own deal but if a trans man wants to get pregnant, who cares? It’s super weird of course but so what?

I'm less concerned with what the mentally Ill do in their own lives than I am with how they try to infect and politicize things I'm interested in.

It's like watching a species go down an evolutionary track that ends in its extinction...in real time.

how is it leading to extinction when they still have children? 🤔🤔🤔

Adopting a 40 year old man who identifies as a 5 year old is not "having children."

You reading comprehension is abominal.

You should consider doing it sooner rather than later. Would spare us all some nerves.

Present me one of your holes and let's get it over with. And I choose the lube.

Tutti frutti.

Dumb fuxking leftist Kraut.

Is the sink cold?

I knew people that this happened to. They were both pre surgery and thought of the baby as a bit of a miracle- didn't know they were pregnant until about 7 months because of hrt and the transman had surgery before they even knew. It was a very slim window in their lifetimes that they'd have a biological child. I thought it was pretty cool.

We're deep in the fall of rome stage but somehow we're still chugging along, Michael Bay is going to need a better submarine to raise this bar.

I mean, it took over 100 years of decadence for the empire to finally collapse.

Prohibition ended in 1933, so we've got a little over a decade left. Make it count degenerates!

I think you’re joking but the whole “men become soft and decadent” thing as a reason an empire collapses has never had much basis in reality. Random question, are you a Stephan molyneux fan?

Ah, yes, som people making decisions about their own life are our downfall, not environmental issues. Sure.

Tell me again, how does your worthless tea party ass have a problem with personal decisions? Are you a facist or communist? Kys


I said do it.

After some pschizo pre text.

We're deep in the fall of rome stage but somehow we're still chugging along

maybe cause this isn't fucking Rome?

Big if true

It's clearly not true, as /r/drama only exists for us to collectively play the fiddle.

Techically we were all build in one day... just like rome... coincidence ? I think not!

Reeeeee ignoring historical parallels is the height of ignorance!

nah, the height of ignorance is 4learning history on youtube

I had unprotected sex with my vagina while pretending to be a man and my wife who has a penis and is pretending to be a woman came inside. How on earth could get pregnant?! What’s in my imagination didn’t change my biology?? Whaaaat?

HRT does change your biology though, and both parties were on it.

That kid is going to be so mentally fucked later in life.


that poor child.

Proof that men really can have babies. How neat is that!

I think I remember that.

The manlady still had a beard.

This is a scenario that was supposed to happen in oklahoma. The man transitioned to a woman. Well, he just started it by getting a boob job. Then his wife backed out of becoming a man so he killed her. Now he's in prison with tits but he still likes women. Poor soul lmao

The newclear family

That kid is going to grow up and be a super religious fundamental christian just to spite its parents.


He’s just a dedicated cross dresser.


I was wondering about that too.

So where's the female part? The name? Pretty pink dresses? If I kill someone who identifies as a tree and use his dead body as tinder, is that legal?

Probably violates air pollution laws

In Canada you could be arrested for not calling him 'her'. Hate crime. Bigot.

No you don't.

No you absolutely don't lol. If you called him a faggot or something along those lines, yeah, that's hate speech.

Purposefully misgendering someone is a hate crime in Canada homie

Also I find it depressing that you think that it's somehow better that simply calling him a naughty name is a literal crime

It's not just a naught word, lol its a word meant to discriminate a group of people. And yes, calling somebody that word who is a homosexual is very much a crime.

And if you're trying to refer to Bill C16, sure you may have to go to court for intentionally calling someone by the wrong gender, but the only way you're going to have a problem is if you maliciously used the wrong gender identity, i.e. to insult them on their beliefs. You're not going to prison for accidentally calling someone a he when they want to be referred to as a she.

It's not just a naughty word, lol its a word meant to discriminate a group of people. And yes, calling somebody that word who is a homosexual is very much a crime.

That's pathetic. You're pathetic. You deserve everything that happens to you.

And if you're trying to refer to Bill C16, sure you may have to go to court for intentionally calling someone by the wrong gender, but the only way you're going to have a problem is if you maliciously used the wrong gender identity, i.e. to insult them on their beliefs. You're not going to prison for accidentally calling someone a he when they want to be referred to as a she.

You're literally admitting that I'm right. The fucking double think is insane.

Lol stay mad child.. Me elaborating on the law is proving your point? You said if you called her a him, it's simply a crime. It's not that simple, and it's not as scary as you think.

Go outside man, stop fighting with the Internet stranger trying to have a productive argument. Everything is okay and if you give people a chance, you might end up liking them, finding a girl (or guy) that you're interested in, creating relationships, and begin blossoming a life. The government isn't watching you, needles don't give you autism, and the earth is round. Best of luck!

I've seen denial but this is something special.

The paragraph of your projections is cute though

It's like you think you're good at arguing, yet just toss out insults without actually having a dialogue...


its still retarded i can go to jail for calling someone a faggot

do you know where you are

You can get arrested for that in USA too. Calling someone a faggot repeatedly is considered harassment pretty much everywhere.

im not a burger

You can get arrested for that in USA too. Calling someone a faggot repeatedly is considered harassment pretty much everywhere.

Surely you can't be this delusional

If it's targeted at me and meant to piss me off, it's harassment. You'll rarely get punished for something like that, but you legally can be.

Criminal harassment entails intentionally targeting someone else with behavior that is meant to alarm, annoy, torment or terrorize them.

You're literally too stupid to understand the difference between criminalizing words versus criminalizing behavior. I can't even right now 😣

Tfw You literally can't even so much that you literally can't even respond to actual facts that exist counter to your beliefs.

It’s not a hate crime.

No you can’t.

C16. You deserve it.

So ignorant. But what do I expect from an r/drama poster

You deserve all of it.

Can you quote bill C-16 for me please? Just copy/paste it for me in your reply

this is NOT true.

Yes you are a bigot and also a moron for spreading this lie.

It's literally the law, why aren't you proud of that 🤣

Woah woah woah, dresses are not inherently feminine. Neither are earrings, names, or anything else at all you fuckin fuck

Unless I'm transitioning, then you have to tell me I'm pretty.

So where's the female part? The name? Pretty pink dresses?

I mean, technically, trans' people are trans' regardless of whether they openly are or not, same way a closeted gay is still gay. Doesn't exactly explain why she competed in that race, though.

If I kill someone who identifies as a tree and use his dead body as tinder, is that legal?

It depends if they identified as a tree in addition to a person (So that would make them an Ent, is my guess) or if it was a "one or the other" kinda deal.

It depends on the type of trans person. Less than 20% of the people currently identifying as trans at the moment actually have gender dysphoria. There has been a huge amount of entryism.

Don't really have an opinion one way or the other on this general discussion but do you have reliable research or data to back up the number you claim? Or was it just pulled out of thin air?

Tree law is very serious business

Its infiltration on a whole new level that puts simple male feminists to shame.

It is

I knew people that this happened to. They were both pre surgery and thought of the baby as a bit of a miracle- didn't know they were pregnant until about 7 months because of hrt and the transman had surgery before they even knew. It was a very slim window in their lifetimes that they'd have a biological child. I thought it was pretty cool.

Shit llooooorrrrdddd

Mrs. garrison

cross dressing straight guy I guess

Yeah but what if he’s a butch lesbian?

true true

Shhh you can't say that...

If you want a real answer it is this: no “that isn’t just a straight guy.” Just because you are pre HRR doesn’t mean you aren’t trans. In addition, though often lumped together sexual identity and gender identity are different. This individual as I understand is a woman who likes women: therefor a lesbian. I hope this is a good explanation.

Thank you for trying. This whole thread is filled with transmedicalist trash.


To expand on that, a decent number of trans individuals do not have the resources necessary to undergo HRT. I'm not just talking money (although that plays a part), I'm also talking a supportive network of friends and family. I have several trans friends in college who are closeted to their parents because they'd be disowned and forced to leave college if found out.

I don't know or care about the cyclist's particular circumstances, but the extent to which this thread is willing to jump to conclusions about her reasons for not yet undergoing HRT is just stupid.

Even if they are actually transgender, they aren't medically transitioning at all. This is cheating.

A straight guy with a mental disorder.

The ammount of male trannies who identify as "lesbians" makes me think they're just dudes so desperate for pussy they are willing to throw their masculinity away to try and shame PC women into having sex with them.

Hey, if it works....


My thoughts exactly.

lol not in current year I guess.

haha the absolute STATE of women in 2018

Women are the downfall of civilization and everything built by men

More proof that the best womxyn is a mxyn. I love this timeline!

honestly what else is there to say at this point? apparently the world has decided to play along with this sort of mental illness and doesn’t seem to mind trampling over women’s leagues and spaces to do it. i can’t imagine standing on that podium and not feeling completely ashamed of myself, what a complete piece of shit.

yeah, it's fucking awesome

i just wonder what their plan is for after they burn all their bridges in the (real) women’s domain?

Oh, its continuing to be a totally dysfunctional guy as before.

The person in the situation is a prick. What they’ve done is effectively cheating, and should definitely be looked down on. That isn’t an excuse to go after all transgender people though, it’s generalization.

As well as the people who agreed to let this happen.

I don't understand why they call the condition "gender dysphoria" - aka a mental issue, but they treat it as a physical one.

Yeah, well, that's what happens when gender ideology in 2018 is based almost exclusively on quasi-solipsistic narcissism.

Don't worry, though - this shit will be taken so far that the inevitable backlash will set social progress back 3-5 decades, and then we'll get to enjoy another decade of this type of insanity.

It's just the ebb and flow of retardation.

Gender will be just have to be removed, replaced with chromosomes. Xx compete in one category, xy compete in another. Doesn't matter if youre a man woman bi tri ambi omni or trans pre post HRT or op.


Fellow Dudes! We smacked those bitches down!

How many years do you think Usain Bolt could continue to collect prize money in sprinting if he identified as a trans woman?

It might take someone like Usian to do this to make dickheads realise men transitioning to women is not fair in professional sport.

The really weird thing to me is how people obviously agree with it being a mental illness if a person thinks they're something/someone different in any other case than gender. If you think you're Napoleon, a dragon, invisible, 8 feet tall, a mermaid or whatever you're considered nuts. But thinking the exact same thing about your gender is just somehow perfectly normal and sane.

But it's not about hating trans people or whatever. I don't hate people with a depression, borderline or whatever either. They deserve the same rights as everyone else on the planet. All humans do imo. But that doesn't mean it's not a mental illness.

Question: How on earth would a male ever know how it feels to be a female in the first place? How can he claim to "feel like a woman"? What does that even mean? Since when is "woman" a feeling?

I'm a male born as a male, and I have no idea what my gender feels like. I'm just a guy because I was born a guy. Do I feel like a guy? I guess so because that's what I am...


Which thread is that from?


But thinking the exact same thing about your gender is just somehow perfectly normal and sane.

More accurately, we can just let people act like/be treated like the gender they prefer, and really, it's no skin off anyone's ass.

Someone trying to be a Dragon is gonna hurt themselves or others, though.

Well we can’t really act/treat a tranny like a woman because the trussy is an open wound in need of constant dilation, lacks periods, needs drugs to stay a woman, and has an XY chromosome configuration. So can we reallyyyy treat them the same? Women in sports lose to trussy in sports, and we all know trussy are more deranged (thus more sexually empowered than gussy).

We do kindahave to keep these guys in drag away from the fussy gussy because once again: men do it better.

Well we can’t really act/treat a tranny like a woman because the trussy is an open wound in need of constant dilation, lacks periods, needs drugs to stay a woman, and has an XY chromosome configuration.

None of that is my problem. If the individual in question finds that a suitable alternative, then good on him, or her, or whatever.

What if they are a peaceful dragon, like Puff?

I'd disagree with you but I'm late for the battle of Waterloo

I understand about trans having different brains like a woman. And if it's a brain contest, it should be ok

But starting with a male body lets trans women operate far superior to the original recipe flavor type of woman

If having a different brain was the case, why isn't being Trans subject to a brain scan? The trans community does not support any measure like a brain scan or anything before deciding if someone should be allowed to transition or not. Very few transwomen have a brain that's different from an ordinary male brain.

Besides, sports like chess have a women's league to encourage more women to get into chess. Think of it like affirmative action, more women/black/latinos are accepted into college to encourage more of them to study hard and apply for college/STEM fields. It's to build a specific type of culture and to give young kids of that group someone like them to look up to. It's not because they think that they're literally mentally different, that's going to get you labelled sexist and racist real quick.

I don't know. Why don't they scan your brain when you go in for treatment for depression? Furthermore, why don't they just use nanobots to alter the brain DNA or structure in order to treat depression?

The thing is trans people constantly mention how Trans people's brains are similar physically to their preferred gender (idk how accurate these studies are, but lets say you are right) rather than the one they're born as. If you're going to use that as a justification for trans people, you have to stand by it and refuse people that have a regular male brain.

Do you agree that being trans is a mental illness/condition like depression that you develop and not a physical difference in your brain?

Idc much about trans ideology other than the fact that I think it's sexist af.

Do you agree that being trans is a mental illness/condition like depression that you develop and not a physical difference in your brain?

Do you believe there is a difference between a male brain and a female brain?

Physically? Sure, I thought it was a basic biological fact. I don't think men and women think any different or have different personalities because of it, atleast not to any significant degree.

No one can explain the concept of gender identity without some sexism. Gender identity is just gender roles rebranded. I don't believe being a man or a woman is a feeling, it's just your physical body, just like being tall or short isn't a feeling.

If you can give me a single definition of gender identity that isn't wishy washy like "internal feeling of being a certain gender" or sexist, I'll unironically start supporting trans people.

Brain scans might be cost prohibitive, but you may be onto something. I was forced to go through a lot of testing to get ADHD meds.

could be. men are not higher level human like the women is

all of the good is taken away from them and replaced with penises and hate

women are also mothers which is sacred and the highest form of femininity above any understanding of men

no penises there? thought not

This is great. Sports will do more than all the red pilling any number of republicans could ever do.

Lmao its OVER for femcels

Maybe for competition they should classify competitors based on levels of hormones, with a qualifying period? Just give it a scientific name and noone can call it transphobic.

Generally in cycling you are put into different classes depending on category. (Pro then1-5) You get placed into different categories based on points earned.

I would not object to having categories based on a cyclists FTP.

If you do that you could even have both sexes compete against each other.

MtFs also retain most of their male bone structure so even then it may not be fair.

Foids BTFO 😎😋🤣

Time and time again!! 🎉🎈






You got downvoted for being right smh 😤😤😤


Men are better at everything CONFIRMED

I think it depends on how far back you would go. A trans woman who is an elite athlete who started transitioning 3 months ago will obviously still have an advantage over cis women. But what about a trans woman who transitioned 25 years ago? Honestly, I don’t know. I seriously doubt that there is any advantage after a certain amount of time. Further, my T levels are so controlled, that they are usually under the normal range for cis women.But I cannot attest that it is the same for everyone. https://www.reddit.com/r/cycling/comments/9o4q79/transgender_woman_wins_uci_masters_track_cycling/e7sc7v1

No need to point out the obvious

Evem after therapy Well you have better cardiovascular fitness, longer and larger bones and greater strength.Physiologically you are woman 2.0 the good upgrade

Assuming you have to be an adult to transition it's a rather moot question.

We reach physical peak at around 30-something, so 25 years after you're 18 you'd be pretty crap in any sporting event at a high level.

/r/cycling hardly seems pissed. Clickbait title

I know how I'm avoiding getting any work done this morning

So a man...

How about we call it X and Y instead of women's- and men's sport, and instead of sorting people by gender it'll be by chromosones as ascertained by a DNA test, cotton swab in the mouth.

Problem solved, no discrimination and everyone's happy except whatever pit of spergs is yelling loudly at some percieved gender holocaust.

This is unironically the best solution

Still would have issues with people on HRT. A FTM would absolutely destroy his competition and and an MTF would get destroyed by men.

Special Olympics already exists. Just send em an invite

Just ban HRTs for doping. Because that's exactly what it is.


In some cases it's possible to have both Y chromosomes and still be a functional woman.

Ewa Kłobukowska failed the chromosome test but managed to give birth to a healthy son.

Is she not a woman?

Fringe case. For 99% his method is fine. You are nitpicking.

For 99% his method is fine.

1% of the population is trans, so...

Off by a factor of 10 but your point rings true.

And you are an idiot.


can give birth

not a woman

I don't pretend to understand the rules.

Shut up.

Get cancer and die.

One in a huge number of people isnt worth bothering with special cases. Arent most of these genetic freaks all fucked up and stuff anyway?

What about people with androgen insensitivity syndrome? It’s not all that clear cut.

That can also be treated for.

So cotton swab and accounting for genetic disorders then

Okay so I can guess there will be different bins for XX and XY, but what about X0 and XXY? What if a platypus wants to enter, they're either XXXXXXXXXX or XXXXXYYYYY (true story) ?

Yeah that'll be cool when all the FtM are dominating women's sports because they're forced to compete with women. It's not as simple as going with chromosomes.

wew that lad is an absolute UNIT

Yeah that’s cheating

I have a strong desire to quote Austin Powers

Oo, behave

Does this make you horny, baby?!

Some people will say this isn't fair but they're overlooking something important: this makes the less sexy women's sports watchable.

It's like the Harlem Globetrotters but all the time.

gussy is officially over


This is what peak performance looks like

Second and third place ladies are smiling but their eyes say "I'm dead inside".

Wasn't there a Futurama episode predicting this?

As long as we use the right pronouns this should be legal, right? After all he thinks he’s a woman, soooo she’s a women?

Well she’s a guy so...

someone with a pro-trans history

What about someone who was assigned terf at account creation but now identifies as pro-trans?

man beats women in sport

Wow you don't say

I’m waiting for the day trans woman can give birth.


"I want to be called Loretta"


So he’s straight and competing against women?

So are there any places on reddit not 100% calling bullshit?

I only found one downvoted guy here https://np.reddit.com/r/moderatepolitics/comments/9ocdlv/transgender_woman_becomes_first_ever_world/

No, this is objectionable to even the less rational side of reddit.

A comedian once joked about the Steroid Olympics. I believe that we now need the Tranny Olympics.

Maybe host them in Munich.

I love how powerful my thighs are.

I just love feeling this strong!

Topic aside, there are some really disgusting things being said in this post. She's a human being and doesn't deserve to be trashed like this. Food for thought.

Holy fuck she’s a narcissist! I would see the problem if after HRT and surgery. Good for her, but cmon. She’s also tagging Ellen show and a bunch of other twitter pages

Fhis whole thing is bad, but can people at least separate their anger towards this specific event and their anger towards trans ppl overall.

The least you can do is be civil and not fall for low bait and insults.

Maybe we should change the verbiages in sport to use the word sex, instead of gender. That way, there can't be any abuse of the system. After all, everyone agrees that at the very least, from a biological standpoint, there are only two sexes, even if there are many genders. This eliminates this kind of confusion. Because as someone who loves sports, this woman's win isn't fair to the other women she competed against. Being biologically male does mean she has an unfair advantage. Even if she didn't mean to create this unfair advantage, it still exists. Trans people are entitled to the same rights, and pursuit of happiness as anyone else. I believe that anyone should be able to compete, regardless of their gender. But there is miles and miles of scientific evidence speaking to the genetic differences between the sexes, it isn't a fair competition for a a trans woman to compete with non trans women, due to those genetic differences.

But you forget. Many many people get angry if you even imply that there is a marked and stark difference between the sexes.

You make a point, but it is pretty hard to refute the tons of evidence to the contrary, starting with, but not limited to, world records. There are very few world records held by women, and while some of that is due to the popularity of the sport, such as rock climbing, there are many other sports, such as track and field, where men's records dominate.

disclaimer: I do not intend in any way, shape, or form, to imply that men are superior to women, or vice versa. I only mean to say that due to genetic difference in men and women, Men do tend to be more physically capable, all other things being equal

Trans know damn well they have an overwhelming advantage in women sports and should not be playing. Regardless, it sucks for real women since the games are rigged now. I remember a video a while back of a race where a trans won and you could see it on the second or third runner's face they wanted to call out this bullshit. Stuff like this is why terfs are growing among feminists.

This is a good post on that /r/cycling thread: have a different bracket for physically male athletes in womens' competitions

I think we all agree it's not: it's a question of fairness: no woman ever saw it as discrimination. And just like no woman, i don't think any trans-woman, except the most radical, maybe, see it as discrimination if we are on a different bracket than cis-women. ​ Sports makes all sorts of discrimination all the time to insure fairness: i can't compete in judo against an eight-years old, nor can a 300 lbs man fights a 90 lbs man: it discriminates in age, height, weight, gender. I see no reason, and i fought for trans rights as a trans-woman activist my whole life, that it could not discriminate between cis and trans: trans should and could have their own categories, in fact.

This comment is very reasonable and thoughtful. I assume that means it was completely ignored.

When I went there from here a few hours ago, it was hanging out there all alone.

Yeah that’s bullshit SHE CAN NOT COMPETE

Jesus, reddit is terrible. Can yall stop being bigots and calling her a “tranny?” Transppl get so much hate on here it's insane. I dont think presurgery trans folk should compete with the gender of their identity. I still dont hate them or call them slurs.

Why are you calling me "yall"??

I believe that to be a slur against people not from the south.

Maybe the trannies should stop exploiting their obvious physical superiority to win in women's competitions.

It’s never okay to be hateful and use slurs. No excuses. You reddit bros need to check yourselves and get off the internet.

That is false. And I 100% guarantee you your own actions violate that position.


It’s not a woman 😂 silly fucks. Just a cheap attention whore

Well she’s a guy so

We want equality!

Except in sports. And the military. We want very much separate but equal there........


She also asks for money on twitter despite being a very "successful" cyclist

no rly, do trannies ever not ask for money? i swear everytime i see a fem penis social media account theres a link for donations🤑🤑🤑

Their entire culture is based on feeling sorry for each other and complimenting each other all the time. Take a quick look at any trans subs. Begging for money is just an extension of that.

Funnily enough, hijras in South Asia are famous for begging. I guess it might be genetic afterall.


Dude becomes lesbian?

I have been wondering when this will happen in MMA. One more belt for McGregor to add to his collection.

Lance Armstrong should have just claimed to be trans.

I guess if he had the surgery, he could have saved himself from ball cancer, too.

Honestly who gives a shit.

Sure if the women want to band together to keep her out of the cycling circuit then that is fine.

But why any of you all give a shit about this is beyond me

do you know what sub you're in?

Joe Rogan told everyone years ago about the physical advantages trans women had but so many people hated on him and called him "transphobic." Especially women. Well good luck winning anymore sports events.

So a straight man entered a females cycling event? Hardly seems fair.

The bigger story would involve someone calling him a man at the pictured ceremony.

removed lol

cycle cucks confirmed

I think this is a case for non-gendered sports.

Imagine caring about sports

"Our boring arbitrary competitions are now even more boring and arbitrary"

Not only caring about sports, not only caring about cycling, but caring about women's cycling even. It boggles the mind.

If you don't celebrate this feat of bravery by a trans woman you're LITERALLY killing trans people


Is this a joke?

So, it’s a dude

A trans lesbian is definitely just a dude who likes chicks

Tranny women who is lesbian ? What does that even mean? She’s born man who likes women , or she was born a women and likes women ?

It means they are a heterosexual male who wants to be perceived as a woman and continue to date women.

For people who think gender is oppressive and general bs, they are a hetero-male.

I see.. quite interesting 🤔

I'm one of those liberals who say "sure let's have a 1000 genders, call yourself whatever you want, IDC" but I do have some issue with crossing over into women's sports. I don't really know what the solution is, sometimes you get a failed Y chromosome and a 100% phenotypical female, but how do you separate them from trans-women?

People who are intersex are not trans. The person who just won this cycling competition does not have a DSD (disorder of sexual development) he is a man claiming to be a woman because of his feelings. Big difference.

I fucking love that now men can just go and compete in women's sports and break all these records. It's hilarious.

Incoming Lebron James in the WNBA.

That's a fucking guy plain and simple that's it like tf if fuck boy is pre he ain't even close to be able to be considered a girl and at that point still your still a man with missing parts thats it ffs this shit is getting stupid

Can anyone explain this logic:

Women deserve special sports leagues just because they are women, but letting trannies into those special leagues is unfair to women.

How do you justify special treatment for women and also complain about trannies getting special treatment?

Deep /r/drama lore: this is the same transsexual that lit the fire that made badphil go private

As they should be. If she is pre- HRT she is a man. She may identify as a woman but her body is most definitely a man's. And she has an incredible advantage Because of it.

If I were trans I think I would not compete with the women. It just seems lame. I’d probably do solo sports, and be less of an internet beggar.

Looks like this thread is also a part of the drama...

700 upvotes on a transphobic comment

I'm so confused.

Even men are better at being women than women

= man wins women's competition. Ftl..

lol just have sports categorized by ability not gender lmfao

So a dude....A dude won a major women's cycling competition.


Do you have evidence that she's pre-HRT? On her twitter she says her testosterone level is literally zero in order to meet the regulations for this event. Which would indicate she is on HRT...

By pre-HRT I meant she isn't on estrogen. I thought T blockers didn't count as HRT? Anyways, she had to use T blockers and she's very vocal about how requiring below a certain amount of testrogen is very transphobic on twitter.

the performance-decreasing effects would come from the testosterone-blockers, not from estrogen. If she's really not taking estrogen, that's bad because not having any primary sex hormone can cause osteoporosis. It's also true that females naturally have greater than zero testosterone, and that is important for sexual function and building muscle. Most MtFs don't block their testosterone all the way to zero, just to female levels. So if she's being required to literally reach zero testosterone that would be kind of unhealthy.

She isn't asked to reduce them to 0, just to the level mentioned here.

I thought estrogen made skin softer, grew boobs etc. Would taking estrogen not effect her performance at all?

Shouldn't the title be "man in women's clothing wins women's cycling competition"

What about this is NSFW, they're all fully clothed and not doing anything inappropriate.

I don’t understand these labels. A dude won the competition or a female?

A man who identifies as a women won a women's competition. Pre HRT means that she isn't taking estrogen and pre surgery obviously means she hasn't gotten surgery. She is required to take Testrogen blockers to bring her Testrogen down to a point where she won't completely blow women out of the water. She is also very vocal about how transphobic it is to require T blockers on twitter.

Oh. That doesn’t seem fair to let men compete in women sports.

Hence the controversy, take a look at the first twitter picture and decide if she looks like the other girls yourself :)

What's up with all of these trans people winning in sports? It's almost like that have some kind of unfair advantage 🤔

At that point it's just a guy.

I’m pro-trans, they have a right to exist and live on their own terms just like everyone else, but this isn’t fair. People born with higher test levels and lower levels of estrogen will develop more muscle and will always have an athletic advantage, especially in sports like this.

Inb4 the first female president is going to be a MtF smh.

As they should be. This isn't even debatable. Trannies shouldn't be allowed to compete as whatever gender they wish they were born as. Jesus Christ I can't believe how fucked the world has become with PC nonsense. This cunt needs to have its trophy taken then banned from women's sports of any kind. He needs to be a man

“Her Twitter”


That's a huge bitch

We separate men and women because it would be anatomically unfair. This is bullshit

News sure is getting interesting, I tell ya what.

A pre-HRT pre-surgery transwoman is biologically 100% a man, with the performance to match. What the fuck...

The top comment on the r/cycling thread is civil, and correct.

She just had to do it to em.


I don't understand the problem. According to feminists, men and women are the same, so they should just scrap men's and women's competitions and have a single event instead.

Well, he's a guy soooooo.

"Man beats women in women's cycling competition"

This is straight up cheating

this thread is gross

Why does this thumbnail need to be NSFW?

It’s three people accepting awards...

Well duh that's a dude

Lol Fairness is totally arbitrary

Nobody gave me medals till I donned the wig.

Joe Rogan said something about this, not this particular incident but about men competing in women's sports as women. It's unfair, men, I dont care if they've been taking the hormones and such to transfer over to a woman, still are men. Their muscle fibers are completely different from a womans, this should be banned.

I know some people are not gonna like this comment, but its medical fact. Men are physically stronger, and faster than women. That's just how it is

Fallon Fox

And in combat sports, it's downright irresponsible and incredibly dangerous for trans folk to be fighting normal women. Not only is it not fair, their is a huge risk for severe lifelong injury.

His record is 5-1... What was the loss?

Imagine being the one girl to actually beat him.

This is eventually going to backfire on the trans community in a really big way. It is just going to cause a backlash that will undo all the hard work that other trans people have done for the community, in getting people to be more accepting of trans people.

No one dare say the emperor has no clothes.

Stunning and brave

So a guy who dresses like a girl, won a women's sporting event. And they're proud of this "achievement"?

This is how I envision myself eventually winning a gold medal

I dont really care about this but when they start letting trans men compete against cis men on cooking shows I'll be up in arms, it won't be fair

from her Twitter bio:


Well she has my support lol.

Can we go back to institutionalizing all the dick choppers please

Anyone wanna discuss if sports should continue to be segregated, and why, and where should the lines be drawn?

To my mind, the point of segregating athletics is so that women have equal opportunities to succeed. Because men are almost universally stronger, faster, etc? But all athletes keep getting better, and female athletes now would be breaking men's records a few decades ago, and they get a fraction of the amount of funding. Plenty of female olympians work part time jobs. And also, don't almost all top tier athletes have fast/slow twitch muscle fiber ratios or hormonal balances way out of normal anyways?

The question I wanna discuss here is, how do we think this should work?

Many sports have a league for everyone and one specific to women. Women can compete against men if they are good enough in most sports, they are just considered men's sports because women simply never qualify for it.

If the women's league exists to give them more chances to succeed, though, then there need to be restrictions on who can qualify. And right now the restrictions are...you need to identify as female? Probably be legally registered as such? (Is that even a thing? No clue) Can a transman compete in the women's league?

There need to be some kinda fuckin' rules. Are there any? Actual question.

Each sport's leagues makes it's own rules. Transmen are disqualified from women's sports because taking testosterone is considered a performance enchancing drug in most sports.

She had to use T blockers to bring her Testestorone down to female levels, but she didn't take estrogen or get surgery. As you can clearly see from the picture, she's massive compared to the other racers so T blockers clearly aren't enough.

Interesting stuff. Thanks for helping me out. I'm new to this subreddit and it's wild, but there's a surprising amount of serious, reasoned discussion going on.

its like an 80s comedy movie where a guy has to dress up as a woman to get his bike loving girlfriend back

and its heaps obvious that hes a man but for some reason the characters refuse to recognise it

Thats just a fat guy lol

The askterisk denotes Dr Simonis, who is a two-time world champion in Roller Derby

Every fucking time. The favourite """sport""" of y'all folx type of feminists and SJWs. Like they think they makes them look tough or something, grrrr girls rule!!!

Also I wonder in what xer has a doctorate in 🤔

This is kinda the plot from Juwanna Mann.

Are you kidding lads, women and men are absolutely and exactly the same!!! No differences at all!

She's unironically teaching a class on "Fairness in Sport" and has a YouTube video on the topic:
