Pretentious hipster calls out former colleagues at Google for being pussies, hackernews cries about him being mean

1  2018-10-15 by uniqueguy263



You are receiving this message because you posted in defense of Donald Trump. I no longer provide individual responses on this matter. It has been my experience that Trump supporters are universally incapable of accepting verifiable truths about him and, by extension, themselves, thus rendering discussion pointless and, therefore, a waste of time.

I wish you all the best in your ongoing battle with reality.

Yours respectfully, a logical person.


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I ordered a shit dildo using Google+. When it first came out, you had to sign up with G+ in order to get the discount. It was supposed to smell and feel like a shit. Was pretty underhelming when it arrived, because it only looked like a shit. It didn't even feel like a shit when it went in my boipussy.

Needless to say, I don't use it anymore.

The one upside was that the shit dildo was password protected, so no one else could use it.


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OK, how the fuck?

Tbh drama involving Google+ is much rarer than that quote showing up, this quote shows up a lot

This clusterfuck is exactly why we need the mayocide, no one involved here is worth anything

Webshits have negative worth.

I'm full stack tho

/unjerk Imagine unironically posting in HN.

/jerk Rewrite mayocide in blockchain.

HN won't let you delete your account, so if you have a crippling internet addiction its hard to stop.

I was hoping they'd get sued over the DGPR and pg and sama would be left eating beans out of the can.

/r/programmingcirclejerk posting in drama?

The holiest of marriages!

Y Comb is -generally speaking- ass, but I agree with the overall sentiment there. The guy that wrote that spiel sounds like a real dick idiot. Or idiot dick. An idickiot, if you will.

My favorite part was his calling out the one dude for passive-aggressive meeting scheduling, when his whole rant was one giant ball of passive aggression.

I like how indignant he gets at the guy mentioning that it seems he wants to be manager, and just pointing out that someone else was already lined up for the job. Nuh uh how dare you even mention that.

Yeah, you totes were not gunning for that manager position, that's why you held these two people in eternal contempt, jumped ship almost immediately after it was made clear you weren't getting it, and wrote this huge ass blog post to run their noses in shit and point out how much better you are than them and how how your a strong independent whine man who don't need no promotion.

Hope he has a satisfying life working as... a UI designer at dropbox.

I was similarly burned by moving from a small lean tech company to a larger bureaucratic organization and his story really resonated with me. It's honestly a very difficult transition to make because your old habits of identifying low-hanging fruit and fixing things will get you in trouble.

The combination of high profit-margins with the ability to disguise bad work leads to a really unhealthy political environment and a surprising amount of unethical behavior.

The point of the meeting story wasn't that bitching about passive-aggressive behavior. It was the moment the author discovered that "Jim" was a politically protected person and that the author had no recourse against abusive management. This is absolutely something that happens, particularly (IME) to the 'self-made' types that got into the company based on a work portfolio without academic pedigree or professional network.


Certainly things weren't that bad for the author. He kept his job and moved on to better things, and he doesn't really frame it as a "pity me pls" type of story. He's just getting it off his chest really. You could call it unprofessional to air dirty laundry but it's a bit silly that people care more about the author's professionalism than "Vic" the credit-stealing sexual-harassing executive isn't it?

  • Checks HN thread *

Wait… this isn’t pasta from there?

Oh, son…

I've done the startup and big tech too, and I liked both. The big tech job was a lot of "not my job" but I loved my team. You need to be social in both and a team player, which I am so I enjoyed both sides of the spectrum.

The jobs I thought were the worst were mid-size ones that were gaining traction and out of that startup phase. Most managers are just managers because they had been there, so they weren't exactly good managers. Nobody knows what's going on and everyone is in a power play and reminds you of how long they have been there.

The guy in the article though would grind on my nerves too. He sounds like a dick.

Can we get more hackers drama pls, senpai?


What do you need context on?

There's a link containing a 20 page essay that that's the comment section of, just click it. It's actually kinda interesting but the guy writing it is really insufferable

This is wonderful drama. Too bad it's long and wordy, so no one's going to read it.

Also imagine unironically emojiposting in your serious write-up meant to expose shitty company policy 😂👌👌👌

Is this him trying to be sympathetic? . He sounds like someone I absolutely would not want managing or any responsibility in a dev team. Just feed him work continuously and pat his ego

HN is so full of pretentious faggoty tech bugs it makes me aick.

Of course this is the top comment...

Controversial opinion here. I know that exaggerating and complaining is a surefire way to get clicks, but it's hard to take the author's criticisms seriously when he complains about so many different things.

Yeah, no shit. This is all they ever do. Whenever someone shows enough character to stop being a doormat and become a Valley heretic, they're suddenly a firebrand that can't be taken seriously.

God I hate programmers

So glad I work with a four person team, and none of them are white males