Massive abortion debate erupts on r/iamatotalpieceofshit resulting in the majority of comments having triple digit downvotes.

1  2018-10-15 by Ghdust2


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Fuck it I browse there too. Real talk there are more un political posts there, its just in the comments that stops.

Can the srdine.

What is this magical "other discussions" button?

It's crazy how it is murder and not murder depending on who is murdering.

Why are people so fucking baffled by this?

As a man I have to agree.

Um sweaty go back to braincels this is a kween sub :)

I thought it was bussy friendly here

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waltk918 2504 points 1 day ago

It's different when it's in your own body you stupid twat.

trump-train-bitches comment score below threshold (824 children)


The debate has always been about when life begins. Everyone always chooses to ignore the fact that it's one political subject that is entirely not based in anything but moral beliefs and thus no one can ever win the argument. Because of these everyone always constructs strawmen of their opponents and attacks that instead because if they were forced to try and understand each other they may have to concede something and good forbid they become a centerist.

A lot of people don't understand the concept of self defense.

Abortion seriousposters should receive a post-natal abortion for their efforts

First of all, abortion is not a religious issue. The reason why people think abortion is a religious issue is because until few hundred years ago, religious institutions were in control of determining and studying ethics, but just because religious institutions arrived to the conclusion that abortion is morally and ethically wrong, doesn't mean that it's an outdated idea or wrong, as today, we can arrive to the same conclusion using secular methods.

A baby (fetus) is a growing human inside another human. It can feel, have relationships (have personhood,) if allowed to grow, it will eventually develope self-awareness and agency too. The arbitrary belief that humanity is only assigned post-birth is a conventional and has no basis in reality. Why is humanity assigned post-birth? So one second you're just a "bundle of cells" and next second you're a human? Only a far-leftist or a feminist would seriously believe in that. When does a baby become human? I don't know if there is a definite answer, but I think we should definitely reject the idea of post-birth humanity as a fundamentalist far-left belief. I think it should start where where a baby begins to resemble a human and developement of intelligence starts, as that is the earliest where it fits the definition of a living human. The baby's brain may not be fully developed, but there are humans alive today on life support with less brain activity than 13 week old babies, so unless you think a person living of life support is not a human, then lack of brain activity comparable to a fully functional human is not itself a valid argument. The first signs of intelligence in a baby appear at around 13 weeks with the developement of corpus callosum, and at that moment, the baby already resemebles a human, so I think that should be the lowest threshold of recognizing humanity, but as every baby developes at their own pace, I think it should be determined in every case individually. So ideally, the label of human should be assigned at no later than 13 weeks unless proven otherwise or new information proves that intelligence developes even earlier.

I think the way to solve the problem is education and responsibility. Invest in teaching people the consequences of sex, and make them responsible for their own actions. Women who get pregnant and do not want the baby, should be allowed to abort the baby before 13 weeks if it doesn't resemble a human and process intelligent brain activity. The women must pay ALL of the costs themselves and not a single cent should come from public funds. Pregnancy tests and contraception should be made cheaper and receive funding. After the procedure is done, the women should be sterilized and have their wombs removed, to ensure that they do not murder any more humans. Abortion after 13 weeks should be treated as premeditated murder with a maxium of life-sentence to capital punishment based on state laws for all involved.

The only exceptions where an abortion should be seen as acceptable are.

still unemployed then?

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When men murderer it is evil, when women murder it is empowering and beautiful.

When women murder, it's with a vacuum cleaner. As it should be.

I mean, he's not totally wrong.

The only argument I can think of to reconcile both positions is to say that you agree that life begins at conception. However, you also believe in people's right to bodily autonomy. The woman does not have to be a host for the child.

Otherwise, if you say it is not a human life, it is difficult for me to agree that it should be attempted murder. How can you be charged with murdering a person, and at the same time say it's not a person?

Never understood the bodily autonomy argument. When you consented to sex and got pregnant you gave the man 50% of the rights of the fetus. The question is always going to be over when the bundle of cells is considered a human.

"Pro choice" is disingenuous, they should call it something else. Women already had the right to choose when they chose to have consensual sex. I'm pro death anyways.

Abortion is too PC for me. I just call a it premature Jodie Arias.

Aw, there are so many lolcows in there that could be pinged :'(

Holy fuck that's good bait. Mmmmm.