Washed-up botch-boobed Tara Reid gets tossed from a flight after causing a sharknado of headaches

1  2018-10-16 by shitpost953



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Oh man she is looking haggard as fuckkkk. The wall is real.

You could always tell that she wasn't going to age well. Partying hard plus meh facial structure means that once your youth is gone, watch the fuck out. Cait Blanchet is like ten years her senior and is a million times prettier still.

Dude see those cheeks? She still looks at least like maggie gyllenhall.

Then again that is kind of like comparing her to droopy dog.

She looks exactly like what a former host of wet T-shirt contests in Darwin, Australia would look like.

Darwin, Australia


Like I’m not actually making this up. Tara Reid hosted a prostitute-themed ball that included a wet T-shirt contest in Darwin.

Probably her best roll since Bunny Lebowski.

I’ll suck your cock for a thousand dollars.

One hundred


So...the winners got Darwin awards?

The Territory is probably the closest we've got to a Southern State in Australia.

She went straight through and took the wiring and plumbing with her

She has for like a decade.

She looks like a homeless person although better than the anorexic stage.


Tbh this isn't bad. Better and more coherent than half of what I see at museums.

Fell kinda bad for her. She's a troubled person.

Thanks for wasting my time. I’ve never seen less happen in a video.

Unironically who

heres her wiki you lazy sob


I'll suck your cock for $1000

Nah fam, i can get 3x the succ for a lot less from your dad

She's had her boobs fixed for a long time now.

Still looks like she was rode hard and put away wet though.

The pilot actually turned the plane around

Flight attendants tried diffusing the situation

But why? Do I need it around here as well?

Further, she says she was cramped in her seat because the woman in front of her had reclined.

Then recline your seat?