/r/masstagger starts writing Snappy fanfic

1  2018-10-16 by AnnoysTheGoys


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Jk ily

The mods are fascist... πŸ˜’


Gas yourself to safety

All the time. They smell the best

Lemme have a whiff


You're welcome to stay in my attic <3

Who knew fascists were Jewish people who love to trade stocks!

Maybe the real fascists were the friends we made among the way.

Hello bby😘

Post puppy


being mean to chapos is an endorsement of fascism

He's not even chapo, he's from shitliberassay - they hate chapos for not being tankie enough..yet.

Seriously? Slurs are commonly accepted and used on /r/drama, the purpose of it is not a hate sub but how the fuck is it not a hate sub regardless? Plus, it brigades threads all the time.

Every time I see the totes bot I fight the urge to find a someone like the quote above and give them a good old "we're heeeeerreeeee"

Well I never. We would never brigade anyone. Ever.

Per thebliteral reddit rules, so long as we’re not indulging in a downvote storm, we are mostly kewl.

lol this sub can totally reeeee about medgenerates all it wants, and it will still be seen as no different from them

and I will just sit here and masturbate to it

Who the fuck cares what any of those clowns think?

And all you losers whine that it's too lefty. Perfectly balanced as it should be.



I wish there was an anti-commie equivalent, so we could be tagged in both.

Ever checked Drama posts? They circlejerk about anything edgy, racist or otherwise offensive plus anti-communism. I've been brigaded from there a hand full of times.

which one of you is this?

I like how /u/SadRedP4nda thinks being anti-communist makes you fascist.

But a boot up my ass and call me Mussolini, cause I'm fash as fuck.

He's a tank commander, even other communists are probs fashists to him.

You know you can comment without being green, right?

[not showing your e-peen to every single kid on the Interwebs


Don't play with me boy.

Um. Excuse me?


Imagine using a plugin that tags people so you can easily discriminate against them then complaining about other people being fascist

That's as retarded an understanding of fascism as the OP.

they're treating us like the Jews in nazi Germany and the ping ban is basically the holocaust. Change my mind

We hide in basements, not attics.

It's worse cuz the ping ban is real

They'd try to sterilise us and ban us from professions and social gatherings, but there's no point really

It is good for tagging people that submits to various gonewild subs.

> Being desperate enough to stalk men that pretend to be women on the internet


It was pretty much coded already with the mass tagger. Just changed the conditions.

Not what fascism is

Stfu the man is onto something. We need to encourage his ideology, incubate it, and guide it into a well intentioned post.

In today's politcal climate fascism is anything oppressive

Lol biatch look at that panda dyde, a fucking tankie from shitliberalssay out there talking about hate sub

we literally have commie/socialists mods here

Heh, cuck.

SENPAI, when you mentioned panda dude, I thought you were talking about me. 😭 I need attention too! πŸ–€

Well then, you don't seem to be a tankie, so you're ok bby.

I do not support gulags, therefore I am a fascist

plus anti-communism

Liberals are "anti-communist" too, does that mean liberals are bigots?

Libs are fash and deserve the bullet too. Both Jonah Goldberg and internet commies say so.

I tried doing some masstagging using this tool for RES. I now have the worst, most toxic AHS users marked with a red tag, and the best users of reddits, the dramadudes, marked in green, but didn't go further.

Which subs would you guys masstag? What are the most toxic subs on reddit?

Porn subs

Technically correct, I guess. Yeah, maybe thanks then...

I'm just sad there wasn't an /r/toxicavenger

Out of all the retarded subs I posted at, CringeAnarchy is the one thing they tagged me for.

I am offended.

Jeez guys, could your brigading be any more obvious? Do you want this place banned?

Hmm, there sure are a lot of "hate subs" πŸ€”

"Could we be the ones who are wrong?"

No, its takes breath /r/The_Donald /r/uncensorednews /r/KotakuInAction /r/TumblrInAction /r/PussyPassDenied /r/CringeAnarchy /r/conspiracy /r/TheRedPill /r/Drama /r/watchpeopledie /r/MGTOW /r/ShitPoliticsSays who are wrong

Ironically it is those subs that are wrong, unless I wanted to go mining for autism.

They are hate subs. Except watchpeopledie.

Well, they are wrong, apart from /r/Drama and /r/watchpeopledie. Those subreddits encourage and enable hate.

People bitching about a drama subreddit calling out fucking retards for being retards.