White-haired man-child told to clean his room or lose internet privileges

1  2018-10-16 by better_bot


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


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And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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And to take care of his cat lmao.

I love that they included the picture of his cat too.

At least he put a bell on it, cats kills far too many native animals.

The weak should fear the strong.

Yeah but the birds

That's so sad. Alexa, play Voices of North American Owls.

It used to ruin my day when on the way to school I would see a bunch of loose feathers indicating another senseless killing.

Please cat owners, bells arent 100% effective but they do reduce the number of birds killed by household cats.

It used to ruin my day when on the way to school I would see a bunch of loose feathers indicating another senseless killing.

In what world does a cat killing a bird not make sense? Few things can make that much sense.

There's no native cats where I live, most predators are larger birds and occasionally snakes. Native birds are successfully targeted by cats way too often.

If its a money thing I'll buy you a bell, they get used to wearing it if thats what youre worried about.

Eh, the stronger birds will survive and pass their genes on to create a better bird.

I will set your cat on fire.

So it's ok to catch and kill other lifeforms?

Well, it is if they're invasive species like your cat

Implying humans aren't invasive species

Eh, who gives a shit? Species invade new areas, that's life pussy.

yes, because I am stronger than your cat. natural selection. it's science, bitch.

You're from that devil island that god long turned his back on, right? the place where everybody communicates in strings of 'cunt', 'mate', 'oi' and 'fuck'.

Woah woah woah, take it easy...... but yes, I live on demon island.

It just sucks to see native birds being killed by feline mayo invaders

Your nation's ecology was merely diversified and enriched by these newcomers, just like the aborignals were thoroughly diversified and culturally enriched by the British into the wonderful smelly, semi coherent, alcohol affected shells I saw when I took my mandatory European Youth Pilgrimage to devil island a few years ago. Australia shall belong to the cat and the toad!


youth pilgrimage

a few years ago.



79 is not my year of birth, though I guess it sort of is in the ballpark. I'm still kind of young, although I guess the median age here on reddit is... low, so kind of young is probably relative.


same ballpark


Cut back on the avocado on toast or whatever you little whining shits are indulging yourselves with these days! In my day we youngsters had to live on instant noodles, cheap beer, hand rolled cigarettes discount frozen vegetables to keep the scurvy at bay, and the prison quality catering the army provided during military service time... kids these days passing through service get a VEGETARIAN OPTION! (the last part is actually no joke).

Go check for lumps I hope you have.

Silly old coot.

Nothing like seeing a cat explode from a .410, nice small shotgun perfect for putting a hole in stray cats. Love seeing them dead they are a nuisance

Lol, I bet you own a wallet chain too.

I shot a 20 gauge a few weeks ago for the first time. Its really under appreciated IMO from my limited exposure

Wow you must be the coolest person at your middle school with that kind of talk.

In a world where cats are an invasive species brought to new ecosystems by humans

Or keep the things indoors/on a leash if your bylaws call for it. Nobody wants paw prints all over their freshly washed car and disease ridden filth hidden under the soil in their garden.

Voices of North American Owls


Absolutely essential album tbqhwy

Lol fuck birds

I promise I will throw scalding hot water in your face next time I see you.

I hope your cat gets caught in one of the snares I leave out in my backyard, dont be surprised if he goes missing ;) I "take care" of them

I thought you were a bad troll at first but holy shit you're legitimately mentally ill, I'd tell you to get help but it's more likely someone calls the cops on their crazy nextdoor mayo with cats hanging from his porch so don't bother

I wouldnt kill these cats but seriously they should at the very least wear a bell. Its just common sense cat control.

What about mayo bells?

Cats are an invasive species, how does eliminating them from killing wildlife make me mentally ill? It's not different than killing a rat

Good justification for wanting to kill people's pets bud

What's wrong with killing wildlife? They're going to eat it.

What's wrong with killing a muslim if Robert Picktons pig eat him?


Not gonna try to argue with you, but please leave a note for your family telling them to post on r/drama when your neighbors kill you.

>replying to the same comment twice

You're lucky I don't live in whatever fentanyl-infested shithole you dwell in because I'd snare you you depraved bitchboy

The only good birds are roasted or fried.

Thats why i set rabbit snares for cats ;), no one misses them

Exactly. Also, my cat loves presenting her prey to me and I won't take that from her.

cats kills far too many native animals

cats are not an invasive species in Europe you absolute Burger

Ecuador is in south America you silly goose

Ecuador doesn't exist you fucking idiot

I don't Bolivia

I spent ten minutes thinking of a way to call you a gay by saying Uruguay but I couldn't

you have won

So shouldnt you delete your account?

shut up, uruguay

Equador embassy is an invasive species in the UK.

England's biodiversity is shit tho. What's the cat even going to kill, 40-year-old slags?

True, they're a big problem in Australia and I would assume America as well.

You're about 2000 years too late on that one.

Cats killed my Lord and savior?

Cats killed my Lord and savior?

It is the only individual in this whole mess I have any sympathy for.

Pure. Fucking. Evil.

It looks healthy, maybe theyre just pissed he's not the one feeding it.

Kitten looks sad😭

His kot is the biggest victim here 😧😧😧😧

We need to liberate his kot and give him a room in the white house


Look like he's plotting murder.

but you see, if he is not taking care of his cat then everything he released is false. somehow...

That's fucking hilarious

Ecuadorian embassy are memerson fans


usually manifests itself in insomnia [...] .

One of us!

Someone needs to tell Assange the story of the Lobster

How the hell can the super Net sleuth of the 21st century have less decourm than my kids in college?

He's a sperg. Answered my owm question.

my kids in college?

boomer found

I wish. Dem AARP benefits and early-bird specials.


I don't speak boomer or american can you translate it please?

.50 off coffee at fast food places.

but how do you have college age children and not be boomer?

I could have them easy if the condom broke, and I'm not a boomer.

Boomers are between 1946-1964 and even 64 kinda pushes it.


Because my age - 18 does not make me a Boomer? 2000 was almost 19 years ago.


...do you not know what age people are in college?

Bro i'm 19 and my father was born 66 so it's possible that a college student could have boomer parents

I was born in 82 and my parents were in their 40s. I just had my biological kid young.

Ok i was confused

It's alright. Just wait until all the milfs and cougars in life and on porn sites are your age. That's the mindfuck.

I mean in porn any chick over 20 is milf and any over 50 is gilf.

Boomers are at the point where they're having grandkids, GenX is now at the leading edge of parents with adult children.

Everyone is either a boomer or a millenial.

This is America ft Childish Bambino

Sweaty, Gen x are the handmaidens of the Boomers: they do the Boomers bidding. The difference between older Gen X and Boomers is negligible. Reap what you sow, old man.

Gen X is the coolest cohort tho

Snally confirmed old hag

wow rude!

Sweaty, you need some HRT

but how do you have college age children and not be boomer?

It's outrageous!

He's actually a hologram. He was killed by Russian spez forces a couple years ago.

/u/spez comments?

Finally good drama

What you don't like the 6 threads about Liz w being indian or not on r/drama now?

Why are you talking to me like you know me?

Shut your goddamn mouth when you're talking to me.

smh at this sub giving whities the attention they crave so desperately

turbo faggot nigger lol

I find this cute that the Ecuador has ordered Julian Assange to stick to a new set of house rules, including avoiding contentious political issues, cleaning his bathroom and looking after his cat if he wants the internet reconnected.

He is going to need a lot of good boy points to fix this.

That fucking title lol, you win

Looks like he should read some Memerson

I can understand working to cause political turmoil but denying this little guy the love it needs is a disgusting.

nah, fucktards at /r/WhereIsAssange believe he's dead anyway

I got that lecture at 14, from my mom. Look, if you want a tidy bathroom, don't give a teenage boy an ensuite. Ecuador should know better.


You literally can't even make this shit up. I can't harp on enough just how dank this timeline is

stick to a new set of house rules, including avoiding contentious political issues, cleaning his bathroom and looking after his cat if he wants the internet reconnected.

Lmao, Assange confirmed as teenaged magacel.

imagine spending 6 years of your life living on an office floor. i don’t even get why he’s still there. isn’t the narrative that wiki leaks is pro-trump? surely he wouldn’t extradite him

There is still a warrant on his head

I totally will adopt his cat


I'll fite you for the cat

What you mean? Cat is in embassy. Are you willing to go James Bond for him?

I will take him at any cost. No cat deserves to go unpet.

Michael Moore pet him, go full James Bond to get in.


That picture is so ridiculous

Because it's not really Michael Moore but rather some random mtf lesbian transwoman?

what's the difference?

Micheal Moore was born -a woman.

I'm all good, as long as I can still rape everything will be A-OK