Hey seriousposters

1  2018-10-16 by HodorTheDoorHolder

Bitch stfu with your seriousposting


Haha this is your mod? A guy that just wants to use a popular subreddit to troll? So enlightened

bitch stfu with your seriousposting

popular subreddit


Are you saying r/drama is popular? Literally everyone hates us except for MDE and Chapo and that's because they only view this place as an ideological battlefield.

Bitch stfu with your serious posting

I'm beginning to like this new meme.

Itā€™s a good one

Chapo hates us too.

Then why do so many come here to seriouspost?


we normie now

*you're sweaty

stfu cunt, he's motherfucking hodor the door holder. You're just a bussy blasted bitch

is this seriousposting?

Please read my awkwardly worded post of 37 reasons why this is wrong and you are a bad person for even saying it.

ayy lmao

wow this

dude seriuosposting lmao

genious levels rising


dude, dude lmao

Hodor is attracting a lot of sperges today.

Yeah that dude had a temper tantrum in my dms

Did you tell him "YOU AREN"T MY REAL DAD!"?

No but I did calm him down with some orange slices and some fetal spooning

You should just stick your thumb up his butt like you would do to a pissed off dog. Shocks em into submission

Make it public!!!

hm no

Iā€™ll take seriousposts over this low-effort spam.

Dude low-effort spam lmao.

You want to see SRD essays in this sub?



Effortposts are a good thing to see every once in a while, sorry sweaty!

Only if it comes with unhinged hatred, lots of CAPSLOCK, and barely manages to stay on topic.

Low effort spam is /r/Drama culture, newfriend.

Thatā€™s why I made my comment.

We canā€™t say newfag anymore?

You can say what you want, but it's more insulting to be friends with an /r/Drama mod.

Why do mods always feel the need to sticky thirsty inane comments

Because their roody poo comments need to be seen for our enlightenment.

i wont

That's a big negative, sir.

Post Bussy

imagine not seriousposting to extract drama from anti serious posters screeching

useless member of our cherished community

that sounds like npc talk to me

Video games

Comic books

Lol imagine not trying to fix the world's degeneracy behind a mobile phone.

Get a load of this loser. Im doing gods work.

Fuck you serious posting is fun.

Your mum is fun, but I still don't post her nudes all over /r/Drama.

...why not?

If I play my cards right, I might become happy_pumpkin's new dad

The other thing is this place and particularly SRD is the comments relitigate the argument from the linked drama.

As long as there are no agenda mods I'm good.

What makes you think that a post with many words is necessarily bad? That is a logical fallacy. And in my opinion smacks of willful ignorance. When you actively choose to avoid new information because you donā€™t like its delivery method you are making yourself stupid on purpose. I believe what is happening is certain like minded crowds who cannot digest anything longer than a tweet have naturally aligned to mock essay style posts under the guise of being above it all.

I am reminded of one of the stupidest insults - calling someone a ā€˜tryhardā€™. What a dumb name to consider insulting. As if trying hard werenā€™t admirable, and as if it hadnā€™t been useful for biological life since forever. Now I understand you may rebut with the argument that efficiency is whatā€™s actually important, so long posts are gratuitous. Well a long post does not have to be inefficient. Its very possible that you as a reader lack the attention span to read through a long post, and thus you conclude it is tldr. But that makes no conclusion on the nature of long posts and only speaks to your inability to focus. Ultimately this stance of mocking ā€œseriouspostingā€ is anti intellectual and detrimental to the mental stamina of humankind.

I wrote all this unironically. šŸ‘Øā€šŸŽ“

u banned me for 3 days because it 'wasnt drama' even though it totally was


Delete ur account.


Seriousposting is a sin

Forgive me, Allah.

Shut the fuck up, white boy.

Imagine unironically believing that anyone here is actually joking.

Umm aktchually