The absolute state of SRDines. Elizabeth Warren was correct to list herself as a minority because women are a minority in her field.

1  2018-10-16 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Don't be like that

uh oh! thats strike one my dude

Like, seriously? Uhm, yikes.

Is everyone just going to ignore that cookbook?

She makeum good dressing

Pow Wow Chow hahaha

From the publisher that brought you Ching Chong Chinese and Ooga Booga African.

I don't know, the "Orale Ese" pork & beans tostadas were pretty good.

The timeline's all fucked up and we're forced to live with the consequences.

It wasn't even a cherokee recipe, she plagiarized some famous french chef. The absolute state of mayo women.

I’ve never even heard about this. Holy shit she plagiarized too? What is wrong with this woman?

Eh, almost all recipes are going to plagiarized in some form, it's just retarded that she copied it 1:1 and didn't even pick actual native american recipes.

All she did was add her name to it and call it Indian.

Nothing says traditional Cherokee cuisine like Worcestershire sauce.

The Cherokee, known well for their seafaring culture and crab bisque.

Did she claim heritage in her cookbook though? It seems to be based on recipes from different tribes.

Bottom right - Cherokee

It's the daily mail, but there's also a bunch of other sources on google images, so I doubt it's doctored.

I see, I just assumed that she wrote a cookbook which compiles recipes from differnt tribes, not that she'd regonize herself as cherokee

Um sweaty she is the most pampered and privileged of all 50% of the "minority" population

Drumpfg destroyed yet again.

This is the funniest hill to die on


Is that her chances of winning 2020?

How the hell do the Dems find ways of raising shit that even makes Trump look considering?

There is no chance in hell she isn't running if she pulled this stunt.

To be fair, even Hillary Clinton ran after being caught red handed with basically every country elbow deep in her server.

Hillary's server was never hacked. You NPC's are so predictable

Is there anything as predictable as a lefty trying to turn the meme around?

I have already exhausted your dialogue tree

I'm not even the same guy, you ape.

lefties cant make good memes, so they just steal them

muh emails

I’m just loving that everyone is desperate to pretend that Harvard just goes around calling random mayos minorities rather than the much more likely alternative of some mayo using ethnicity as a fashion accessory. Srdines truly are a special brand.

It’s really my favorite part of all this.

the DDF should make a meme out of 1/1024 that would advance their twitter war a few yards.

At this point SRDines don't surprise me anymore

I'm surprised so many of them seem to be rejecting their new lines of dialogue.

They’re predictable 95% of the time, but it’s that 5% that makes me keep checking in on them

That still comes out to a net of less than ten times she's mentioned that heritage. A handful seems a good approximation of that number.

We all know you’d like some of her Cherokee clam chowder ;)

Only a minority of women are dumb enough to publicly claim they are Native American when they are only 1/512 at best - and proudly publish those results like they prove she's right. The disconnect is mind-blowing, God bless America, you are going to need it in 2020

user reports:
1: stop brigading. final warning.


Oh no I might get named called

D-did we dun goof?

Consequences will never be the same!

How are brigading rules in any way relevant to metasubs? The whole purpose of your sub is to talk about people behind their back, you don't get to complain when someone decides they actually want to join the discussion.
