Economist gets kicked off Fox for calling a bubble and for sympathizing with millennials

1  2018-10-16 by cryptonewsguy


I got like 100k views and 4k upvotes on r/videos but the friggin mods deleted it for being political.

/r/videos mods are usually big faggots, so that's no surprise

Cat Girls? Mircy Killings? What the fuck is even going on on that second subreddit? That is some straight up bizarre shit. The people there are extremely mentally ill. And look at your userpage. A naked dead girl covered in blood, and another one with a girl who has blood all over her mouth. You have severe mental problems.


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Fox news anchors acting like retarded smug mayos is the norm and in no way dramatic

Imagine sympathizing with poors lol

fucking simps lol

Harry Dent is just an economic alarmist who knows people will listen if he says scary shit.

Obviously there will be a recession. What goes up must come down, but people need to chill. Every 10-15 years there's a crash and then a boom.

just an economic alarmist who knows people will listen if he says scary shit

You are describing every economist who has ever appeared on television.