r/Political"Humor" at it again

1  2018-10-16 by iq_of_a_lobster


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

the message from the Cherokee Nation wasn’t a condemnation

We’ve received complaints from players that previous NPC dialogue has been too insulting and derogatory to the indigenous American peoples. In version 2.3, we have provided new dialogue to support Warren without offending the sensibilities of the Cherokee Nation group.

if (badThinkComment.contains(TalkingPoints.PRESUMPTION_OF_INNOCENCE.getText()) {
  VerbalizerFactory.getInstance().getVerbalizer(VerbalizationStrategy.REEEE).verbalize("its just a job interview tho");

Dude that was like 1.9

lol java

Hot socks

He getting paid, tho

Android has like 90% market share if you count non-Americans as people

I don't count Americans as people.

Not haskell

Who's the real NPC

You know, pour on the downvotes, I don't care, but I for one think that /r/PoliticalHumor isn't that funny.

EDIT: Thanks for all your hate comments, libtards.

Okay, this is epic


It's basically liberal humor which automagically cancels out the humor part

Why would you say something so controversial, yet so brave?

O shit the pandering didn't go as expected, NPC's abort, thread locked!

NPC's stuck in a while loop there

Dude NPCs lmao.

U NPC bro??

A subreddit that's supposed to be about political humor misses the most humorous thing to happen in politics

Hey at least it's an actual attempt at a joke. That's a huge accomplishment for that shithole sub

I didn't roll my eyes after reading it. That's a first for me on there.

Why are you agenda posting on my subreddit. We all know the shotshow over there. 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️

Alright y'all! I've had enough, anyone unironically using the NPC meme gets put up against the wall.

This but ironically.

That's a strange intro' to a quest chain but I'll take it.

NPC, quest accepted.


/u/starship_litterbox_c I LOVE YOU DADDY

Oh sweaty no I'm gender fluid ☔

Why do meme mods think they matter?

Trump should donate 1/64th of a million dollars to shut these idiots up.

If he gets to call her Pocahontas, do we get to call him Pinocchio?

that is rude to pinocchio... pinoccio at least learned that lying is bad, and here we have trump still lying on a daily basis.

This is one of the worst jokes to linger for the Daily Show/Colbert Report generation. "X compared Y to the Klan....which seems unfair......TO THE KLAN THAT IS lol whip nae nae"

That sub is Boomer humor of the lowest tier.





fuck white allies, seriously. White savior complex having faggots that always seem to think they know better what's best for us than the minorities themselves. Sometimes they just sound like the colonists that were only trying to civilize and help us because we didn't know better! "Acshually, it's your internalized racism speaking! You should fall back in line!" they are also the most aggressive pieces of shit when a colored that doesn't stay in it's ranks dares to contradict them. the worst most belittling interactions I've had with wypipo wasn't on r/MDE or any alt right sub but from liberal , democrat leaning subs where you just get piled on with accusations and insults when you point out that you are a minority but disagree with something. Look at how they are slandering the Cherokee chief after he dared attacking their white queen. they also instantly discredit any rape accusation against their side, with again the most viscious attacks.

I'm left leaning but I'd still take interacting with actual racists that at least clearly show their intentions than people that more or less treat you like a retarded endangered species that is barely capable of human behavior

Again, 95% of the left isn't like that, but people that go above and beyond to prove to us how they are our allies come off just as creepy male feminists

lol. faggot.

I don't hate that Noah guy, but he's painfully unfunny and boring.

lmao that's solid drama

cursed boomer images

Hol'up. I thought she proved she wasn't Native American and just a regular Amerimutt?