r/Games RISES UP to seize the means of production

1  2018-10-16 by spine99m1


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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I linked a top comment quoting Marx but there's plenty of fighting thorughout the thread. Hurry up and read it before the r/Games mods nuke everything from orbit

I urge you people to go and read up on that guy's post history. He is an absolute trainwreck of biggest proportions lmao

r/kotakuinaction is communist now, too

¡Viva la bottom text, comrades!

Lol at tankies being so pathetic they are trying to legit preach to gamers.

woah dude think of all the gool indie games you can have for free under communism!!


But think of all the cool indie and AAA games you can have for free thanks to PirateBay.

People would get together and make huge videogames like the witcher 3 for free because they love doing it!!!

I mean why can't they do that now? Why are most free passion projects absolute garbage today?

It takes a real special type of idiot to think that video games would exist under communism


Made by an american AND a Soviet.

Communists aren't people, they're property of the state

for the past 2 months /r/games has been discussing workers' rights like its the fucking 1890's, its hilarious.

It used to be a decent refuge from the nonstop GTAV gif posting of r/games but these tankies are treading all over muh gamez