“The Han peopler are heavilee mowngralriced” The nerve of these people. When the West falls, look not for the Aryan Nazi’s, look towards the Han Chinese

1  2018-10-17 by Killer_B_Cell


Just wow.

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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The modern-day SE Asian is not a Mongoloid, but instead a mutt, born out of mixing with inferior island savages such as the Negritos. That explains their dark complexions and lower IQs

wow indeed. but it gets better:

Jews are sexual deviants, pedophiles, and degenerates. Their culture is nothing but barbarism and hedonism. Need to be removed.

you think this cannot be topped? well buckle up: he's only found that sub three days ago and is already at warp nine. we're in for some good shitposting with this dude:

Hey there, I'm megaluigi. I'm a Burmese currently living in the US. I've been on the search for an actual woke Asian subreddit, and for the longest time I've just been lurking on places like r/milliondollarextreme and r/CringeAnarchy.

Do the chins have fentanyl yet?