Autist goes around Reddit telling people not to swear

1  2018-10-17 by POST_BUSSY


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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I wonder what his endgame may be. he's been at it for more than a year, and its not really a good idea for a novelty account, or even entertaining. but given the subs he's frequenting, I'm not surprised that its meh

I heard if you shitpost enough, you'll get Reddit Diamond

then this sub would be the diamond lounge


Man I want to call troll, but the dedication... He's been doing this for over a year, with not many stops it seems

Every single post on Braincels. I think it's legit bruh

There reaches a point where the amount of effort put into a troll becomes just as sad as if it were completely unironic


You know whats not hilarious? Swearing on message boards. Never do it again. Period. No excuses.

r drama is a Christian, protestant, sub. No swearing sweaties.

If youre Catholic tho, fucking die in a fire bitch.

I prefer defenestration to execute Catholics, personally.

Ex dee defenestration

Is that the biggest word you know? Maybe a xkcd reference?


>not eating the actual body and blood of the lord

Imagine being this damned

> being a slave to the pope


Surprised you commented that instead of nailing it to my door

That guy has been the single consistently funny poster on Braincels. For bless him if it's not a troll

goddamn this is dedication to the bit

Lmao that’s fucking hilarious - Heathen

You know whats not hilarious? Swearing on message boards. Never do it again. Period. No excuses. - Our saviour

You know whats not hilarious? Swearing on message boards. Never do it again. Period. No excuses.

new snappy quote pls mods

christ why would anyone downvote him, his comments are in the top percentile of funniness on reddit


Npc detected.

I bet you think rick and morty is funny as well huh?

nothing says not being an NPC like parroting the latest flavor of the month meme 😊

Npc and rick and morty ghee man you are hip with the memes

Fffuuuucccckkk. This is why we need ping.

The most effective novelty accounts are those who elicit indignation and invoke images of an ascetic, dogmatic priest here to expunge the profanity from the mouths of sanctimonious Redditors or their own parents discovering their degeneracy.

I'd stan a novelty account trolling younger redditors as their appalled parent.

Next level autism

This is for sure just a very committed troll account

Everyone should send him a genuinely encouraging message/upvote his comments. He is either a hilariously devoted troll or an extremely pure, innocent person.

my theory: this is norm macdonald's reddit account

What a fucking retard lmao

What a fucking retard lmao

Lil Ceasars is trash compared to literally anywhere else, but for $5 that shit is good af.

You know what’s not good af? Swearing in these chat forums. Never do it again. Final warning.

You know that af stands for "as fuck" right?

See you in hell mate

When I say it it stands for “as frick”. And I’m not going to heck unlike you.

Either troll or literal 10 year old