I literally can't help it. I have an addiction. If i can't rape and pummel my opponents with FACTS and KNOWLEDGE then life's not worth living

1  2018-10-17 by Killer_B_Cell


The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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Never HAVE I EVER seen more of a know-nothing than you. You just keep on struggling. You are the definitive of the little engine that couldn't. And just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I'm right wing, you overworked NPC.


You got this worked up arguing with a guy named ostrich_semen?

mod of /r/neutralpoitics even.





We all have our highs and lows. You happened to catch me at a really low point.

Dude, all your comments here literally scream "WHY WON'T SOMEBODY PLAY WITH MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"


Please give us more, lolcow.

You’re a fucking isdiot! You don't have SHIT to say. You suck! YOU SUCK. I am the greatest arguer to ever live! You looked at everything I said and only latched on to the very ending. You're a garbage low hanging fool!

Somebody put me on bussyshillbot

i feel like this comment sums up /r/drama perfectly and should probably be on the sidebar or something

medoid scum

Never seen "medoid" used as an insult before. I like it.

What does it mean?