There are a lot of vegans in /r/ZeroWaste. Milk sparks a civil war.

1  2018-10-17 by Ghdust2


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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nobody has given me proof that chickens aren't people

quote of the day 👏👏👏

Proof: my dog loves people. He runs up to them, begs for pets, brings them toys, acts like a goofus.

He kills chickens.

Chickens are fucking dumb.

Anyone who thinks chickens deserve life haven’t been around chickens enough. I once saw a chicken accidentally hang itself while trying to fly down from a tree.

I'd watch a show called "Dumb Animals" in which they pair up animals to see which is dumber.

I'd be curious to see which is dumber, chicken or sheep.

Sheep will run from predators.

I watched a rooster jump onto a GSD and start pecking him.

Roosters were born with zero fucks.

And that one died with zero fucks.

I've beheaded one and watched the body run around for a solid minute sans-head. Projecting intelligence on chickens is like doing the same to cockroaches.

Ive watched a chicken rip anothers neck out over a meal. Then the others ate the dead one. Chickens are fucking awful. If they werent delicious wedve exterminated them centuries ago.

Chicken literally eat their own dead if the corpse is left for long enough near them. That includes hens eating their dead chicks.

Like, I can sort of understand making an argument about pigs being somewhat intelligent & person-like, but chicken are borderline meat bots.

They’re NPCs!! 🐔

Pigs eat each other too and have a penchant for crushing the runt.

Do I have this zero waste thing wrong?

The only thing lower than chickens are sh*ep.

Sounds like some joke dialogue and NPC would say in a video game

Chickens are NPCs

lol I’m a Biochemistry Nutrition Major so just trying to spread some knowledge, no shaming here. Your description of complimentary proteins isn’t exactly correct. Protein is found in all plants (even if the amounts are small) so pairing foods in order to reach a sufficient consumption of all essential amino acids often doesn’t take too much extra planning. People with restrictions due to allergies/intolerances do have to put more consideration into their diet in this way, of course.

The need for protein is really misinterpreted these days when in reality we only need about 1.0g protein per kg body weight (a little more for athletes for muscle repair etc.) but this amount isn’t hard to reach, and often can be reached without much extra effort. Protein is generally not an issue in a plant based diet, society sees it that way though

Well that’s a hilarious appeal to authority. And completely ignores that plant protein isn’t as efficiently processed by the body as delicious cownis.

Undergrads are retarded and have no authority on anything.

Biochemistry Nutrition major Is that even a thing? Like I get that you could possibly minor in one or the other, but that doesn't even address the fact that this retard is wrong and needs to slap his ECPI teachers for failing him so badly.

I don't understand why someone so early in their academic career would pigeonhole themselves with such a specific degree.

I'm starting to see schools add more and more programs in "emerging fields" that you can get a BS or whatever in, but it leaves you as fairly undesirable in the job market. So you graduate, can't get work, or get work far under what you'd expect (like in this dude's instance, being a lab assistant making maybe $12/hr) so your only option is to go back for at least an MS if you want to be able to correct your shit. They really need to relabel these kinds of programs "pre-X" or whatever because that's what they essentially are.

My favorite is when some idiot tries to appeal to authority using their major and not even an actual degree.

Like even if that was a valid argument you ain't meeting the bar, homeslice.

You don't get the privilege of using your degree as an appeal to authority until you have your pHD and have been working in that field for at least 5 years.




We don't need to figure out how to grow meat, we need to educate people that we can live fine and healthy eating plants. In the olden days, they ate meat once a week on Sunday lunch, now there's meat in every single course usually. That's not sustainable in the long run. We're running out of food because we feed livestock instead of people. If we ate half less meat it would already solve the world hunger (except for the distribution and greed factors).

Lmao @ vegans thinking people are eating just to survive these days. Most people eat because food tastes good, and most good food have more than just plants in them. If people were eating just to survive they wouldn’t be so fat.

Also distribution is the problem. There is enough food for everyone, it’s just that nobody can be bothered to bring food to some remote African village that hasn’t figured out how to farm yet.

Cats would die on a vegan diet. How fucking preachy can a cult get?

Dude, there are vegan cat owners that force their lifestyles on their pets.

Historically? Quite.

I don't see the problem.

Take the Soy Pill!


Imagine having this little to do

Oh look, leftists shaming and alienating people who are trying to get behind their causes. And they wonder why everyone hates them.

Who cares about dumb animals, they should have tried harder to taste bad.