NPC = Non-Person of Color = Mayo

1  2018-10-17 by mydramaaccount

Beady lifeless eyes Literally no lips, just a slit Mountain like, pointy nose crafted by Yakub

The whole meme is a depiction of a cumskin. If you're white, you're an NPC. This meme is good for promotion of mayocide and therefore /r/drama.


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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Dude NPCs lmao

WTF is this shit?

Dude NPCs lmao

WTF is this shit?

Dude NPCs lmao

WTF is this shit?

Hot take of the day: POCs who have sex with whites should be criminally charged, because mayos are subhumans who cannot consent and therefore anyone having sex with them is rape.

because mayos are subhumans who cannot consent

So if two mayos have sex both should be charged with rape and end up in prison. Got it.


If two squirrels have sex it’s just squirrels having sex.

His username applied quite well, thinks once, never more than once, this is grounds for mayocide

I only have to think once because I'm always right.

it's bestiality

Don't listen to this bullshit. This is a ploy to incriminate PoCs, while protecting mayos with animal rights. Mayos are sentients and the most cunning and sinister people you could ever think of. If you ever believe they're all just idiots, that's when they have you where they want you to be.

We will worry about PoCs under mind control after the mayocide.

Wrong, miscegenation is one of the the most powerful methods of mayocide and should be celebrated.

Are Jews mayos?

Depends on the weather


I think you mean mayproliferation

Why would you criminalize miscegenation? It is one of the best mayocide methods and allows PoC to sexually dominate the inferior mayo.

I disagree breeding with mayos is one of the ways to end mayo race since mayos have regressive genes any children born would be poc and not mayo this is what we did with neanderthals i know it would be disgusting but in war sacrifices must be made.

u wud make a great r/mayos mod

keep up the gud work πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

being this triggered by white people

This brown fragility is hilarious.

Doesn't exist. Stop making it a thing.

Whites are the most fragile whiny bitches crying white genocide over a video game.

whites are the whiny bitches

let me spend 80% of my time on Reddit crying about white people

Holy shit, nibba is you he retarded?

Oh no it's retarded

Copying the white man, just like usual.

Yikes !!!

NVM, you are white.


Shut the fuck up, white boy

It's always cringy to watch left attempt to use right's own tactics against them. Sometimes it works tho, on 13-year old sargoncels, CAs and other alt-right scum, but you have to be a retard to think if any unironic rightwinger is gonna take the bait and get triggered by your attempt at reverse-engineering there memes.

Or is it the right using the left's tactics?! Or are they both equally cringy and annoying as fuck?

Or is it the right using the left's tactics?!


are they both equally cringy and annoying as fuck?

Right is genuinely funny about 51% of time. Sometimes not funny. Annoying and cringy, rarely. Left is cringy 99.99% of the time and funny 0.01% of the time.

Those were rhetorical questions, no one gives a shit about your opinion, m8.

I care about my opinions, that's all that matters. This whole sub is my personal bitch.

annoying and cringey


muh tactic appropriation

You must be new.

t. mayo

lol neck yourself we are all equally shit

Lol, only white people allow themselves to feel bad about their culture. Whites are definitely the virgins that let the other race Chads condemn them.

Even the so-called white nationalists don’t celebrate their culture.

β€œLearn a European language? Read classic literature? Appreciate classical music and art? Not for me, dude, I’d rather game and look up interracial porn that proves the (((media))) wants white genocide.”

Shut the fuck up, white boy

No u

Shut the fuck up, white boy.

akshully, according to our holy mother elizabeth, having a tiny fraction of another race makes us not mayo

checkmate, intelligent life

The one drop rule has been a stable of mayo "culture" for a long time, but now you're all suddenly against it just because people have started using it to distance themselves from being a cumskin πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

I'll drop one load in yo mama

There is no culture to celebrate as American whites have no culture.

Everybody loves American country music.

Shut the fuck up, white boy

I'm white and literally surrounded by whites. Why do you think whites annoy me?

Why haven't you mayocided, white boy?

I'm on a mission from God to clean the Earth of the mayo before I cleanse myself.



i don't think so, sweetie

Dumb ass cumskin. drama has always been pro mayocide.

Shut the fuck up, white boy.

Excuse me, but I'm not addicted to opiates. So clearly I am not white.

'Addicted' is just, such a strong word to describe my addiction

Imagine being white enough to say this.

Start by killing yourself then.

Shh bby don’t let the self-loathing mayos get you down

t. mayo

Shut the fuck up, white boy

Imagine being this triggered. Hate to go to nmx's school tomorrow.

nmx's school


The absolute state of this sub...

Imagine being this triggered.

You mean as triggered as dramatards get when I call them white?

Don't worry bro, another 20 or 30 downvotes will prove how triggered you aren't.

I mean, if youre trying to pretend you arent one of the most heavily asshurt people on this subreddit, i guess you can do that.

Maybe make another 20 or 30 posts on how totally not upset you are by this meme, which just happens to be Objectively Bad and Not Funny. That'll totally convince... well, people as dumb as you are, anyway

This is hilarious for reasons that probably go completely over your head.

But hey, downvote me another 20 or 30 times, that will totally prove how asshurt you aren't

i dont think i've ever seen you make a post that wasn't you being assblustered about the libtards

Downvote me another 20 or 30 times, that will totally prove how asshurt you aren't.

sorry sweaty, you've been downvoted by people who dislike your autistic buttflustering even more than me 🀭

Imagine being so asshurt you actually took a screenshot to prove you didn't downvote me

Better yet, imagine being so stupid you actually think this proves anything, as if you couldn't have un-downvoted me, then re-downvoted me right afterwards.

its ok angryboi, maybe some day you'll make a comment that /r/drama upvotes

follow ur dreams

WπŸ‘ KE

Effort posting, that's a paddlin.

Beady lifeless eyes

This is what gets me the most. Ever seen a mayo take its larvae to school? It's creepy seeing them around all those children.

you fuckin n1gweaerr