NPC says NPC meme is racist. But not against jews. Who are smarter than everyone and control everything. Drama in comments.

1  2018-10-17 by mukumukum10


Eat shit


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They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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This feels like Russian troll bait. “She” didn’t even flesh out her points.

Ya think?

>Search results have expired

Check my other comments, the pic is from some start up entrepreneur lady who makes bras.

Shut it down goyim

Single mother

Lmfao, there it is

look at this dumpster fire. all these articles and debates about a shitty wojak edit.

you can literally fuel "public discourse" for weeks these days, simply by spending five minutes in MSpaint. what a fucking timeline


The real "Matilda" (Heidi) makes bras. lmao what a tit.

That's all women need, is another company telling them that buying shit is empowering.

I want all of my readers to understand that YOU ARE HUMAN and you are a beautiful, unique individual with a vast array of emotions and lovely characteristics.

literally who?

>check profile

this is bait 😴😴😴

The NPC meme is targeting POC members of the #Resistance and this racial bias needs to be stopped. YOU ARE HUMAN

This sounds like something out of r/totallynotrobots

We believe INFOWARS to be responsible for the creation of this abhorrent meme.

I have never seen more obvious bait in my entire life.

Not gonna click on the article, but the red "RACIST" stamp is funny.

I imagine a bored bureaucrat going through a stack of papers stamping that on them.