1 2018-10-18 by XhotwheelsloverX
Some of my fondest childhood memories are of helping my mother prep our lunchboxes in the morning. I would spread condiments on bread while she assembled sandwich contents. I was taught to spread mayonnaise on the slices meant for the top of the sandwiches, but it was only many years later that I understood the encoded life lesson of this morning ritual. You see, when a sandwich was ready to be crowned mom would always tell me "Mayo side now."
1 BIknkbtKitNwniS 2018-10-18
Only mayo scum would make this joke.
1 wewladin 2018-10-18
you sound like a fucking engineer building this fucking sandwich, lmfao
1 XhotwheelsloverX 2018-10-18
implying this is original
1 wewladin 2018-10-18
you cant even link correctly. what the FUCK are you doing on the internet?
keep yourself safe.
1 Yiin 2018-10-18
He's a CSSlet.