Confessions of a soyboy
1 2018-10-18 by Jewdankdied4mysins
Disclaimer: I shouldn't be posting this, sorry in advance. I'm a bi cis male who's unironically into cuckoldry, hot wifing, femdom, and yes, sissification and forced fem. This is my first time "coming out" on Reddit.
So even you guys think I'm a freak. :( Well, that certainly hurts to know, but I guess I can't be surprised. TBF, sissification/forcedfem is just an extension of male submissiveness and femdom for me. I don't think there's anything degrading about being a woman or being a man who wears woman's clothes. It IS degrading to be emasculated though, and yes that is a part of toxic masculinity, but a lot of kink is derived from subverting norms, so what gives?
I think the reason I'm into all that stuff in the first place because I have struggled with masculinity my entire life. I've always felt I was male and identified that way, but I'm not very masculine. I'm not tall or muscular, I don't have a deep voice, I have small hands and a small head, etc. The whole package (or lack thereof, if you will, heh). I'm terrible at taking things apart or fixing things and I'm also pretty sensitive but I've gotten better at these things with age.
This fetish operates two-fold: 1) as an expression of my bisexuality and poly play, which I've only recently come to accept and 2) as a momentary relief from the stressful, unfair expectations of my gender role. Yeah, yeah, being a man is soooo hard, I know. /s
In so many words, this is part of how I cope. It just is. Is it really so wrong? :(
I guess I'm just kind of shocked to read all this. I have no desire to take it as far as most porn does. There are some massive shitters involved in this corner of the kink universe, don't get me wrong, but there are also genuine allies and those like myself that actually fall under the LGBTQIA umbrella...
1 bettie18 2018-10-18
Looks like your uncle really did a number on you.
1 Jewdankdied4mysins 2018-10-18
Yeah gramps said that too when he was done with his turn