Which group is the scum of the earth? Gamers or Journalists?

1  2018-10-18 by itsnotmyfault


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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No option for game journalists. Shit poll.

Now THAT'S a most dramatic take.

People who make shit twitter polls

Journos then

In line with "whynotboth.jpeg", the inter-sectional answer is clearly gaming journos as the worst of the worst.

My friends, I ask you in this seriouspost!
In our life time, will we see physical proof of the horseshoe theory in its proof that gamers and jouranlists are equally loathsome ?

They're both loathsome but journalists are definitely a few tiers more so

Hm. they have to elaborate though.

Do they mean Gamers, like people who actually play and design videogames as a hobby?

Or do they mean "Gamers", people who only play video games because they want to fit in with their peers? Fucking game stop man! EA sucks! Can't wait for the latest Mass Effect bro! I love DLC! Especially Nintendo DLC!

Do they mean "Journalists" like people who have to wear flak jackets and get embedded within milita groups to interview people? You know, real news people who break real stories and put themselves at risk trying to get the truth to the people.

Or do they mean Journalists, the kind of people who spend all day inventing things to be outraged about, REEEEEE'ing over imaginary tiddies on Twitter and are just failed Liberal Art Majors who couldn't become gophers for real Journalists.

Putting circlejerking aside for a minute, why do you feel that way? I know that he's pissed off pretty much everyone by doing shady shit but I'm curious what specific thing you're mad about. Gamers are upset because he listened to all the anti-SJW people who said GamerGate was only about killing women and minorities. Trannies and Radfems are upset because he is O B S E S S E D with trans people and wants to fuck them and keeps reporting about desistance. Normal people are upset with him because literally every article he's ever written is a 1-hour autistic dive down into the nitty gritty of subjects you'd have to be a complete nerd to even begin to care about. Conservatives are mad at him because he once did some really shady shit to Candace Owens (also pissing off Gamers again in the process), but that one gets a pass because Candace Owens is a complete nutjob and conspiracy theorist. He's also a smug NY liberal that's the epitome of holier-than-thou twitter "Jews literally run the the entire mainstream media" anti-conserative circlejerking. He also constantly picks fights with everyone more left than him, mocking them as well.

Basically, the dude is a walking drama magnet, and basically completely unlikeable, and I unironically am a devout follower and curious why exactly you hate him.

He's also a smug NY liberal that's the epitome of holier-than-thou twitter "Jews literally run the the entire mainstream media" anti-conserative circlejerking. He also constantly picks fights with everyone more left than him, mocking them as well.

I actually feel sorry for the guy more than I hate him to be honest. He started off as a Real Journalist™, respectable and credible ; Then he got hooked up with the wrong people and reduced to a laughing stock. Rather than back off and let the heat cool down, he doubled down and went full Blogger Pretending to Be a Journalist. That alone is what made him an even bigger joke , all of the professionalism he once had ?Gone and replaced with being a whiny little child on Twitter. It's what happens when you get infected by the wrong people and the wrong agendas, you turn into a human tumor. I can't imagine how many other Real Journalists™ were ruined by this decade of nonsense and I have little hope for the field.

Is both an option? 🤔🤔🤔


Mayos. And also everyone else.